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If we had Rafales, we’d have shot down 4-5 Pakistani jets after Balakot: IAF ex-chief Dhanoa

So, in your opinion, it wouldn't matter that IAF would be equipped with 36-72 Rafale with Meteors and Super MKI's with extended range BVRAAM's? Can anyone really be comfortable pitting a JF-17 B3 against a Rafale or even an MKI?

First of all. There wont be an all out war. If there will be it will quickly go into nuclear threshold.

There will be limited engagements. B3 won't be going alone. They will be supported by stand off jammers, AWACS, Dedicated Jammers and will be armed with PL 15. It will be whole system.

Just last month PAF air chief said that no matter what we will restore the balance.

Last year before Feb. I was cruising through Quora, I saw a question about PAF vs IAF. The top answer was by an Indian. He laid out some fancy numbers, how old F-16s are, how JF 17 is a junk fighter and in the end wrote that 2-3 squadrons on MIG 21 will be enough to take care of PAF. This was enough to convince me that we are indeed in a dire condition and would not survive. On Feb I was convinced that we would not retaliate because we lack the power. So I am optimistic at the moment until something changes my mind.
First of all. There wont be an all out war. If there will be it will quickly go into nuclear threshold.

There will be limited engagements. B3 won't be going alone. They will be supported by stand off jammers, AWACS, Dedicated Jammers and will be armed with PL 15. It will be whole system.

Just last month PAF air chief said that no matter what we will restore the balance.

Last year before Feb. I was cruising through Quora, I saw a question about PAF vs IAF. The top answer was by an Indian. He laid out some fancy numbers, how old F-16s are, how JF 17 is a junk fighter and in the end wrote that 2-3 squadrons on MIG 21 will be enough to take care of PAF. This was enough to convince me that we are indeed in a dire condition and would not survive. On Feb I was convinced that we would not retaliate because we lack the power. So I am optimistic at the moment until something changes my mind.

You do realize that on that day it was our F-16's which defended our skies and not the Thunders. The thunders were just there to support the Mirage strike package. I too would be very comfortable and optimistic had we downed the Bison using an SD or PL fired from a Thunder..........a downed MKI using the same would be just awesome. Sadly, that is not the case and the Mig was downed using an AIM-120C5 fired from an F-16. Furthermore, the case of the MKI going down is disputed and unproven, just as is the case of any F-16 going down.

It will take at-least 5 to 10 years for these Rafales to be operational preparedness, compare it with the PAF of at-least 5 to 10 years of the future not of todays.

I did!

In 5-10 years, we would have Thunders Block 3 flying and taking over Mirages and F-7's (all the variants). However, we will most likely just have the F-16's as our front line Air Superiority fighters and well, Rafale are apparently more advanced with their sensors and weapons. Super MKI will be an additional threat and there may finally be Tejas Block 2 and some other asset with IAF in 10 years time.

The saddest part is that we simply do not have the resources to match IAF and so the gap will continue to tilt in IAF's favour with time.
This former Chief should enjoy his retirement and shut his mouth. On every occasion when he opens his mouth, he embarrasses his country
In 5-10 years, we would have Thunders Block 3 flying and taking over Mirages and F-7's (all the variants). However, we will most likely just have the F-16's as our front line Air Superiority fighters and well, Rafale are apparently more advanced with their sensors and weapons. Super MKI will be an additional threat and there may finally be Tejas Block 2 and some other asset with IAF in 10 years time.

The saddest part is that we simply do not have the resources to match IAF and so the gap will continue to tilt in IAF's favour with time.

Having and effectively using said systems is a totally different thing, if Rafale is not efficiently integrated and complimented with other systems than it might not be as big of a threat than it is looking right now, pilot training, flight doctrines and sortie rates are three other things that will also influence the tilt in the coming future, remember before 27 feb it was looking like with over 250 MKI's the tilt is already well establish but it wasn't.

Having said that I do agree that block 52 F-16's might not be enough for the coming future and we might need another heavy hitter to balance the game.
The saddest part is that we simply do not have the resources to match IAF and so the gap will continue to tilt in IAF's favour with time.

