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‘If war breaks out … I will just become cannon fodder:’ In Taiwan, ex-conscripts feel unprepared for potential China conflict

It's nothing. UN troops were even worse in the Korean War.

War depends on economy and technology. It is obvious that Russia has no economy. Iraq has no technology.

Back to China. Does China have economic power? Yes~ $18 trillion. China has technology? Yes~ In almost any field.

There are many factors for winning the war. National cohesion, war mobilization capacity, industrial production capacity. Technology. Economics. etc. Even the lack of one will lose the war.

How much do you think Russia and Iraq lack?

It's nothing?
- I do not recall Russian forces loosing conventional battles in a war since World War 2.
- I do not recall Russian forces suffering horrendous casualties in conventional battles in a war since World War 2.
Soviet battlefield experience in Afghanistan looks tame in comparison to Russian battlefield experience in Ukraine.

US-led forces were able to liberate South Korea from the communist forces and the Korean War was concluded with Armistice Agreement for the Restoration of the South Korean State. This was the core objective of the war and it was achieved from American standpoint. This isn't failure but a success story.

China can be credited for saving North Korea on the other hand - credit where due. But keep in mind that American President Harry S. Truman relieved American military commander Douglas MacArthur from command during the war because MacArthur wanted to expand the scope of war to secure North Korea and to bomb China back to stone age for its intervention but Truman disagreed with him and wanted to stick to the UN-mandated mission of liberating South Korea. You are mistaking this disagreement for lacking of capability.

Truman did China a huge favor by dismissing MacArthur and capping the war effort at liberation of South Korea.

You need to understand historical developments in their true essence instead of relying on propaganda movies.


China is a powerful country today - I never disagreed on this count.


- I do NOT think that Full Scale War between US and China is on the cards from either camp. This is not feasible due to economic factors on the line and nuclear weapons in the picture.
- Limited Scale Conventional War between US and China is possible which might be fought over Taiwan or somewhere else in the Pacific. US can defeat China in this type of war. This is a realistic assumption based on relevant information put together in here.

I am not sure why this is so hard to understand or comprehend. I do not look at these matters through the nationalistic lens but based on valuable information on hand. Being realistic is a quality, not an offense.

It is unfortunate that some people can digest Facts & Figures.

Do you want to fight a war with US and find out? I suppose not.

So chill.
If you don't believe why you asked, what if I say yes and what if I say no, and I don't believe you either.
Again, this is not about me, you asked someone in this forum (NOT ME) whether or not he will fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. I did not have an opinion on this, I asked a question.

So either you talk big like @Foinikas said, or you just lying your *** out, so which is it??

Or you can just dish but can't take?? Is that what you are saying?
Again, this is not about me, you asked someone in this forum (NOT ME) whether or not he will fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. I did not have an opinion on this, I asked a question.

So either you talk big like @Foinikas said, or you just lying your *** out, so which is it??

Or you can just dish but can't take?? Is that what you are saying?
See,he's avoiding to reply. He finds all kinds of excuses. Not manly enough to give a straight answer.

And it's not like you ask his name or address or anything.
Again, this is not about me, you asked someone in this forum (NOT ME) whether or not he will fight in Iraq and Afghanistan. I did not have an opinion on this, I asked a question.

So either you talk big like @Foinikas said, or you just lying your *** out, so which is it??

Or you can just dish but can't take?? Is that what you are saying?
All i have to say is I don't believe a word you said, I never served in Chinese army, do you blieve it?
All i have to say is I don't believe a word you said, I never served in Chinese army, do you blieve it?
Two simple questions:

1. Have you served? Yes or no?
2. What's your age?

Answer honorably,no lies,no bullshit.
The most important aspect of soft power is exporting its culture, values, morals, and beliefs. The U.S. has been able to translate this into foreign policy, whereas the Chinese haven't been successful. One example is our movie industry; our movies are seen throughout the world, they exhibit the core beliefs of soft power, and people will attach themselves to specific ideas and would want that and develop a connection. Social Media is now the new guiding force and controlling the narrative. Our goods and services, like Apple, help create a global ecosystem; you then attach those nations and their people by the hip to you.

