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If Pakistan Goes To War?.

You are right, in 2008 the media was reporting pro-India this time around most media channels have reported it as a Indian provocation and tit for tat reaction following that between both nations.

Yup, you are right on. The SAD reality is, this tit for tat crap.....is putting hundreds of millions of lives at risk....and these are people who are struggling in both countries anyways!!! Struggling for peace, education, tolerance, prosperity and opportunity. Do these people deserve to have their stupid leaders put their lives at risk??? I don't understand both of these countries. It seems as the common sense and the love for human lives doesn't exist. Both of these guys twist their actions to call the other 'terrorist' but hide their actions!
Insane to go WAR with Pakistan in current vulnerable situation .
Pakiistan will take such steps in desperation that will creat such a global event resulting in great loss and misfortune for whole WORLD . WORLD WAR III IS IMMINENT IN CASE OF WAR WITH PAKISTAN .
You did the same during Kargil War, Sit and watch.....China has own sets of worry, It cant make India a enemy at the time when Japan , Vietnam , SK are against China.

If India , Japan and Vietnam make alliance against China , backed by US , china will be doomed. You might not know But your Political boos knows, thats why During Kargil they sit back and enjoy the show,

Action Speaks more then words.

You should feel ashamed of your thoughts that that war was a SHOW. Wars always hurt both sides or even more.

That there's no cogent reason for China's direct interference doesn't suggest China won't help by other means. There's not much brotherhood left in the world now so we all know how valuable the mutual trust between PAK and CHINA is. You might not but we knew what the tension around both PAK and China was like back in the late 90s, that's why PAK AND CHINA have been working together to build the economy and industry for the sake of both sides.

if you please turn around take a look at the price tags on your arsenals "backed by US", let alone getting your hands on the real tech, you know how action speaks more than words. :yahoo:

a courtesy reminder, never mention making alliance with Japan against China. If there's a war in Asia, it's between China and Japan (and all its allies). All the "just" western countries lose voice as Japan leaders keep denying its Nazi-like conducts done to Chinese and Korean people. We haven't got the chance to revenge ourselves for more than a century. So better put your humor away and pray peace would last forever. or we go to hell together.:cheers:
Turkey is always side of Pakistan. We will never forget support of Pakistan. Maybe Turkey and Pakistan aren't strong enough in the world. But Turkey and Pakistan will be... A real quiestion is where they run away.
why we all start from if?? if my aunt has nuts I call her uncle.....:hitwall: when war start from eastern or western border the world will see how we tackle ....I am 1000 time sure that no country unclassified his secrets...what we have no body knows.. and most important peace is better for Pakistan, India and Afghanistan
hope for peace we all are human
Sorry for digging the old. But I really wonder to know the current circumstances. What do you say guys? (Serious, deep analyses please)
Sorry for digging the old. But I really wonder to know the current circumstances. What do you say guys? (Serious, deep analyses please)

Sometimes deep analysis does not need a long answer.

1. The only country that will show outright support is ... no one. People will show support to end the war, resolve it all peacefully and so on.

2. Sri lanka, Jordan, China, Serbia and perhaps Saudi Arabia will offer backend moral and equipment support. Turkey will not do so once hostilities start.. and perhaps neither will Saudi Arabia.

3. America, Russia..most of Europe.. and all other Asian countries will act against the interests of Pakistan and try to force the solution that ensures Pakistans military defeat but may leave it just shy of a surviving state.
Sometimes deep analysis does not need a long answer.

1. The only country that will show outright support is ... no one. People will show support to end the war, resolve it all peacefully and so on.

2. Sri lanka, Jordan, China, Serbia and perhaps Saudi Arabia will offer backend moral and equipment support. Turkey will not do so once hostilities start.. and perhaps neither will Saudi Arabia.

3. America, Russia..most of Europe.. and all other Asian countries will act against the interests of Pakistan and try to force the solution that ensures Pakistans military defeat but may leave it just shy of a surviving state.

Ever the pessimist my friend. :lol:

Although I agree. :P
Sometimes deep analysis does not need a long answer.

1. The only country that will show outright support is ... no one. People will show support to end the war, resolve it all peacefully and so on.

2. Sri lanka, Jordan, China, Serbia and perhaps Saudi Arabia will offer backend moral and equipment support. Turkey will not do so once hostilities start.. and perhaps neither will Saudi Arabia.

