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'If I could change just one thing in India

What are the adversities? how does this system influence india negatively ?

People in the higher end of the spectrum look down on the people who are at the lower end. They dont give their kids to marriages from those of lower caste. In short , Oppression. Though situations have lot improved in many parts of India, there is still a lot to be desired.
'If I could change just one thing in India, I would abolish the caste system' - Rediff.com News


'There is a human aspect to relationships in India which is missing in the West...'

'What really makes me sad with our country is that the majority feel that politics should be avoided. We don't have our best people in politics. We could have been a developed country in 15 years if our best brains had come forward to lead the country,' says politician, academician, activist Dr Subramanian Swamy in Rediff.com's special series where well-known Indians speak about their India.

I could have lived abroad, but I chose to come back here because this is a better country to live in.

There is a human aspect to relationships here which is missing in the West. Here we make lasting friendships which are based on warmth and understanding and an emotional connect.

In the West, friends are business-like and contractual. Here family relationships and bonds are stronger.

We have an extended family here whereas in the West it is a nuclear family and even that nuclear family does not last. Mom and Dad live separately in many cases which is a norm there but a rarity here. Here, marriages are sacred.

Here we accept people for what they are with all their faults and shortcomings. We are not judgmental. While over there, people are very judgmental and point out shortcomings. They accept only a certain kind of behaviour and will be upset if you behave differently.

What really makes me sad with our country is that the majority feel that politics should be avoided. So what has happened is that we don't have our best people in politics. We are saddled with leaders who never place the country before themselves.

We could have been a developed country in 15 years if our best brains had come forward to lead the country. Instead, we are led by corrupt politicians and after 66 years we are still underdeveloped.

Good people are not in politics and that is my greatest regret. People look down on politics and politicians. The elite think it is declasse to indulge in politics. The intelligentsia looks down on politics. The middle class does not respect politics.

Our leaders have lost the trust, confidence and love of the people.

This has to change and good people should come to lead the country. There is still hope.

If I could change just one thing in India, I would abolish the caste system.

by introducing Matriarchy.......is the solution of all problem......

if you will study Indonesian custom and society deeply.....than you will get answer what i am talking about
Why look at India.. Caste is ripe in Sri Lanka where from chief prelates of the main nikaya's to caste based politics to high caste Jaffna Vellalar Tamils discriminating all others goes on to this modern day.. Surely you seems well informed not to be aware of this ??

Sri Lankan caste system - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I was not aware of this sorry.

Are you actually Sri lankan or did you just read this on the internet?

Looks like it was dissolved post independence.

In the Central Highlands, some traditions of the Kingdom of Kandy survived after its collapse in 1818, preserved in unique forms of the caste system until the post-independence period.

People in the higher end of the spectrum look down on the people who are at the lower end. They dont give their kids to marriages from those of lower caste. In short , Oppression. Though situations have lot improved in many parts of India, there is still a lot to be desired.

I dont understand how the rank order come about.

You stated that it original started by men organization themselves into different working groups. Surely they wouldn't agree to work in certain trade if they deemed it to be lower in ranking.

Or was in determined on a nature of promotion?
I was not aware of this sorry.

Are you actually Sri lankan or did you just read this on the internet?

Looks like it was dissolved post independence.

In the Central Highlands, some traditions of the Kingdom of Kandy survived after its collapse in 1818, preserved in unique forms of the caste system until the post-independence period.

