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If Kashmir blows up, all bets off: US

How do plan to get those Nukes to USA? Postal delivery?

Append: I think I just broke two rules of the forum - Sarcasm and single liners. Sorry.
My point was that Pakistan has no delivery systems so US is legitimately worried about them falling into wrong hands than a direct retaliation by Pakistan.

Why would we want to target the US? Are you that naive and childish? We have far better options at our disposal. We hold the capacity to stab the US in their heart. You see, even the US being a superpower has certain weaknesses which are beyond their comprehension. We can take this as far as we want.
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Given that Pakistan's perception is that it was previously unfairly treated by the US, it is still one hell of a strategic gamble to refuse to act unless 'certain conditions are met', so to speak.

The US could just decide to go it alone, Pakistan or no Pakistan. Or, in a few months or years, the US could just declare victory and walk away. Neither course of action is going to win friends and influence people for Pakistan in the US.

What makes it a striking gamble is that meanwhile an entire way of life - your way of life - appears to be at risk from within. Whoever's crafting this strategy in Pakistan, if there is a strategy, well, presumably they know what they're doing.
The world will face the wrath they have never tasted before. Don't estimate the resolve of a person that's on the edge. The world isn't in the position to threaten Pakistan. The world realizes that the Americans had a major share in creating the current mess. The Americans bare the responsibility of the current situation. No one will stand by the US when the going really gets tough. I can assure you...

Stop putting a gun to you head and threatening to get money.

America has a fare share in creating the mess so what? All the members created hue and cry over not finding WMD in Iraq so what?
What could the Islamic / Non Islamic world do about it.
If they never came to your rescue when it happened the first time dont expect anyone the second time either. Stop your chest thumping and talk about ground realities.
Wow, I'm really touched by the Indian concern for Pakistan's survival. Please spare us your sentimental concern. We know exactly what needs to be done. We don't require any lecturing. We will do whatever is necessary to protect Pakistan's interests.
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Stop putting a gun to you head and threatening to get money.

America has a fare share in creating the mess so what? All the members created hue and cry over not finding WMD in Iraq so what?
What could the Islamic / Non Islamic world do about it.
If they never came to your rescue when it happened the first time dont expect anyone the second time either. Stop your chest thumping and talk about ground realities.

Very smart. You're just forgetting one very important aspect. This time around the US is much weaker. They have fought their wars and spilt innocent blood. Poor Americans even destroyed their economy in the process. We will make sure that when the ship drowns, we take as many people with us. We won't be just a scapegoat in vain. You want some more ground realities?

PS. We also know how to make threats.
Pakistan isn't Russia. Pakistan has built the nukes for a grand purpose. We will use them if we are threatened with extinction. We won't accept becoming another Iraq. Learn to make the distinction. That by the way isn't a bluff by any means. It's the dire reality which is keeping the bloodthirsty foes at bay.

Fair enuf ....but why resort to Nukes when you can finish of the problem conventionally.....why resort to borrowing when your army can handle it ....
Wow, I'm really touched by the Indian concern for Pakistan's survival. Please spare us your sentimental concern. We know exactly what needs to be done. We don't require any lecturing.

Speaking for myself I am only concerned to the extent it impacts India, and not an inch more. No sentiments here.

If you guys know what you're doing, fair enough. However, your arguments, as I see them, have gone from the 'US has betrayed us' motif to 'we can stab the US in the heart'. So I am at a loss to understand. But let that be.
Speaking for myself I am only concerned to the extent it impacts India, and not an inch more. No sentiments here.

If you guys know what you're doing, fair enough. However, your arguments, as I see them, have gone from the 'US has betrayed us' motif to 'we can stab the US in the heart'. So I am at a loss to understand. But let that be.

True, and you should be concerned every bit about mother India because you will bear the brunt. Just the bitter reality and I'm very glad that you realize it.

Of course, we are willing to rid the cancer, but not at the expense of cheap lecturing and meaningless threats. It's not as if we are wearing bangles. Again, we know exactly where our strength and our weakness lies.
Toning down the Kashmir rhetoric will be good for Pakistan. It will force the politicians to find some real issues to espouse - like the fight against the radicalization of Pakistani society, or some crucial land-reforms.
Why are you so worried about the rhetoric? I thought the goal #1 was to provide freedom to all of humanity, not to all minus that which hurts US-Allies.

Pakistan is so confident, we give an open challenge to all. Host a UN administered plebiscite, something to which BOTH India (India btw, ran to the UN pleading for it) and Pakistan are signatories to. Let the Kashmiris decide, simple.

