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If india loves afghanistan so much why don't they take afghan refugee's in then?

Why do the afghans hate us but love india even though afghanistan has nearly all its filth of 2 million parasites living in pakistan and not india.
Jealous arrogance leads to irrational hate. The disease of the devil. I hope Pakistanis protect themselves from such a disease.


If Pakistanis love Kashmiris so much, why dont they take them in? (for the sake of Ummah)
Because Kashmir belongs to the Kashmiris. Why should they forced to leave their land because they are being oppressed by Bharat for their rights for self determination.
Also Kashmir is a disputed territory since 1947.

If Pakistanis love Kashmiris so much, why dont they take them in? (for the sake of Ummah)

If Pakistanis love Kashmiris so much, why dont they take them in? (for the sake of Ummah)

That is not love. That is called greedy. Unlike India, Pakistan is not that greedy, hence Azad Kashmir is truly Azaad. :D
Azaad only in terminology. Pakistan is greedy to the core. It is salivating at the prospective of gobbling up Kashmir by enciting religious fundamentalism and raising terrorists that are all over the world and even UN.

That is not love. That is called greedy. Unlike India, Pakistan is not that greedy, hence Azad Kashmir is truly Azaad. :D
That would mean spending more money on Afghan refugees. India doesn't love them enough to spend for them. Afghans know that but they rather enjoy bleeding the economy of Pakistan that could hurt them. It is like Afghans enjoy shooting in their own feet. Misplaced priority i am afraid.

Hatred takes it to the new level which defies the logic to no end. In essence, Afghans are stupid unfortunately, and that's why Pakistan is paying the price. And precisely why India is taking advantage of Afghans' stupidity. I am glad IOK is not that stupid as Afghanistan, and that's why it is hurting India so bad. :D

By your logic someone is stupid if they don't reciprocate your love but love your enemy.

Have you ever wondered why??

Have you ever considered what you guys did to their country post Soviet invasion??
We do share almost 150 km long border with Afghanistan. Afghans can come from that border to stay for a while.
Indians neither love Afghans nor Afghanistan. Don't forget Indians are anti-Muslim extremist hindus, they never stood for Afghanistan when it was under Soviet occupation. Their only interest is in using Afghanistan as a base for terrorist activities in Pakistan using Persian speaking Afghans against Pakistan, because they have free access to our country and we let every other prick screw us in the name of Ummah.

I say **** these back stabbers afghans, throw them out of our country and seal our borders permanently. No neet to allow any ground access to Afghanistan for any goods or services. let them fucking die of starvation and disease in their shithole, once they are dead, we can take over the land.

Why do the afghans hate us but love india even though afghanistan has nearly all its filth of 2 million parasites living in pakistan and not india.
Azaad only in terminology. Pakistan is greedy to the core. It is salivating at the prospective of gobbling up Kashmir by enciting religious fundamentalism and raising terrorists that are all over the world and even UN.

If that was the case, that would have been the case. I think you understand that by now since your inspiration is derided by the development in IOK.

Azaad is not just terminology only. Because India is free as nation begs to differ. :D

By your logic someone is stupid if they don't reciprocate your love but love your enemy.

Have you ever wondered why??

Have you ever considered what you guys did to their country post Soviet invasion??

Shooting in your own feet is not stupid? You make compelling case on stupidity for researchers. :D
this is how Indians view Afghans... "The enemy of my enemy is my friend!"

Unfortunately, here is how many Afghans actually think about Pakistan, "here is my foot, let me shoot it".

In the end the afghan is left screaming in pain; the Indian is in a corner laughing; and the Pakistani is left holding the bag
Yeah well, if Pakistan loves Islam so much why doesn't it take every refugee Muslim from every country in the world, starting with those it left behind in Bangladesh?
Remember, last time when India accepted refugees in its eastern border, India created another country. We are currently not in mood to repeat the same. hope you get an answer
Some of points are are stupid if pakistan never existed afghanistan would still claim all the lands east to the indus river and i know for i fact india wouldn't give them the land.
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