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If you are anti-Islam or anti-China then you...

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But did Afghans do all these atrocities? Did normal Muslims? If you say yes, America might as well start butchering their own citizens as a woman is raped every 30 seconds in U.S.A (no personal attacks, but talk about 'women's rights'!)
I think you are way off-tangent here (that's natural, you being a 15 year old). My point was in refutation to the Thread-Starter's post, of the West rewarding people who are Anti-Islam ; Now you go off-topic saying that Afghans are not to blame, abnormal muslims, take the square-root of a tomato and what not . Your point of bringing Afghans and normal Muslims committing atrocities is not the topic here. Read my post, understand the context and refute my point IN THAT context.
Also some news about Mukhtaran Bibi

"In April 2007, Mukhtar Mai won the North-South Prize from the Council of Europe.[5] In 2005, Glamour Magazine named her "Glamour Woman of the Year".[6] According to the New York Times, "Her autobiography is the No. 3 best seller in France ... movies are being made about her, and she has been praised by dignitaries like Laura Bush and the French foreign minister".[7] However, on April 8, 2007, the New York Times reported that Mukhtar Mai lives in fear for her life from the Pakistan government and local feudal lords.[8] General Pervez Musharraf, the former president of Pakistan, has admitted on his personal blog[9] that he placed restrictions on her movement in 2005, as he was fearful that her work, and the publicity it receives, hurt the international image of Pakistan."

She wrote against Pakistan, and now she is the famous lady

Please do not counter ignorance and obfuscation with more stupidity ; If the West is honoring here, it is for HER INDOMITABLE SPIRIT and her Will to fight against honour crimes (rapes and the like). The West cares squat about her attitude towards Pakistan. If that's the case what do you say about Abdul Sattar Edhi and Asma Jahangir ? Are they kowtowing to the West and taking an Anti-Pakistan line ? Please do not burn your fingers in putting your POV across, especially with one so mired in ignorance.
Please do not counter ignorance and obfuscation with more stupidity ; If the West is honoring here, it is for HER INDOMITABLE SPIRIT and her Will to fight against honour crimes (rapes and the like). The West cares squat about her attitude towards Pakistan. If that's the case what do you say about Abdul Sattar Edhi and Asma Jahangir ? Are they kowtowing to the West and taking an Anti-Pakistan line ? Please do not burn your fingers in putting your POV across, especially with one so mired in ignorance.

Hey Ignorant, "rapes and the like" as you are talking about happens everywhere especially in the west, and people write about it but nobody give a jack squat, But her biographic novel became the Newyork and France best seller, you know why

so its you who dont know jack squat about anything so please stfu
Asma jahanger is a crackhead .itch! nobody likes tht shyt faced hag.....Everbdy respects Abdus Sattar Edhi... and i mean EVERYBDY.

Hey Ignorant, "rapes and the like" as you are talking about happens everywhere especially in the west, and people write about it but nobody give a jack squat, But her biographic novel became the Newyork and France best seller, you know why

so its you who dont know jack squat about anything so please stfu
Now please don't talk out of the orifice where the sun doesn't shine. Have you ever heard of a movie called "The Accused" (Here go enlighten yourself ) ? Do you know it was based on a real-life Incident ? Read up on the Big Dan's case based on Cheryl Araujo here. This is the precise reason why Pakistan and pakistanis like you and the Thread starter make the Land of the pure as a haven for Conspiracy theories. Just because, someone stands as an example, stereotyping and accusations start flying like Sh1t hitting the fan.
Now please don't talk out of the orifice where the sun doesn't shine. Have you ever heard of a movie called "The Accused" (Here go enlighten yourself ) ? Do you know it was based on a real-life Incident ? Read up on the Big Dan's case based on Cheryl Araujo here. This is the precise reason why Pakistan and pakistanis like you and the Thread starter make the Land of the pure as a haven for Conspiracy theories. Just because, someone stands as an example, stereotyping and accusations start flying like Sh1t hitting the fan.

Its so silly, this victim complex! What about the same EU not granting Visa to Modi? But then there will some other theory, trust me. The unmentionable orifice is pretty prolific.
Now please don't talk out of the orifice where the sun doesn't shine. Have you ever heard of a movie called "The Accused" (Here go enlighten yourself ) ? Do you know it was based on a real-life Incident ? Read up on the Big Dan's case based on Cheryl Araujo here.

That case was in 1980s, while we are talking about the Image of Muslims and Ignorance of the west after the 21 century when it got bad to worst just like the women I was talking about

stereotyping and accusations start flying like Sh1t hitting the fan.

Funny that I am hearing it from the Masters (Indians) :lol:

Thread starter make the Land of the pure as a haven for Conspiracy theories.

And Indians have a bigger hand in that, spreading lies and propaganda about Pakistan is in there blood, (for example your famous Times of India), so you dont tell me anything and again STFU
Simple answer to an Ignorant guy ranting in this thread for Hours, is everything written below is right and it has nothing to do with the Muslims, is somebody is just awarded for making a cartoon or what??

Especially for TextMiner

Author of the Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad was Awarded the German Media Prize

Author of the Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad was Awarded the German Media Prize - English pravda.ru

The Danish cartoonist who caused an uproar in the Muslim world by drawing insulting cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed has been presented with an award by German chancellor Angela Merkel.

