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If Modi wins election, neighbours can expect a more muscular India

No need to read anything, just look at indian state of affairs, see where are we, you will get all answers of our achievement under congress rule.

Problem is sonia and rahul along with socialists like mani shankar aiyar,jairam ramesh

These ppl pushed self destructive laws like mnrega and food bill
We are once again and as always democratically electing a government to run our country and possibly towards development not to rage war.

Yes, we need to remind China of our resolution to maintain our sovereignty unlike many who chose not to.

Also we will have tough talk with those who are engaged in cowardly act of terrorism and will give a befitting reply with all means, covert or overt.

Both these are our rights and not fall into war mongering.

And now regarding your BS, we are in our right to envisage future challenges which "may" arise and to prepare for the worse.

If you really believe in what IAF said, why dont you come and attack with your all weather friend china? We have "your" kashmir and "chinese" Arunachal, whats stopping you?

Giving us a befitting reply on whose orders ? IAF saying they cannot tackle both Pakistan and China is a contradiction. As one of your fellow countrymen mentioned, you need brains, not muscles.

Pakistan is also democratic. In fact, unlike India, our politicians, and media don't do brownie points. Now as far as Kashmir is concerned, the people of the valley are enough to make voices and create actions. We will do whatever is necessary to provide them moral support. Perhaps you have forgotten how coward you people are. Throwing Kashmir students out of universities, and firing across LoC for loosing cricket matches shows us your true colors.
Problem is sonia and rahul along with socialists like mani shankar aiyar,jairam ramesh

These ppl pushed self destructive laws like mnrega and food bill

MNREGA is good if executed well but food bill is disaster. Its an artificial load created upon next government.
MNREGA is good if executed well but food bill is disaster. Its an artificial load created upon next government.

Then u need to study mnrega and what it has done.

Due to it the agriculture wages have gone up and is pushing up the prices.

Plus those ppl do useless work only
Giving us a befitting reply on whose orders ? IAF saying they cannot tackle both Pakistan and China is a contradiction. As one of your fellow countrymen mentioned, you need brains, not muscles.

We are envisaging "possible" scenarios which may never be true and you are counting on them. :lol:

When did china ever helped you against India? You are just a tool and be like it only, friendship happens among equals.

Pakistan is also democratic. In fact, unlike India, our politicians, and media don't do brownie points.

The why are you here saying lie just in this statement to score brownie point? Pakistanis are most ethical and never indulge in politics -- even pakistanis will give a big lol at this statement. :lol:

Now as far as Kashmir is concerned, the people of the valley are enough to make voices and create actions. We will do whatever is necessary to provide them moral support.

You are most welcome. Your moral(immoral) support has ruined the life of kashmiris and your own as well. The fact is India own kashmir.

Perhaps you have forgotten how coward you people are.

We are forcefully occupying land of martians and mighty chinese for over 6 decades and you call us coward!!! You are too funny and I dont have to remind you how these coward are good in breaking nations in half.

Throwing Kashmir students out of universities, and firing across LoC for loosing in cricket matches shows us your true colors.

Worth ignored, hence ignored. Dont want to dig similar facepalm incidents in pakistan to match your level of arguments.
Then u need to study mnrega and what it has done.

Due to it the agriculture wages have gone up and is pushing up the prices.

Plus those ppl do useless work only

High prices dont hit farmers, they simply up the agricultural product prices.

Its middle/high class who pays, so MNREGA is cycling of money from high end to low end for some work while food bill is cycling of money from high end to low for no work.

I myself belongs to a big agricultural family.
Yendians must realize that Pakistan and Pakistanis have never given bhart mataa any respect. Whether Manmohan or Modi, we give 0 fucks.

Indian can flex else where. :rofl:

Stop name calling and contribute something worth while or dont post.
so indians think since Modi was responsible for killing two thousand unarmed civilians he is some tough guy. you will see his toughness, his kind is the biggest coward.
I find it hilarious that people are still blaming Modi, even when the Court system gave him the clean chit. And that is even when the power in center is the Congress who has/had more to gain if Modi could get convicted. In the article it clearly states that Modi's means of strength would be through building a good and productive economy and cleaning the $hit that the current government has created. If we have a good economy then we can afford to have a better and well equipped military.
what happened in 1971 when we flexed our muscle.
Remind us where indira Gandhi is and how she got there

The why are you here saying lie just in this statement to score brownie point? Pakistanis are most ethical and never indulge in politics -- even pakistanis will give a big lol at this statement. :lol:.
Nawaz didn't have to say "we will nuke the sh*t out of India" to win an election, your politicians are throwing shade on Pakistan left and right these days.
Last time Vajpai flexed his muscles, but when he heard about our nuclear explosions, I heard his knees buckled and if he was'nt holding the podium when he heard the news, he would have crashed landed on his "muscular" arse

Yendians must realize that Pakistan and Pakistanis have never given bhart mataa any respect. Whether Manmohan or Modi, we give 0 fucks.

Indian can flex else where. :rofl:
Will a muscular india suck harder? Oh yea baby :big_boss:
Thats what our neighbouring nations do who are on the verge of bankruptcy,India is self sufficient so we dont need to suck anything.

Remind us where indira Gandhi is and how she got there
Err bad analogy,,going by this logic 50000 soldiers and a lot of high profile ministers also died in Pakistan also but it has nothing to do with India,is it??
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