The Chinese, however, tried with their Confuscious Institutes, but honestly, they failed outright. Besides language, it didn't bring any exchange of culture.
The difference is control.

Chinese government wanted to gain control on the issue, you can't do that if you try to exert soft power. Use your Hollywood example, US government never had direct control over Hollywood, but it exerted a lot of soft control, by filling up PGA guild and by putting people into WAG or SAG board and also indirectly thru tax break.

Problem with China is, they want help, but they also want the world to know it is China who's helping you, this never going to go smoothly.

On the other hand I would say in term of both Culture and Value, China have a lot of similarity to a lot of SE Asian Country, but at least half of them (South Korea, Japan, Philippine, Singapore) are influenced by the US camp instead, which should be firmly in Chinese camp if we g by Culture and Value only.
See,he's avoiding to reply. He finds all kinds of excuses. Not manly enough to give a straight answer.

And it's not like you ask his name or address or anything.
No, and he didn't even acknowledge the second part of the question, which I have his post questioning that member, he wouldn't even touch that.

I mean, that is just hilarious. In one post, he destroyed his entire credibility, well, what left of his credibility I should say.

I mean, internet forum, you bound to be having opposite opinion to others, but at time, you should respect other people post, I mean sure, things get heated from time to time, but you still keep the cordial respect to other people, I mean, I still remember our heated differences between Russian War in Ukraine, but heated is one thing, I still respect your post once that heated moment was gone.

But not to these people, they think they know the best and everyone opinion does not count but theirs. And the funniest thing is, they don't have jack shit experience on the matter we are talking about. I mean, you are looking at a person who say "Battle Experience is a joke" Yes, it is, when you have nothing...
The difference is control.

Chinese government wanted to gain control on the issue, you can't do that if you try to exert soft power. Use your Hollywood example, US government never had direct control over Hollywood, but it exerted a lot of soft control, by filling up PGA guild and by putting people into WAG or SAG board and also indirectly thru tax break.

Problem with China is, they want help, but they also want the world to know it is China who's helping you, this never going to go smoothly.

On the other hand I would say in term of both Culture and Value, China have a lot of similarity to a lot of SE Asian Country, but at least half of them (South Korea, Japan, Philippine, Singapore) are influenced by the US camp instead, which should be firmly in Chinese camp if we g by Culture and Value only.

Indeed, the Chinese failed on all fronts, even in their backyard.
you are just a despicable troll who is obsessed with China somehow
How am I obsessed with China?


You're the one obsessed with China,you post dozens of threads every week promoting China...lol
No, and he didn't even acknowledge the second part of the question, which I have his post questioning that member, he wouldn't even touch that.

I mean, that is just hilarious. In one post, he destroyed his entire credibility, well, what left of his credibility I should say.

I mean, internet forum, you bound to be having opposite opinion to others, but at time, you should respect other people post, I mean sure, things get heated from time to time, but you still keep the cordial respect to other people, I mean, I still remember our heated differences between Russian War in Ukraine, but heated is one thing, I still respect your post once that heated moment was gone.

But not to these people, they think they know the best and everyone opinion does not count but theirs. And the funniest thing is, they don't have jack shit experience on the matter we are talking about. I mean, you are looking at a person who say "Battle Experience is a joke" Yes, it is, when you have nothing...
You asked me if I would fight for China and I answer I would, you said you don't believe it. pretty much that's the end of the any story anyway,

How am I obsessed with China?

View attachment 912782

You're the one obsessed with China,you post dozens of threads every week promoting China...lol
Is that a surprise to you? I m Chinese, are you?
All i have to say is I don't believe a word you said,

I don't care, again, this is not about me, I am not the one that go up on a forum and ask whether people will go to war with someone when they had not served.

If I say this, you are free to question my background. And I can show you a lot of photo I took when I was in Afghanistan, but then as I said, I am not the one who ask those stupid question, nobody have served will ask that stupid question

I never served in Chinese army, do you blieve it?

Do you think I actually have no idea??

There is a common mindset of people who served. I met a 70 Years old Chinese dude here in Australia who used to serve in the PLA Airborne force, we talked and know a lot of things in common. You, i have nothing in common.

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