Anyone trying to match IAF capability for capability would be silly. That is how you go bankrupt. We should have a balanced deterrence in place which relies on select conventional systems of good, indigenous quality and some imports that give us the ability to respond and seriously hurt India. Secondly, we should have a robust and evolving nuclear doctrine.

Keep in mind that it is not the North Korean Air Force that gives the US and South Koreans sleepless nights. It is their asymmetric response capability that gives the allies a pause. The same goes for Iran. Pakistan has to ensure that it has robust conventional capabilities that will get the punishment across to the other side without putting a lot of our own assets at risk. Stand-off attack capabilities, ER Artillery, UCAVs are the areas that PA/PAF need to invest in. You don't need to spend billions on just high tech aircraft to ensure deterrence.

The more India spends on defense, the more pressure piles on them from China as Chinese respond with reciprocity albeit at 2x the rate that India spends. Yes, India can use this against Pakistan, but this is where our strong conventional deterrence comes in play. Indian media will always discount or minimize this deterrence, but their military planners know that Pakistan can hurt them seriously and the induction of Rafale or S-400 does not change this dynamic. Theory aside, let's see how effective S-400 is against real threats. Pakistan will get opportunities with this system in the near future.
If we had Rafales, we’d have shot down 4-5 Pakistani jets after Balakot: IAF ex-chief Dhanoa
Former IAF chief B.S. Dhanoa says India will hit back harder if Pakistan tries a Pulwama-like attack again.


What an idiot!

It shows how badly the Feb 27th counter attack hurt India. It also reminds me of Miandad 6 in Sharjah. The after effects of that hit put a generation of Indian players under severe mental agony. They admitted this themselves.

Ever since Feb 27th, India has distanced itself from Su-30. Now they are talking up Rafale.

Remember all these years, for the last 2 decades, how much praise we have heard from Indian commentators about the game changer status of Su-30? Indians have extensively invested in Su-30 platform.

A single AIM-120 put to rest that whole 2 decades of build up. We have complimented PAF enough and I dont need to add any more praises. But you have to admit American equipment is top class and has no rival.
He is right.
On Feb 27, 2 Su-30s & 2 M2000s were outnumbered 6:1 by 4th gen jets (12 F 16 & 12 JF17) whereas they can take on odds of upto 2:1 against 4th gen jets (6-8:1 against 3rd gen).
But despite being outnumbered so badly, Su-30 & M2K still managed to exfiltrate safely with zero losses.

On the other hand, Rafales with Meteors can easily take on odds of 8:1 against 4th gen jets (12:1 against 3rd gen).
We will always be able to hit india for the next 50 years with our standoff weapons like RAAD II etc. Even if you get air superiority you will not be satisfied as we will still be able to hit you. then you will acquire iron dome like defense systems to protect your self, that is if we don't develop new capabilities.
They attributed the same to Abhinandan because they lost him and the jet along with missiles found intact on their pylons mostly. So just because the jet was lost on Pakistan side, they can easily claim as such to fool their masses and that is in-fact gold. So Abhinandan didn't fire a single shot, there was no one in the area but still, IAF claims to shoot down an imaginary F-16 for which, I think they intercepted their won Mi-7V5.
If they could have maintained this caste system for thousands of years, anything is possible with them "story wise"....

By the way, what he said also clears one thing.. Abhinandan hasn't probably claimed any kill. The kill is attributed to him only because he was in the area.. loll you can't get a more stupid Air chief than BS.
Never say never...

You haven't yet seen their current chief during an action...
He is right.
On Feb 27, 2 Su-30s & 2 M2000s were outnumbered 6:1 by 4th gen jets (12 F 16 & 12 JF17) whereas they can take on odds of upto 2:1 against 4th gen jets (6-8:1 against 3rd gen).
But despite being outnumbered so badly, Su-30 & M2K still managed to exfiltrate safely with zero losses.

