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IDEAS 2010

Heck ill just go to Karachi and visit.. passes arent an issue for me.

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I hope this year the IDEAS will be great with more advanced new stuff.
this event shd be very interesting indeed - i think all the 'deals' in the pipeline will be show-cased here in this exhibition.

i am all eyes to see if the Submarine section still holds model of U214 or has it been replaced by Marlin....

i wish nothing have changes in this regard.

i always have been all praise for U214 and wish to see some developmen on IDEAS 2010

well hope pakistan can buy something atleasr but with this natural disaster i think we have to wait for next ideas 2012 to buy something
allahhhh!! IDEAS 2010? buttt butt... we just had IDEAS 2008 like yesterday? dam time is moving so fast.. lol.. haha
is some one really giving some passes or jus a rumor. do consider me coz i dont have any one in millitary so no chance for me :undecided:
Could anyone plz get me a pass for this years IDEAS expo! I missed the last one cuz of my friend who did have available passes from his relative in Suparco but he didn't avail it :mad:

This year I don't want to depend on anyone and am trying to get a pass for me atleast, 2 would be great cuz my friend is a die hard fan of the Thunder.

Fatman Sir, (or anyone for that matter) would you be so kind enough...? :angel:

Why only for you I am bigger contender because I missed all. Plz do the favoure............:pakistan::agree::pakistan:
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