The Argentina today , is a far cry from theArgentina in the 90s. It is akin to comparing apples to ...rotten apples. Zimbabwe defaulted on their currency obligation and experienced runnaway inflation . Zimbabwe is also still around.
China's Total reserves is US$3.xx Trillion , Euro$4.xx Trillion or AUD$3.xx Trillon . The use of USD ,AUD$ or Euro $ in this case is merely as a indicative benchmark
China's ACTUAL holding of US Treasuries as of April 2011 is just slightly more than 1.1 Trillion , or about 30% of their total reserves. This is a small amount for the Chinese , whoose total reserves exceed AUD$3.4 Trillion (or Euro$3.9 Trillion ) currently
One has to remember most of Chinas wealth is not in dollars, it is in renminbi- CNY. If China were to dump the USD$ treasuries , they would lose on their USD$ international reserves, but they would most certainly gain on every other asset that they own. This includes the vast amount of commodities that they have hoarded .
Contrary to public perception, China does NOT need the USA.
Once the USD$ dumping starts , every other central bank would join the fray. Would any abnk want to be the last man standing ?
Oh...the USA would still be around in ages to come .
Just like Argentina . Just like Zimbawee. What a mess.
Why can't the USA just live within their means , just like everybody else.
I hope that it doesn't have to come to that .
The USA is a great nation. Just stop using credit cards !!