On the other hand, Rafales with Meteors can easily take on odds of 8:1 against 4th gen jets (12:1 against 3rd gen).

non sense

24 planes of all types were deployed including AWAC and jammers.. Mirages were on strike and JF-17 were tied as escorts

besides against the elite of the PAF F-16s most of them were CCS pilots.. you were no match.

but good see you guys admit you are good at running away.. must have scared the hell out of them when seeing their both the much vaunted Su-30 and Mig 21 bison knocked out of the sky..

once again if you really knew of such odds why pick a fight with Pakistan over a pack of lies?..


What an idiot!

It shows how badly the Feb 27th counter attack hurt India. It also reminds me of Miandad 6 in Sharjah. The after effects of that hit put a generation of Indian players under severe mental agony. They admitted this themselves.

Ever since Feb 27th, India has distanced itself from Su-30. Now they are talking up Rafale.

Remember all these years, for the last 2 decades, how much praise we have heard from Indian commentators about the game changer status of Su-30? Indians have extensively invested in Su-30 platform.

A single AIM-120 put to rest that whole 2 decades of build up. We have complimented PAF enough and I dont need to add any more praises. But you have to admit American equipment is top class and has no rival.

correct... if fact if you recall how the indians were jumping up and down like baboons over their airforce's great "victory" over Pakistan..

> 20+ minutes over Pakistan air space
> destroying "terrorist" compound including swimming pool
> 350+ dead
etc etc

First of all. There wont be an all out war. If there will be it will quickly go into nuclear threshold.

There will be limited engagements. B3 won't be going alone. They will be supported by stand off jammers, AWACS, Dedicated Jammers and will be armed with PL 15. It will be whole system.

Just last month PAF air chief said that no matter what we will restore the balance.

Last year before Feb. I was cruising through Quora, I saw a question about PAF vs IAF. The top answer was by an Indian. He laid out some fancy numbers, how old F-16s are, how JF 17 is a junk fighter and in the end wrote that 2-3 squadrons on MIG 21 will be enough to take care of PAF. This was enough to convince me that we are indeed in a dire condition and would not survive. On Feb I was convinced that we would not retaliate because we lack the power. So I am optimistic at the moment until something changes my mind.

indians are usually a victim of their own lies... 27 feb changed everything india went on the defensive even their pals in west didnt believe them.
It's all Indian gibberish, the principal behind the war is based on your motivation how-to use the weapons. We are believers of Allah and for oppression we stand defensive and during fight we love to die as a Shaheed. Is this thing can replace by modern weapons ? Offcourse, the answer is no.India should learn from Afghan Taliban how in modern weapon history they defeated their technology god.
Mr dhanoa world know how pathetic your pilots are and crash ratio of iaf is the best in the world you cant handle new aircraft and do your best to crash them

Keave apart fighting with world renowned pilits of paf

Did any one in world shoot israeli jets only pak than what is you

Pak will have upper hand in future our military soon induct new fighter jet and sam to counter any mis adventure by you in your fasanating world
shoulda coulda woulda ... if euenches had dicks they coulda shoulda woulda kids

If we had Rafales, we’d have shot down 4-5 Pakistani jets after Balakot: IAF ex-chief Dhanoa
Former IAF chief B.S. Dhanoa says India will hit back harder if Pakistan tries a Pulwama-like attack again.


Former chief of the Indian Air Force, Air Chief Marshal (retd) BS Dhanoa, spoke to Hindustan Times close to one year after the Balakot air strike about the details of the operation, what it took to plan and execute, what it means for India’s future military equation with Pakistan, and the capabilities of the Rafale jets. Edited excerpts:

Pakistan has tried to project the Balakot operation as a military and diplomatic victory — the Imran Khan government says it brought down an Indian Air Force jet and captured the pilot. It says it brought focus on Kashmir and projected India as a global threat. What do you say about these claims?

Military victory is measured on the scale of whether you have achieved the stated political objective or not. Our objective in Balakot was to hit the Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terrorist group as a retaliation for 14 February Pulwama suicide attack on a CRPF convoy. It so happened that the JeM camp was inside Pakistan in Manshera and not in Occupied Kashmir. We hit the camp at Jaba top in Balakot.

