Please push all Afghan refugees back into Afghanistan. Close the border. Locate all Afghanis with Pakistan NIC and cancel that status. Locate and hang the people who issued NIC and nationality status to the people who would spit on Pakistani flag and talk about Durand line while gaining all the benefits in Pakistan with their drug money (BTW enjoy a permanent FTF grey list. Not in black yet because.... Can change as required, but Pakistan does not have the guts to say screw you and stop presenting itself in meetings like a beggar on its knees. Some things definitely genuine like WHY WE WERE NEVER ABLE TO PERSECUTE MONEY EMBEZLERS LIKE ALTAF AND NAWAJA but that is an exploit that west will use while providing protection to the stolen assets and that is a discussion that merits several pages on its own).
Wake up and realize what is coming in the next few years.
Bhai Chara and Ummah u say ?
What kind of Bhai Chara and brotherhood has those refugees brought into Pakistan ? What were the statistics of drug addicts in Pakistan before those Afghanis started pouring in ?
More refugees as Taliban take over forcefully, more propaganda from dying degenerate current Afghan government, more finger pointing from the West towards Pakistan as a scapegoat, more clueless and ignorant/ illiterate Pakistani policy makers who will sell their mothers errr motherland (or both) for a few cents.
Feel free to send some hate comments. Reality sucks !