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IDF and MOSSAD refused Netanyahu's order to attack IRAN


Jul 29, 2011
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Israeli PM

In 2010, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu ordered the IDF to prepare fully for a war with Iran. The head of Mossad intelligence service and country’s chief of general staff opposed the move and prevented war with Iran, a documentary claims.

*Investigative journalist Ilana Dayan produced an hour-long documentary for Israel's Channel 2 TV on the decision-making process in Israeli policy towards Iran over the last decade, from PM Ariel Sharon to PM Benjamin Netanyahu.

The film, to be aired late on Monday, poses the question as to how far a politician can go in taking a “no return” decision to assault a foreign state he believes poses a threat to his country and whether he has the authority to do so unilaterally.

The move was made during a meeting of “forum of seven” group that represents only a part of the Israeli government. Netanyahu addressed the now-retired Chief of General Staff Gabi Ashkenazi and actually ordered the head of the Israeli Defense Forces to “set the systems for P-plus,” which means full IDF readiness for an assault. The request met full support of the attending the meeting country’s Defense Minister Ehud Barak.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu (R) and Minister of Defense Ehud Barak (AFP Photo/David Buimovich)

The request put Israel on the brink of war with a country that has practically ten times Israel’s population and a modernized, fairly well-armed and respectively more numerous army.

The demand met fierce objections on the part of Lt. Gen. Gabi Ashkenazi and the head of the Israeli intelligence service (Mossad) Meir Dagan, who had to step down after that notorious meeting.

The former Mossad chief told Ilana Dayan that Netanyahu attempted to make the IDF attack Iran’s nuclear objects in a “stealing a war’ manner, in other words, without holding consultations with all 15 members of his cabinet.

After his resignation from Mossad, Dagan called that move by Netanyahu “stupid”, reports AFP.

At the time, Ashkenazi reportedly warned that P-plus order is irreversible and Israel would have to actually attack Iran as the preparations would "create new facts on the ground." Barak objected that such readiness does not necessarily mean that an act of aggression is imminent.

On Sunday, Barak actually told Channel 2 that back in 2010 Ashkenazi said that IDF had no operational means for a successful assault on Iran.

On the other hand, Haaretz daily says that while quitting his post of chief of general staff, Ashkenazi told associates that the army actually was ready for the strike, but he personally considered the assault a strategic mistake.

In any case, in 2010 the decision to attack Iran was finally dropped.

Meir Dagan, head of Israel's spy agency Mossad (L) and srael's army Chief Lieutenant-General Gabi Ashkenazi (R) (Reuters/Yonathan Weitzman/Umit Bektas)

Journalist Ilana Dayan said in the documentary promo that she was not allowed to give the actual date of that meeting. It is possible that it took place after the Stuxnet cyber worm’s attack on Iranian uranium enrichment facilities failed to put the Iranian nuclear program to a full halt. Still, the Stuxnet worm allegedly managed to damage as many as 1,000 centrifuges in the Iranian uranium enrichment center in Natanz, reports The New York Times.

Israeli Channel 2 TV plans to broadcast the documentary as a part of Dayan's investigative journalism show “Fact” on Monday evening, the eve of the US presidential election on November 6. The precise timing of it suggests that the discussion between Washington and Tel Aviv on how to stop the Iranian nuclear program might be reopened immediately after the presidential election in America.

The administration of President Barack Obama has been decisive to decline all Israel’s attempts to draw the US into a military strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. Washington has warned that should Tel Aviv opts to do the assault on its own, it would have to face the consequences all alone.

Washington still lays its hopes with the crippling international sanctions imposed on Iranian Islamic Republic

Despite Washington’s decisiveness on the Iranian question, the Israeli leader continues to call for military action against Tehran. During a recent speech at the UN, Netanyahu declared that the show time for Iran is simply postponed till spring, or at maximum till summer 2013.