The fact that we hit the camp is very clear, as is evident from the open-source satellite imagery. Then there is circumstantial evidence as they (Pakistan) isolated the place. If it was just a seminary, and not a military establishment, there was no need to isolate the place. They did not allow anyone to go near the site for 40 days, and then took a guided tour to a mosque in the facility, which Indian bombs had deliberately avoided. The fact is that the terror camp was hit with a lot of casualties, which the Pakistanis were hiding. So the military victory statement is false.

Secondly, Pakistan’s military response the day after Balakot was against Indian military targets, though we had hit a non-military target at Markaz Syed Ahmad Shaheed in Balakot. The Pakistanis missed their military targets south of Pir Panjal because of the calibre of weapons used. When you do signalling, either you drop a very small weapon so that nobody dies unintentionally, or you drop it outside the safety distance of the target.

Most of these bombs have fallen 500 metres to 1.5km of the targets. It is evident from this that these were not intended misses but poor targeting. Most probably, the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) must have used commercial digital elevation models. The type of weapons they have used is first-generation standoff ammunition, whereas we used a third-generation standoff weapon. So that is how you judge a military victory.

A classic example is the World War I Jutland naval battle, in which the British lost more ships and sailors but prevented the Germans from achieving their military objective. So you don’t measure by bean counting. We lost a MiG-21, but Pakistan lost an F-16 that we cannot prove. Technically we have information beyond doubt that two aircraft fell in that area on February 27, 2019. One aircraft belongs to us, second aircraft we are saying is an F-16 on basis of evidence from our electronic sensors. Abhinandan Varthaman was flying a MiG-21 Bison that does not have non-cooperative target recognition capability which the Su-30 or other modern aircraft have got. So he on his own cannot confirm that he shot down an F-16. Our other sensors — AWACS and radars — have all confirmed that the aircraft that went down in that sector appears to be a Pakistan F-16 fighter.

Is the aircraft that went down the one IAF identified as Red Mike?

No, the one we identified we showed to the media too. The Pakistanis wanted us to show the full video. The fact is, if we show you the full video, do you want us to expose our technical capability, given there are gaps due to mountainous terrain, or our ability to intercept their secure communication — all this just to win brownie points in the media?

Let me give you an example, the same thing happened on 7 September, 1965, the day IAF’s Mystere aircraft raided Sargodha airbase in hinterland Pakistan and Squadron Leader AB Devayya got a Mahavir Chakra many years later. In that raid, IAF lost a Mystere aircraft that fell on their side, and we did not claim the kill that time. But PAF lost a vastly superior Starfighter. Many years later, Pakistan acknowledged the fact.

Pakistan says that they are for global peace and India is a threat to it?

If they are for global peace, why are they sponsoring terrorism on our soil? They did not even keep their air force in the loop, or else they would have put terminal defences outside the Balakot camp. After all, their air force has an approximate idea of what kind of weapons we own. And if they know our standoff weapon capability, they would have put terminal defences at Balakot. Why was the site devoid of any defence? Why did the entire air defence of Pakistan react to the IAF’s feint towards Bhawalpur (headquarters of JeM). I don’t think PAF was even aware that Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) was running a terrorist training camp at Balakot.

So was it purely a Pakistan Army-ISI operation, and the Air Force was kept out?

Otherwise they would have defended it with terminal weapons. PAF are capable of deploying terminal weapons — they would have deployed; I would have deployed. They did not deploy, as they were out of loop.

About the aircraft going down in that sector, PAF launched a combat search-and-rescue mission, which is always launched to pick up your own pilot as you know the location. It is not done to pick up a prisoner of war who will never be static, and for that you give this task to the ground troops. They have lost a combat aircraft and we have recordings of it.

Also read: Can’t use Facebook, post on Twitter — new social media rules for Navy after ‘spy ring bust’

Do you think it was a Jordanian F-16 A/B that went down on 27 February?

The evidence from the electronic intelligence is that it was an F-16. The Pakistanis have tied themselves in knots over the whole issue. Where was the need for the DG ISPR to say that we have not used an F-16. After all, what was there to hide? It is because Pakistan were building a story, a facade. Why say one pilot was captured, and two more were in the area? It must be a two seater F-16.