If you call "Let the Kashmiris choose what they want to do" as rhetoric then A your talk about bringing freedom to the world is nothing by hypocrisy and B you're living in a fool's paradise. Even if you eliminate Pakistan, the Kashmiris would still remain there, their demand for freedom would still remain there.

You do realize that 85% of the Kashmiris want to become Independent and not join Pakistan or India. Pakistan fully supports that too, and thats what burns India and her allies right below their collective ***** as they are left no place to save face and can't spin it in any other way then.
The problem is not militancy, its that they want us to stop asking for Kashmiris to get a right of self-determination, something to which both Pakistan and India are signatories too and something to which INDIA first pursued!

Now they're like oh crap, the Kashmiris really hate us, and the Pakistanis are agreeing to a pro-Kashmiri stance, their entire house of cards and their feeble lies about Kashmiris all comes crashing down.

Simple question if you think Kashmiris want to be Indian... ask them through a neutral UN administered plebiscite. The thing is they cower at the very mention of right of self-determination since everybody with a sane mind knows the Indian stance would come crashing down once humanity is given a free choice.

On the other side Pakistanis are confidently saying do it, we're not scared... Americans are showing top class hypocrisy about Kashmir. How can there be any militancy when Kashmir is not even India, its a disputed territory.

Ok I want some American to explain me this, whats so bad about killing Indian soldiers in Kashmir?
Very smart. You're just forgetting one very important aspect. This time around the US is much weaker. They have fought their wars and spilt innocent blood. Poor Americans even destroyed their economy in the process. We will make sure that when the ship drowns, we take as many people with us. We won't be just a scapegoat in vain. You want some more ground realities?

PS. We also know how to make threats.

the US would tropedo your ship before you hold on to anything to pull it along with you.you know when a person has cancerous tissue you just chop off the cancerous part from the body before matastasis take place
This is quite possibly the clearest endorsement of India's position on Kashmir by the US in history.
What if India came out tomorrow and publicly vowed to hold the long-delayed Kashmir referendum by a specific date, say April 1, 2012? Would that alleviate tensions?
Pakistan is so confident, we give an open challenge to all. Host a UN administered plebiscite, something to which BOTH India (India btw, ran to the UN pleading for it) and Pakistan are signatories to. Let the Kashmiris decide, simple.

Not really, India took the Kashmir issue to the UN. And UN gave out a resolution in the three parts:

1) Halt military operations immediately. Accept LOC as a temporary border.

2) Withdraw troops, and maintain them at minimum possible levels.

3) And lastly, it was only if the above two are fulfilled will a prebiscite be held.

Now since you still love sending in terrorists whatever ridiculous their cause maybe, IA will stay there to hunt them down. And hence the blame of a plebiscite not being administered in Kashmir lies more on Pakistan than on India. Also, UNSC resolution has never been binding on India, Kofi Annan said that. So get over it, there is no way militarily or diplomatically you will ever move an inch further in Kashmir.

You do realize that 85% of the Kashmiris want to become Independent and not join Pakistan or India. Pakistan fully supports that too, and thats what burns India and her allies right below their collective ***** as they are left no place to save face and can't spin it in any other way then.

Well, I dunno where you get all those amazing facts, neither am I interested in knowing since they already scream 'bogus'.

Here is the report of a survey carried out by an independent agency, MORI. Clearly shows 71% Kashmiris want Kashmir to be a part of India

Majority of Kashmiris want Kashmir to be a part of India
What if India came out tomorrow and publicly vowed to hold the long-delayed Kashmir referendum by a specific date, say April 1, 2012? Would that alleviate tensions?

That means India signing it's own death warrant.

Pakistan will get it's much needed cannon-fodder to bleed India. Like the Afghans, which they use as their spear point for every military campaign. Afghans die but the Pun****s in -pindi or Lahore makes the money.

I personally have no problem Kashmir getting independence if they really want. But letting it go to Pakistani hands will be a suicide. As long as Pakistan is in its present structure and capabilities, Kashmiri independence will lead to more bloodshed and more war.
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the US would tropedo your ship before you hold on to anything to pull it along with you.you know when a person has cancerous tissue you just chop off the cancerous part from the body before matastasis take place

That's highly speculative. I don't think that the US would ever dare undertaking such a step which would unleash the Pandora's box. Having said that, we understand that such a drastic measure would be our downfall including a few others. Nevertheless, what else can one do in the face of threats, intimidation and extermination? What's the point of cowardice? Don't take everything too literally though. All I'm trying to say is that we hold an ace as a last resort. An ace that must not be underestimated at any cost. It can go either way and will for sure be a nasty situation for the region and the world as a whole. Let's just hope for our own sake that moment never arrives.
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