Five bomb explosions have struck the Bahraini capital, killing two street cleaners and injuring a janitor, say officials. The blasts come amidst escalating violence between anti-regime activists pushing for reform and the nation’s Sunni monarchy.

Kuwaiti police used stun grenades, smoke bombs and teargas to disperse thousands of demonstrators calling for greater democracy in the country. The rally came as the emir was meeting with the representatives of the opposition.

The WAR led by the US/Isreal which is a Western military base and its European allies has already begun. All the sanctions inplace are precusurs to excahnge of Fire Power. Recalled the preparations for WAR against Saddam Hussein's Iraq. Reemeber the UN was used to impose various sanctions some of which was designed specifically to kill Iraqui babies. Excluding all other deaths, the amount of Babies that were killed when UN medical sanctions was imposed on Iraq amounts to more than 500,000. Should the UN be used an an instrument of Western Warfare? It was not designed to do so. Why then the 5 Security Members permit such Criminality. The world obseves.

This confirms how dangerous Israel is to world peace.

They actually planned war on others without justification other than they wish to "sleep in peace" while others have to die to give them that right!!!

CraZiest and scariest people on earth.

....dare to attack Iran , a population of 80 million fighting people against 7 million of office workers.

Gosh .. who would win?
It is amazing that the head of Israeli IDF refused to follow the orders of sitting Israeli PM to attack Iran. What do Israelis think about this incident.
No Comments................Both Israel & Iran are our Good Friends.............................
No Comments................Both Israel & Iran are our Good Friends.............................

Yeah, but the question is " How can chief of armed forces refuse a direct order of a sitting PM ? "
Seems like a rift between armed forces and the Netanyahu government. Now the question is, to what extent will the army go to disobey PM's orders. Coup?
Yeah, but the question is " How can chief of armed forces refuse a direct order of a sitting PM ? "

Because its the army knows its capabilities, along with the capabilities of the army... Mossad is the best agency in the world. The Chief rejecting PM word means, Iran is not yet making closr to a N Weapon, and he would be having intel regarding that.
Netanyahu and Barak are little bit arrogant and they are right wing. Its good US president Barrack Obama is keeping them in check.
Because its the army knows its capabilities, along with the capabilities of the army... Mossad is the best agency in the world. The Chief rejecting PM word means, Iran is not yet making closr to a N Weapon, and he would be having intel regarding that.
Netanyahu and Barak are little bit arrogant and they are right wing. Its good US president Barrack Obama is keeping them in check.

Actually now that Obama has been reelected, he does not care anymore what Israel does anymore.

Iran is today in greater danger today than ever before.

Look for Israeli attack on Iran before Christmas ( in Six Weeks ).
Actually now that Obama has been reelected, he does not care anymore what Israel does anymore.

Iran is today in greater danger today than ever before.

Look for Israeli attack on Iran before Christmas ( in Six Weeks ).

If Mitt Romney had been elected, the attack would have been started. The point is Netanyahu have lost support of US president and some European countries, who are not seeing eye to eye with Netanyahu on regard to settlements.
Actually now that Obama has been reelected, he does not care anymore what Israel does anymore.

Iran is today in greater danger today than ever before.

Look for Israeli attack on Iran before Christmas ( in Six Weeks ).

We always hear of these ridiculous deadlines that pass without incident but then you guys revise them again and give another ridiculous deadline! Just stop!
We always hear of these ridiculous deadlines that pass without incident but then you guys revise them again and give another ridiculous deadline! Just stop!

It is actually not our deadline but the deadline put forth by the Zionazis.
Rubbish..... If the military refuse the order of the CiC thats effective coup detat .... Government can not survive.... Either the PM or the heads of services would have had to go.... Both can not remain as is should this have actually happened
Yeah, but the question is " How can chief of armed forces refuse a direct order of a sitting PM ? "
Even Manekshaw had refused when Indira Gandhi asked him to attack East Pakistan in April. And we all know what the final result was
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