Then they said that one was being located and other had reached military hospital. And then suddenly, in the night, the hospital guy vanishes! Our claim is based on our electronic signatures, not what Pakistan is saying. The kill is attributed to Abhinandan as there was nobody else in that sector.

What was Pakistan’s game plan the next day when they tried to retaliate? Was PAF intending to attack?

Yes. PAF had a clear-cut intent to attack, but we thwarted the move. We were prepared for retaliation. We expected them to attack. IAF along with the navy and the army were prepared for an all-out escalation. After Pulwama, for the first time, all three services told the political leadership that should it escalate, we were ready. That is why the Modi government gave the go-ahead. We did not even bat an eyelid. For Pakistan alone, we are always ready.

Our air defence responded well. We used a lot of tricks but I can’t tell you those. They launched stand-off weapons. Their plan was to hit some of our forward installations. Many of them are well with the range of their own artillery. But they wanted to prove a point. They had a package of 24-26 aircraft; they had the initiative, the time and the place. But we were prepared with two upgraded Mirage 2000s, two SU-30 MKIs and six Bisons got airborne from Srinagar. If we had signed the contract in time, it would have been six Rafales.

And six Rafales would have added a totally different dimension?

Totally. All the PAF aircraft, including F-16s would have been scurrying for cover against Rafales.

You talk a lot about the Rafale. :-):-):-) Can you explain the capabilities of the Rafale fighter in such situations?

In beyond visual range combat, it is basically your situational awareness which wins you the day. Your ability to look first and shoot first. This is where Rafale comes first.

If you were to compare Rafale with F-16 or F-18 fighters…

We evaluated the two US-made fighters and rejected them. Only Rafale and Eurofighter met the operational requirements. The American aircraft are good, but those are the F-35 and F-22.

Was the only action south of Pir Panjal or at other places along the Indo-Pak border?

They had done other feints and decoys all along to ensure that we don’t push all our forces to the north. The Pakistanis did not come after 27 February. Remember the message in Balakot was to the JeM terror group. Did they get the message? Answer is yes, as till the Indian general elections, there was not a single terrorist attack. They knew that all the three services were forwardly deployed.

This was the first time that the Indian Air Force attacked Pakistan. It was always the Indian Army that was preferred in the past. Did you really come out saying that IAF will go in first?

That meeting is classified, so I am not telling you. Not only me. Air Chief Marshal AY Tipnis (Kargil), Air Chief Marshal Krishnaswamy (2001) and Air Chief Marshal Fali Major (2008) had also said that they were ready. IAF has always been ready.

Also read: Indian military isn’t politicised like China, Pakistan but the seeds have been sown in 2019

When did you focus on Balakot?

When the target was given to me by the Indian intelligence agencies. We got exceptional, pinpointed, actionable intelligence, including who is staying in which building. Targets were chosen after that. We don’t hit kids only learning to recite the holy Quran.

How closely guarded was the information on Balakot attack?

Admiral Sunil Lanba, as chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee, made it clear that should it escalate, all should be ready for an all-out war. Which service would go in first was decided on the basis of the chosen target. Balakot had to be the air force. If it was a kill-all destroy-all mission, we would have used supersonic low level Brahmos missile, to which Pakistan did not have any answer.

Was PM Modi in know of the operation from start to end?

Ask the National Security Adviser (NSA) Ajit Doval; it is above my pay grade. All I know is that the hit took place at 3.30 am IST at Balakot. It was according to plan because at that time the terrorists were still in bed; yet to rise for the fajr namaaz at 4 am. I was monitoring from my home using secure communications, the Vice-Chief and Western Air Commander were in operations room. I briefed the defence minister, the NSA, and the two chiefs after the attack.

Were you sure that the target was hit?

The weather was the main criterion. It could have been an abort due to the weather. The decision was with Western Air Command. If this plan was aborted, we would have launched other weapons. We hit the target with five stand-off weapons. The ‘target hit’ information was delayed as weapons for video recording the kill failed, and the satellite pass at 8.30 am could not pick up much due to clouds. The first confirmation came through synthetic aperture camera, showing penetration in the roof of Balakot buildings. We hit three buildings and left one deliberately. The weapon is designed in such a way that building survives but the occupants don’t.