I'm an Australian of Lankan heritage.. Born and bred in the island

Though not as influential it is in the Indian society.. Caste plays a strong role especially in the Hindu community in SL and to a lesser degree in the Sinhalese when it comes to marriage, local politics and especially distressing in the Buddhist Sanga (monkhood) , Which is totally contravening to the teachings of the the Buddha

Caste is prohibited and not recognized in the constitution but the social ethics especially in the rural areas continue to be driven by it to a certain extent
one thing I would change about India would be its presence in my neighbourhood
i will change Its constituition to Pakistan,s :lol::pakistan: .... only if you know what i mean:lol:
I'm an Australian of Lankan heritage.. Born and bred in the island

Though not as influential it is in the Indian society.. Caste plays a strong role especially in the Hindu community in SL and to a lesser degree in the Sinhalese when it comes to marriage, local politics and especially distressing in the Buddhist Sanga (monkhood) , Which is totally contravening to the teachings of the the Buddha

Caste is prohibited and not recognized in the constitution but the social ethics especially in the rural areas continue to be driven by it to a certain extent

As you stated your an Australian of Lankan heritage, born and bred in Australia. So everything your saying is based on second hand experience.

Based on the above premise, I object to everything in your post as hearsay and dismiss it in its entirety.
I dont understand how the rank order come about.

You stated that it original started by men organization themselves into different working groups. Surely they wouldn't agree to work in certain trade if they deemed it to be lower in ranking.

Or was in determined on a nature of promotion?

You see it was all business. When a furniture maker has adopted this business his caste name becomes what the business of furniture maker do. In the due course of time, they never changed their business of what they do, it became passing of trade information from father to son. So later these names became associated with their birth, as it was assumes he is also going to do the same business, which they eventually did.
So it evolved like that. Back those days it was an organisational development. But now its outdated and must be removed.
As you stated your an Australian of Lankan heritage, born and bred in Australia. So everything your saying is based on second hand experience.

Based on the above premise, I object to everything in your post as hearsay and dismiss it in its entirety.

I think you have comprehension issues.. I said born and bred in the island that is Sri Lanka.. Australia is a continent

And going by your previous posts it seems you're a blind fan boy of the govt.. Posting it's warped economic false propaganda all over the forum, Hence my posts have more validity than yours ever will

Ignorance is bliss or in your case pretending to be ignorant
You see it was all business. When a furniture maker has adopted this business his caste name becomes what the business of furniture maker do. In the due course of time, they never changed their business of what they do, it became passing of trade information from father to son. So later these names became associated with their birth, as it was assumes he is also going to do the same business, which they eventually did.
So it evolved like that. Back those days it was an organisational development. But now its outdated and must be removed.

Yes I see how it works.

It goes in work specialization, give one person to do a one task repetitively and he'll become very efficient at it.

It's the fundamental to capitalism, where private companies specialize in a specific task and incorporate the specialization of other companies to make the final product. This way all those components are made as efficiently as possible.

I still don't understand how the rank order came into play?

I think you have comprehension issues.. I said born and bred in the island that is Sri Lanka.. Australia is a continent

And going by your previous posts it seems you're a blind fan boy of the govt.. Posting it's warped economic false propaganda all over the forum, Hence my posts have more validity than yours ever will

Ignorance is bliss or in your case pretending to be ignorant

Objection assuming facts not found in evidence, lack of foundation and hearsay.
Objection assuming facts not found in evidence, lack of foundation and hearsay.

Lol.. And yours do ?? People like you are dime a dozen.. Good thing some of us saw through you from the first few posts.. Pretension is the key word here
Yes I see how it works.

It goes in work specialization, give one person to do a one task repetitively and he'll become very efficient at it.

It's the fundamental to capitalism, where private companies specialize in a specific task and incorporate the specialization of other companies to make the final product. This way all those components are made as efficiently as possible.

I still don't understand how the rank order came into play?

Objection assuming facts not found in evidence, lack of foundation and hearsay.

You see whateva the furniture maker does, he still depends on scholars like bramins who knew to read and write the vedas. They were at the top of the ranks as other believed they had the power to wipe away their sins through mantras, slogas etc THey were priest and accorded highest respects and ranks. Then came kshatriyas the warriors and many others. The one business more dependent on the other made it low rank. That way it evolved.
There is no fixed rank system like we are 1,2,3 etc. Many caste used to call themselves higher castes compared to others byh themselves. Noone gave the power to call themselves lik that though.
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