Ms Merkel paid tribute to 75-year-old Kurt Westergaard at a ceremony defending press freedom.

She told the audience that they should never forget how valuable liberty was, and said press freedom was the cornerstone of a free democracy, ABC Online reports.

"It does not matter if we think his cartoons are tasteful or not, if we think they are necessary and helping or not," Merkel said at the ceremony in the city of Potsdam. The question, she said, was, "Is he allowed to do this? Yes, he is."

There have been at least three attempted attacks on the 75-year-old Westergaard or his newspaper, the Danish the Jyllands-Posten, since he and 11 other artists angered Muslims around the world by creating the Muhammad cartoons four years ago. Protesters in Muslim countries have torched Danish and other Western embassies, The Associated Press says.
And Indians have a bigger hand in that, spreading lies and propaganda about Pakistan is in there blood, (for example your famous Times of India), so you dont tell me anything and again STFU

But Times of India aka orange media becomes the most credible source if it has something vilifying India :woot: :lol:


I"ll agree with Chinese-Dragon here,

The Nobel peace prize is mockery of the term peace

Henry Kissinger,this cold-pale demon responsible for so many deaths has been awarded one.

Also Obama has been awarded one for not something he has done,rather he claims he"ll do.

So Dalai Lama getting one is no big deal.

As for the Danish cartoonist,he deserves to be punished ,his batch knew perfectly what they were doing,also that magazine had published anti-semitic cartoons in 1930s.

here is an interesting debate between Shashi Tharoor and Christopher Hitchens on the Danish cartoon controversy.

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Simple answer to an Ignorant guy ranting in this thread for Hours, is everything written below is right and it has nothing to do with the Muslims, is somebody is just awarded for making a cartoon or what??

Especially for TextMiner

Author of the Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad was Awarded the German Media Prize

Author of the Cartoons of the Prophet Muhammad was Awarded the German Media Prize - English pravda.ru

The Danish cartoonist who caused an uproar in the Muslim world by drawing insulting cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed has been presented with an award by German chancellor Angela Merkel.

Ms Merkel paid tribute to 75-year-old Kurt Westergaard at a ceremony defending press freedom.

She told the audience that they should never forget how valuable liberty was, and said press freedom was the cornerstone of a free democracy, ABC Online reports.

"It does not matter if we think his cartoons are tasteful or not, if we think they are necessary and helping or not," Merkel said at the ceremony in the city of Potsdam. The question, she said, was, "Is he allowed to do this? Yes, he is."

There have been at least three attempted attacks on the 75-year-old Westergaard or his newspaper, the Danish the Jyllands-Posten, since he and 11 other artists angered Muslims around the world by creating the Muhammad cartoons four years ago. Protesters in Muslim countries have torched Danish and other Western embassies, The Associated Press says.
Did I justify that It was right for Germany to award him ? But why is it that you are so much concerned only about this specific case of being awarded by the West and the West suddenly turning anti-Islam for you ? Have you ever heard of Piss Christ ? Read this here about how a photographer drenched a crucifix with his OWN URINE. Do we see any prejudice from the West ? No siree, he has been awarded by the US Government though he received death threats from Christian fundamentalists. Now how does that talk about Victim mentality ? Both these awards were purely for standing up to Fundamentalism and expressing your artistic outlook. Just because we see incidents of Muslims being targeted, do we see a WESTern hand in it ? No, it just means that individuals are bigoted filled with hatred and ignorance, not the Government.
and also it is very disturbing for me, that Nobel laureates from Muslim countries are either against there countries or wrote against there countries, like for example

Shirin Ebadi (From Iran, wrote against Iran)
Orhan Pamuk (From Turkey Wrote against Turkey)
Abdus Salam (Was against Pakistan, but this time it was after he got Nobel Prize)

Doesn't looks like a coincidence to me

Sorry for being offtopic but can you clarify that how Abdus salam was against Pak? I could be wrong but from what i know he had deep love for his country.
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@ topic
West needs to redefine freedom of speech. Freedom of speech doesn't mean that you have the right to hurt and ridicule. Responsibility comes with freedom.
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Sorry for being offtopic but can you clarify that how Abdus salam was against Pak? I could be wrong but from what i know he had deep love for his country.
Didn't you know ? Ahmediyas (Dr. Abdus Salam was the finest example) are not true Muslims ; and hence not true Pakistanis. This is not a blanket statement by me in the air, but based upon a few (Pakistani) intolerant bigots here in PDF, who instead of condemning the way Ahmediyas are treated in Pakistan, shrug off when they see Ahmediyas are massacred in the land of the Pure. No wonder, why Abdus Salam was ostracized from his very own country, which he made proud. And then we hear that the West is Anti-Islam. This is what i call a PARADOX :lol: :lol: :lol:!!!
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The danish cartoonist should be subjected to capital punishment because whatever he did, he did it deliberately. But in other cases like giving nobel prizes to anti-islamists, I dont agree with it. The world is certainly not anti-islam, though religious fanatics & terrorists who kill people world over and then send out video tapes to media chanting that they did it in the name of Islam, for establishing islam all over the world and all such sh!t, are doing irreversible harm to the image of islam. They are the real culprits, others are just reacting to the provocation (well, most of them atleast).
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