Latest intelligence reveals that Pakistan has reactivated the Balakot site. Will things change on the terror front?

With the induction of the S-400 missile system and the Rafales, we will be in position to effect a behavioural change within the Pakistan establishment. If we had these two platforms or only Rafale with us on 27 February, and we had shot down four or five of their aircrafts, the behavioural change would have taken place immediately.

On 2nd August 2002, after the Machchil Sector attack by IAF under Krishnaswamy, the Pakistanis did not respond as they were technically not capable. Their air force did not even try to bomb our positions as we took out Pakistan Army post intruding into our side of the Line of Control (LoC).

What if Pakistani forces do not learn from Balakot, and try a Pulwama-like attack again?

I think the government will hit them again. This time harder, and take out the buildings also so that there is no doubt in anyone’s mind.


yar koi issey Rafale dey do bhai even the interviewer said "You talk a lot about the Rafale" :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:
If we had Rafales, we’d have shot down 4-5 Pakistani jets after Balakot: IAF ex-chief Dhanoa
Former IAF chief B.S. Dhanoa says India will hit back harder if Pakistan tries a Pulwama-like attack again.


Former chief of the Indian Air Force, Air Chief Marshal (retd) BS Dhanoa, spoke to Hindustan Times close to one year after the Balakot air strike about the details of the operation, what it took to plan and execute, what it means for India’s future military equation with Pakistan, and the capabilities of the Rafale jets. Edited excerpts:

Pakistan has tried to project the Balakot operation as a military and diplomatic victory — the Imran Khan government says it brought down an Indian Air Force jet and captured the pilot. It says it brought focus on Kashmir and projected India as a global threat. What do you say about these claims?

Military victory is measured on the scale of whether you have achieved the stated political objective or not. Our objective in Balakot was to hit the Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terrorist group as a retaliation for 14 February Pulwama suicide attack on a CRPF convoy. It so happened that the JeM camp was inside Pakistan in Manshera and not in Occupied Kashmir. We hit the camp at Jaba top in Balakot.

The fact that we hit the camp is very clear, as is evident from the open-source satellite imagery. Then there is circumstantial evidence as they (Pakistan) isolated the place. If it was just a seminary, and not a military establishment, there was no need to isolate the place. They did not allow anyone to go near the site for 40 days, and then took a guided tour to a mosque in the facility, which Indian bombs had deliberately avoided. The fact is that the terror camp was hit with a lot of casualties, which the Pakistanis were hiding. So the military victory statement is false.

Secondly, Pakistan’s military response the day after Balakot was against Indian military targets, though we had hit a non-military target at Markaz Syed Ahmad Shaheed in Balakot. The Pakistanis missed their military targets south of Pir Panjal because of the calibre of weapons used. When you do signalling, either you drop a very small weapon so that nobody dies unintentionally, or you drop it outside the safety distance of the target.

Most of these bombs have fallen 500 metres to 1.5km of the targets. It is evident from this that these were not intended misses but poor targeting. Most probably, the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) must have used commercial digital elevation models. The type of weapons they have used is first-generation standoff ammunition, whereas we used a third-generation standoff weapon. So that is how you judge a military victory.

A classic example is the World War I Jutland naval battle, in which the British lost more ships and sailors but prevented the Germans from achieving their military objective. So you don’t measure by bean counting. We lost a MiG-21, but Pakistan lost an F-16 that we cannot prove. Technically we have information beyond doubt that two aircraft fell in that area on February 27, 2019. One aircraft belongs to us, second aircraft we are saying is an F-16 on basis of evidence from our electronic sensors. Abhinandan Varthaman was flying a MiG-21 Bison that does not have non-cooperative target recognition capability which the Su-30 or other modern aircraft have got. So he on his own cannot confirm that he shot down an F-16. Our other sensors — AWACS and radars — have all confirmed that the aircraft that went down in that sector appears to be a Pakistan F-16 fighter.

