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If there is war between NATO and Russia, which group would Pakistan join?

If there is war between NATO and Russia, which group would Pakistan join?

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no man we are with turkey.... dont listen to our leftists.
Pakistan government know China is the best allies. It will be foolish for Pakistan to pick a weak allies like Turkey.
Pakistan is a major non NATO ally of NATO. But recently they have been trying to be close to Russia and China is now a major ally.
TUrky is close friend but there is a smaller but significant section that feels close affinity towards Iran.
So at this stage it will be a curious situation if Pakistan has to chose between the two groups. How do you think Pakistan will respond?

This is a very important question not just for Pakistan but is equally applicable to other nations too.

The key for any alliance to work is to ensure there are no significant fault lines between the member countries which would be exploited by the opposing alliance.

This was the reason why both Russia & China have prodded India and Pakistan to put aside their differences on Kashmir issue in the bigger interest of SCO. But unfortunately India and Pakistan have failed to do so. This weakness is bound to be exploited at the expense of SCO.

The war in Syria should be a good example for India and Pakistan.

Until a few years ago, Turkey was aggressively pursuing it's goal of becoming the member of the EU but EU was least interested. After the collapse of USSR & Warsaw pact, EU did not find any relevance for the existence of NATO itself. EU saw more prospects of Russia being part of EU than Turkey in spite of it being a member of NATO. Turkey itself saw the irrelevance of NATO and started to pursue it's membership in SCO instead.
Pakistan government know China is the best allies. It will be foolish for Pakistan to pick a weak allies like Turkey.

We can pick our friends but not our relatives. We have deep historical relations with Turkey.
interests of nations are important no doubt but what about our values and ethics as a nation??

also what is the united states gaining by supporting israel unconditionally? they are losing more then they are gaining.. yet they continue to support it.
US support Israel not becos of ethnic reason but becos many prominnent American politician and wealthy one are jews. They use their connection to make American support Israel not matter what.

We can pick friends but not our relatives. We have deep historical relations with Turkey.
Dont BS. As if Pakistan is Turkish. In fact , Pakistan has more root with Iran.

China and Pakistan stay true to each other since the formation of both countries.
interests of nations are important no doubt but what about our values and ethics as a nation??

Ethics and values would be to be on the side of the US???

You do know in any such eventuality Turkey would be doing the bidding of the U.S

Its not in its interests neither in ours to be used as pawns by the big boys

We can pick our friends but not our relatives. We have deep historical relations with Turkey.

We will not be choosing btw Turkey and China

Stop this idiocy !!!
We are talking about our support for Turkey in the current conflict Middle East. Where did the comparison or selection between Turkey and China popped from ?

The post which you quoted

And look at the poll it says Russia/China vs Turkey/NATO
My prediction

When shit hits the fan

Pakistan will remain neutral for a while before joining in with Russia.
Pakistan is a major non NATO ally of NATO. But recently they have been trying to be close to Russia and China is now a major ally.
TUrky is close friend but there is a smaller but significant section that feels close affinity towards Iran.
So at this stage it will be a curious situation if Pakistan has to chose between the two groups. How do you think Pakistan will respond?

Pakistan will be in opposite camp of India. Now delete this stupid thread.
The post which you quoted. And look at the poll it says Russia/China vs Turkey/NATO

Oh ! I did not notice China in that heading. Pakistan must remain neutral and on the ground Pakistanis generally support Turkey.

Pakistan will remain neutral for a while before joining in with Russia.

Only after hell freezes over.
We should attack Iran while this is happening and end one threat
Pakistan is a major non NATO ally of NATO. But recently they have been trying to be close to Russia and China is now a major ally.
TUrky is close friend but there is a smaller but significant section that feels close affinity towards Iran.
So at this stage it will be a curious situation if Pakistan has to chose between the two groups. How do you think Pakistan will respond?
China will never support Russia in this stupid move as for Pakistan if Turkey is directly involved than Pakistan will support Turkey
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