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If there is war between NATO and Russia, which group would Pakistan join?

If there is war between NATO and Russia, which group would Pakistan join?

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Aug 23, 2012
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Pakistan is a major non NATO ally of NATO. But recently they have been trying to be close to Russia and China is now a major ally.
TUrky is close friend but there is a smaller but significant section that feels close affinity towards Iran.
So at this stage it will be a curious situation if Pakistan has to chose between the two groups. How do you think Pakistan will respond?
Be a spectator for once. We should be thankful to God that this is happening away from us. Had somehing like this happened in afghanistan then it would have caused loads of problems. Thank you God for having syria away from us and please do something about afghanistan so it doesnt become another syria. We dont want super powers fighting just across the border from us.
Depends on the crisis unlike KSA , if china is in deep trouble Pakistan will end up on the same side else they will lose there biggest supporter
But the way pakistan and china are developing with each other and chinese investment in Pak you will see in few years a defence pac Where it will end up being forming a alliance
Wont be surprised if you see increase activity of PLN in arabian sea and more join exercise and more chinese weapon system protecting Pakistan by Pakistan armed forces or even by the help chinese navy

Now As For Russia and US
Most probably Pakistan will try to be neutral in start but in the end it will have to join a side will depend on the geo politics of that time

As for now Pakistan can enjoy just being a spectator for a while and trying to solve problems inside terrorism , economy etc
For Pakistan to survive , Pakistan economy and military needs a big boost to catch up
Pakistan is a major non NATO ally of NATO. But recently they have been trying to be close to Russia and China is now a major ally.
TUrky is close friend but there is a smaller but significant section that feels close affinity towards Iran.
So at this stage it will be a curious situation if Pakistan has to chose between the two groups. How do you think Pakistan will respond?
question is why will russia and NATO go to war when both seem to have common enemy (rising jihad ) but even if they go to war it will be fought in eourope then how can pakistan get involved in it last but not the least pakistan tend to loose as it did in cold war era..... just my personal opinion :coffee:
Pakistan will take whatever position that suits it's pocket, i.e pure self interest. Why? Our recent history has taught us some harsh lessons and value of the word "ally" "major ally" "habeebi" etc etc, and how absolutely worthless those words are. Therefore, whosoever shows us the money and loads upon loads of it, right then and there is our best friend. Period.
Pakistan will take whatever position that suits it's pocket, i.e pure self interest. Why? Our recent history has taught us some harsh lessons and value of the word "ally" "major ally" "habeebi" etc etc, and how absolutely worthless those words are. Therefore, whosoever shows us the money and loads upon loads of it, right then and there is our best friend. Period.
So..........................China!!!(that would be the Russian camp?).
Not necessarily....... imagine a situation where the Yanks already know that we know that they've shafted us right, left, center and know there is no way out of this one, have a sudden change of heart for the better and start acting super duper benevolently (100x 1960's style), without the "bombed back to stone age" rhetoric, with concrete agreements on paper etc etc, WHILE giving China a nice little "get out of jail card free".... then we can join hand with the devil himself..... however, anything short of that, the Yanks and NATO can suck our collective d*cks.

It's all about the money, fool. We're closed for "buddy-ships".............

So..........................China!!!(that would be the Russian camp?).
Pakistan should remain neutral but it will depend on the regional situation. Definitely NATO is totally on the wrong side and we should never support them in the least.
Not necessarily....... imagine a situation where the Yanks already know that we know that they've shafted us right, left, center and know there is no way out of this one, have a sudden change of heart for the better and start acting super duper benevolently (100x 1960's style), without the "bombed back to stone age" rhetoric, with concrete agreements on paper etc etc, WHILE giving China a nice little "get out of jail card free".... then we can join hand with the devil himself..... however, anything short of that, the Yanks and NATO can suck our collective d*cks.

It's all about the money, fool. We're closed for "buddy-ships".............

Would you take a cyanide pill if you were offered a Billion Dollars?

The order of priority should be survival then money. If Pakistan jumps in any mess going forward however the lucrative the payout is then it may not survive. It would be better if it cleverly abstains in NATO vs China/Russia situation.

If I laud the impotent Indian Foreign Policy for anything then it is the fact that they are extremely good at sliding out of any major third party wars/war like situation. It was very tempting to Join Afganishtan War where dozens of developed nations were bombing the crap out of relatively cavemen but thankfully we stayed put.
Nation states are pragmatic, whereas, people are sentimental. In the capacity of a state, I will sell Pakistan to the highest bidder, for it's betterment, in a heart beat, however, my heart will always be with Turkey. That's the difference between the two polar positions. When you mature, you'll understand the meaning of "interests of a nation".

no man we are with turkey.... dont listen to our leftists.
I want them to fight so our region can take a sigh of relief from all of their proxy wars and political games :sniper::victory:

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