Is the aircraft that went down the one IAF identified as Red Mike?

No, the one we identified we showed to the media too. The Pakistanis wanted us to show the full video. The fact is, if we show you the full video, do you want us to expose our technical capability, given there are gaps due to mountainous terrain, or our ability to intercept their secure communication — all this just to win brownie points in the media?

Let me give you an example, the same thing happened on 7 September, 1965, the day IAF’s Mystere aircraft raided Sargodha airbase in hinterland Pakistan and Squadron Leader AB Devayya got a Mahavir Chakra many years later. In that raid, IAF lost a Mystere aircraft that fell on their side, and we did not claim the kill that time. But PAF lost a vastly superior Starfighter. Many years later, Pakistan acknowledged the fact.

Pakistan says that they are for global peace and India is a threat to it?

If they are for global peace, why are they sponsoring terrorism on our soil? They did not even keep their air force in the loop, or else they would have put terminal defences outside the Balakot camp. After all, their air force has an approximate idea of what kind of weapons we own. And if they know our standoff weapon capability, they would have put terminal defences at Balakot. Why was the site devoid of any defence? Why did the entire air defence of Pakistan react to the IAF’s feint towards Bhawalpur (headquarters of JeM). I don’t think PAF was even aware that Pakistani Inter-Services Intelligence (ISI) was running a terrorist training camp at Balakot.

So was it purely a Pakistan Army-ISI operation, and the Air Force was kept out?

Otherwise they would have defended it with terminal weapons. PAF are capable of deploying terminal weapons — they would have deployed; I would have deployed. They did not deploy, as they were out of loop.

About the aircraft going down in that sector, PAF launched a combat search-and-rescue mission, which is always launched to pick up your own pilot as you know the location. It is not done to pick up a prisoner of war who will never be static, and for that you give this task to the ground troops. They have lost a combat aircraft and we have recordings of it.

Also read: Can’t use Facebook, post on Twitter — new social media rules for Navy after ‘spy ring bust’

Do you think it was a Jordanian F-16 A/B that went down on 27 February?

The evidence from the electronic intelligence is that it was an F-16. The Pakistanis have tied themselves in knots over the whole issue. Where was the need for the DG ISPR to say that we have not used an F-16. After all, what was there to hide? It is because Pakistan were building a story, a facade. Why say one pilot was captured, and two more were in the area? It must be a two seater F-16.

Then they said that one was being located and other had reached military hospital. And then suddenly, in the night, the hospital guy vanishes! Our claim is based on our electronic signatures, not what Pakistan is saying. The kill is attributed to Abhinandan as there was nobody else in that sector.

What was Pakistan’s game plan the next day when they tried to retaliate? Was PAF intending to attack?

Yes. PAF had a clear-cut intent to attack, but we thwarted the move. We were prepared for retaliation. We expected them to attack. IAF along with the navy and the army were prepared for an all-out escalation. After Pulwama, for the first time, all three services told the political leadership that should it escalate, we were ready. That is why the Modi government gave the go-ahead. We did not even bat an eyelid. For Pakistan alone, we are always ready.

Our air defence responded well. We used a lot of tricks but I can’t tell you those. They launched stand-off weapons. Their plan was to hit some of our forward installations. Many of them are well with the range of their own artillery. But they wanted to prove a point. They had a package of 24-26 aircraft; they had the initiative, the time and the place. But we were prepared with two upgraded Mirage 2000s, two SU-30 MKIs and six Bisons got airborne from Srinagar. If we had signed the contract in time, it would have been six Rafales.

And six Rafales would have added a totally different dimension?

Totally. All the PAF aircraft, including F-16s would have been scurrying for cover against Rafales.

You talk a lot about the Rafale. :-):-):-) Can you explain the capabilities of the Rafale fighter in such situations?

In beyond visual range combat, it is basically your situational awareness which wins you the day. Your ability to look first and shoot first. This is where Rafale comes first.

