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If India wants to tire China out on LAC, it must build fortresses at these pressure points:Gen Panag


Sep 26, 2018
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Keeping in view the differential in technological military capabilities between the Indian Army and China’s People’s Liberation Army, and the positional terrain advantage secured by the latter through its preemptive manoeuvre, it is a prudent strategy for India to persist with military and diplomatic engagement through an indefinite face-off to achieve the political aim — restoration of status quo ante April 2020. Even a strategy to achieve a compromised political aim — status quo ante with buffer zones where no patrolling, deployment or development of infrastructure will be carried out — would be pragmatic.

The logic of this strategy is simple — tire the Chinese out because it is difficult to sustain an indefinite large-scale deployment in this difficult terrain with extreme weather in winter. However, the danger is that if the Chinese come to sense India’s strategy, they may raise the ante and attempt to seize Daulat Beg Oldi Sector and areas to the north-east and east of Pangong Tso.

they still are talking about kinetics... if IAF fails, then IA is sitting, featherless and limp duck.. so Dehli should focus on IAF.. not useless fortress... fortress and habitat are good just to guard..
Whatever became of that exercise when Indian Air Force carried out 10,000 sorties in 3 days in April 2018.

What was the Indian Air Force doing taking pot shots from PAF on 27th February 2019 and why was it totally nowhere to be seen during Galwan Valley surrender on 16 June 2020.

I mean, Indian military is talking about tiring out China? Bonkers!

Only Pakistan holds the title of tiring out super powers (USSR/USA) and that too in its neighbour.
The only problem is for every one fort India builds, China can build ten. Also doing this tit-for-tat action is basically going to play into China's favor and they can use this as an excuse to open escalations on multiple parts of the Indian front.
Whatever became of that exercise when Indian Air Force carried out 10,000 sorties in 3 days in April 2018.
Whatever became of that exercise when Indian Air Force carried out 10,000 sorties in 3 days in April 2018.

What was the Indian Air Force doing taking pot shots from PAF on 27th February 2019 and why was it totally nowhere to be seen during Galwan Valley surrender on 16 June 2020.

I mean, Indian military is talking about tiring out China? Bonkers!

Only Pakistan holds the title of tiring out super powers (USSR/USA) and that too in its neighbour.
If Indian AF carried out 10000 sorties, it would have depleted its planes. So never again.

Indian planes are meant for cheering up its gullible folks, not for flying. Much less air battles. This is why LCA must come with a truck mount.
Keeping in view the differential in technological military capabilities between the Indian Army and China’s People’s Liberation Army, and the positional terrain advantage secured by the latter through its preemptive manoeuvre, it is a prudent strategy for India to persist with military and diplomatic engagement through an indefinite face-off to achieve the political aim — restoration of status quo ante April 2020. Even a strategy to achieve a compromised political aim — status quo ante with buffer zones where no patrolling, deployment or development of infrastructure will be carried out — would be pragmatic.

The logic of this strategy is simple — tire the Chinese out because it is difficult to sustain an indefinite large-scale deployment in this difficult terrain with extreme weather in winter. However, the danger is that if the Chinese come to sense India’s strategy, they may raise the ante and attempt to seize Daulat Beg Oldi Sector and areas to the north-east and east of Pangong Tso.

sardar ji is in opposition camp of govt , he not in his senses .
Remind me of French Maginot Lines that proved to be expensive and useless during German offensive in opening days of WW2 in Europe.
India does not even have any layered defenses along the LAC ... forget the Maginot line, a couple of bunkers and observation posts don't count

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