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IDEAS 2018 - Updates & Discussions

During Mock Anti Terrorism display at IDEAS one hilux with troops flipped over, minor injuries
During Mock Anti Terrorism display at IDEAS one hilux with troops flipped over, minor injuries

Yeah, saw that, too much excitement.



credit to Tipu7
Hmmm...interesting how they invited Cynthia McKinney. One of the few who made it into the global elite but rejected to succumb to their pressure. And one of the few who is vocal against the group of people stereotypically known as the illuminati.
yay, I got my pass today.

Will visit IDEAS tomorrow
hey can I join you, akele bore hojaenga it will be great to have a company

How can we see this exhibition as civilian?
"The exhibition will be opened for the general public for one day on Nov 30"
bring your original NIC and wait in the que it will take around 1-2 hours
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