If you were to compare Rafale with F-16 or F-18 fighters…

We evaluated the two US-made fighters and rejected them. Only Rafale and Eurofighter met the operational requirements. The American aircraft are good, but those are the F-35 and F-22.

Was the only action south of Pir Panjal or at other places along the Indo-Pak border?

They had done other feints and decoys all along to ensure that we don’t push all our forces to the north. The Pakistanis did not come after 27 February. Remember the message in Balakot was to the JeM terror group. Did they get the message? Answer is yes, as till the Indian general elections, there was not a single terrorist attack. They knew that all the three services were forwardly deployed.

This was the first time that the Indian Air Force attacked Pakistan. It was always the Indian Army that was preferred in the past. Did you really come out saying that IAF will go in first?

That meeting is classified, so I am not telling you. Not only me. Air Chief Marshal AY Tipnis (Kargil), Air Chief Marshal Krishnaswamy (2001) and Air Chief Marshal Fali Major (2008) had also said that they were ready. IAF has always been ready.

Also read: Indian military isn’t politicised like China, Pakistan but the seeds have been sown in 2019

When did you focus on Balakot?

When the target was given to me by the Indian intelligence agencies. We got exceptional, pinpointed, actionable intelligence, including who is staying in which building. Targets were chosen after that. We don’t hit kids only learning to recite the holy Quran.

How closely guarded was the information on Balakot attack?

Admiral Sunil Lanba, as chairman of the Chiefs of Staff Committee, made it clear that should it escalate, all should be ready for an all-out war. Which service would go in first was decided on the basis of the chosen target. Balakot had to be the air force. If it was a kill-all destroy-all mission, we would have used supersonic low level Brahmos missile, to which Pakistan did not have any answer.

Was PM Modi in know of the operation from start to end?

Ask the National Security Adviser (NSA) Ajit Doval; it is above my pay grade. All I know is that the hit took place at 3.30 am IST at Balakot. It was according to plan because at that time the terrorists were still in bed; yet to rise for the fajr namaaz at 4 am. I was monitoring from my home using secure communications, the Vice-Chief and Western Air Commander were in operations room. I briefed the defence minister, the NSA, and the two chiefs after the attack.

Were you sure that the target was hit?

The weather was the main criterion. It could have been an abort due to the weather. The decision was with Western Air Command. If this plan was aborted, we would have launched other weapons. We hit the target with five stand-off weapons. The ‘target hit’ information was delayed as weapons for video recording the kill failed, and the satellite pass at 8.30 am could not pick up much due to clouds. The first confirmation came through synthetic aperture camera, showing penetration in the roof of Balakot buildings. We hit three buildings and left one deliberately. The weapon is designed in such a way that building survives but the occupants don’t.

Latest intelligence reveals that Pakistan has reactivated the Balakot site. Will things change on the terror front?

With the induction of the S-400 missile system and the Rafales, we will be in position to effect a behavioural change within the Pakistan establishment. If we had these two platforms or only Rafale with us on 27 February, and we had shot down four or five of their aircrafts, the behavioural change would have taken place immediately.

On 2nd August 2002, after the Machchil Sector attack by IAF under Krishnaswamy, the Pakistanis did not respond as they were technically not capable. Their air force did not even try to bomb our positions as we took out Pakistan Army post intruding into our side of the Line of Control (LoC).

What if Pakistani forces do not learn from Balakot, and try a Pulwama-like attack again?

I think the government will hit them again. This time harder, and take out the buildings also so that there is no doubt in anyone’s mind.


yar koi issey Rafale dey do bhai even the interviewer said "You talk a lot about the Rafale" :cheesy::cheesy::cheesy:

Cannot believe this guy is the Air Chief. When I read the headline I immediately remembered the old crude saying - Agar Nanee key "Tut-T*y" hotay to wo Nanaa hotay". What an idiot.
If you give a pandu the best football boots in the world does he suddenly become Pele?

Indians pilots will always be indians.
In the words of Chuk Yeager. Pakistanis are aggressive dogfighters.
Is it true Indian pilots bless themselves by anointing cow dung and sprinkle themselves with Gau Mutra for good luck against Pakistani jets?
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