3. America, Russia..most of Europe.. and all other Asian countries will act against the interests of Pakistan and try to force the solution that ensures Pakistans military defeat but may leave it just shy of a surviving state.
the nature of warfare is transforming... chances of all out conflict with India is low... Syrian styled conflict seems to be the new form of warfare these days for which most of the battalion styled military structures are not equipped to face. Today intelligence agencies and perception management might be more effective tools than ballistic missiles.
Ah, I remember too being new to pdf and thinking about war with India or the US and its implications, thinking war was imminent etc, then after a while I got some bearings on international relations and realized that conventional war is unlikely with India as well as the US....
Ever the pessimist my friend. :lol:

Although I agree. :P
Realist.. there are many more pessimistic views available here.. look around :-)

the nature of warfare is transforming... chances of all out conflict with India is low... Syrian styled conflict seems to be the new form of warfare these days for which most of the battalion styled military structures are not equipped to face. Today intelligence agencies and perception management might be more effective tools than ballistic missiles.

To directly quote a senior PAF officer(much more in tune with situations) as a first hand(said to me) statement:

"India se ab koi jang nahin hoti".(There will be no war with India).
"Chote skirmishes ho gein, kabhi ham marien gein, kabhi woh... but (all out)war is too risky for them..and us" (Small skirmishes will happen, sometimes we will hit, sometimes them. ....)
Sometimes deep analysis does not need a long answer.

1. The only country that will show outright support is ... no one. People will show support to end the war, resolve it all peacefully and so on.

Agreed. We've seen comments basing specially on PRC and Turkey. But in current situation the only possible escalition for Pakistan is, India. China may provide logistical support and HUMINT/SIGINT.

2. Sri lanka, Jordan, China, Serbia and perhaps Saudi Arabia will offer backend moral and equipment support. Turkey will not do so once hostilities start.. and perhaps neither will Saudi Arabia.

Muslim populated nations okay. But Serbia? But as social&cultural relations, we see the "Turkey will support" thingy almost at all pages. I believe in rational&unbiased thinking, so I honestly too don't believe that Turkey will provide support actively, due to politics which I believe after the 17 December Operation (Frobe&Corruption), PM Erdoğan will lean towards Europe (NOT US) , and slowly leave the muslim world. This may sound very crazy for you guys right now. But at near future, about 1-2 years later, it's gonna happen, and it should I believe. Maybe, but maybe under cover, logistic support is on the table. Which facts made you to say that Turkey wouldn't provide support? I think we might discuss it a little. I couldn't figure a way out as for the Serbs?

3. America, Russia..most of Europe.. and all other Asian countries will act against the interests of Pakistan and try to force the solution that ensures Pakistans military defeat but may leave it just shy of a surviving state.

Second. But if India won't be able to lobby at UN (SCO or whatever) succesfully, it might change.
Agreed. We've seen comments basing specially on PRC and Turkey. But in current situation the only possible escalition for Pakistan is, India. China may provide logistical support and HUMINT/SIGINT.

Muslim populated nations okay. But Serbia? But as social&cultural relations, we see the "Turkey will support" thingy almost at all pages. I believe in rational&unbiased thinking, so I honestly too don't believe that Turkey will provide support actively, due to politics which I believe after the 17 December Operation (Frobe&Corruption), PM Erdoğan will lean towards Europe (NOT US) , and slowly leave the muslim world. This may sound very crazy for you guys right now. But at near future, about 1-2 years later, it's gonna happen, and it should I believe. Maybe, but maybe under cover, logistic support is on the table. Which facts made you to say that Turkey wouldn't provide support? I think we might discuss it a little. I couldn't figure a way out as for the Serbs?

Second. But if India won't be able to lobby at UN (SCO or whatever) succesfully, it might change.

Pakistan has been dealing with Serbia(via Bosnia) quite a bit under the table now.
The basic reason Turkey will not lean anywhere as such is because it has good relations with both nations.
Its that simple.
Pakistan has been dealing with Serbia(via Bosnia) quite a bit under the table now.
The basic reason Turkey will not lean anywhere as such is because it has good relations with both nations.
Its that simple.

Don't you think recognizing Kosova would've severely harmed those relations now ?
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