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Idea no.4: Business, supply chain, management and finance

Actually "investing" in agriculture is the future...Europe is using Africa as their back garden...they have put alot of "investment" into research on crops grown on little water and increasing temperatures (best continent to test is Africa)...China is doing the same...

So, in few yrs time all food will be exported FROM Africa while Pakistan will be left behind and left behind means importing will increase...and whoever will have the upper hand will prosper!

Our water flows from dams and barrages have started to decrease .
Indian violation of indus water treaty and effects of global warming on our glaciers will decrease our crop production in future

Therefore Pakistan has very less time to find alternative for its citizens before it becomes too late.
Our water flows from dams and barrages have started to decrease .
Indian violation of indus water treaty and effects of global warming on our glaciers will decrease our crop production in future

Therefore Pakistan has very less time to find alternative for its citizens before it becomes too late.
The worst part is we have not done any "research" on climate change on plants and agriculture...we havent even created any of our own seeds / crops for our land/ conditions!

So, no we do need research coz only through research will we be able to solve...

Those stupids who use FRESH water to water their crops are idiots! The agriculture sector needs to be given water tax bill for wasting water! Instead govt should invest on waste treatment to use that water in fields! It will also have added salts to reduce fertilizer usage!
The worst part is we have not done any "research" on climate change on plants and agriculture...we havent even created any of our own seeds / crops for our land/ conditions!

So, no we do need research coz only through research will we be able to solve...

Those stupids who use FRESH water to water their crops are idiots! The agriculture sector needs to be given water tax bill for wasting water! Instead govt should invest on waste treatment to use that water in fields! It will also have added salts to reduce fertilizer usage!

Research on agriculture field is not solution for a long term economic growth.i have already described a solution in my previous post with you.
Research on agriculture field is not solution for a long term economic growth.i have already described a solution in my previous post with you.
There is no 1 solution!

Plus food is a must...You cant rely on importing it...even UAE imports most of its food...but that is coz they have oil...we dont have that luxury ...Today we have agriculture yet we still import alot of fruits and vegetables! Imagine when we dont grow much (due to climate change, lack of water and whatever other excuses)....our imports will increase unproportionally so no matter what you "export" you need to guard you import too!

Our unified local industrialists can build manufacturing plant of solar plates. It is not a big industry as you think

Its a medium level industry . I have seen in YouTube it requires medium level investment for each investor
Can u kindly describe it in details??and if related kindly share your experience/expertise too

Our unified local industrialists can build manufacturing plant of solar plates. It is not a big industry as you think

Its a medium level industry . I have seen in YouTube it requires medium level investment for each investor
actually agriculture might be a long-term good idea for Pakistan. There are some plants that can improve barren lands - something Pakistan has a lot of.

"Legumes have bacteria on nodules which are on the roots of the plant. The bacteria on the nodules takes nitrogen from the air and fixes it into the soil, so that other plants that require nitrogen can use it as well.

This nitrogen cycle that was breifly discussed above is used in what farmers call a crop rotation. Farmers use soybeans and other legumes in roatations with grass crops such as corn or wheat. Grass crops are unable to take their own nitrogen from the air so they either need the nitrogen in the soil that the legumes provide for them in a crop rotation or they need a chemical fertilizer containing nitrogen. Many farmers choose to use both. Most farmers use a two or four year rotation on their fields. In a two year rotation a farmer will alternate a year of a legume such as soybeans and a year of a grass crop such as corn. In a four year rotation a farmer will alternate back and forth between legumes and grass crops just as in a two year rotation, but instead he will use four differnt crops.
" (See https://www2.kenyon.edu/projects/farmschool/nature/soy.htm )

There is heavy demand for soybeans from countries like China - which has only increased due to US-China trade war. Japan is another major buyer. One major supplier is Brazil, however, they deforest the Amazon to grow soybean crops and graze cattle. Pakistan which lacks trees can be the ideal substitute for soybean & beef production. In other words, buying soybean & beef from Pakistan can save the environment, lol.
Can u kindly describe it in details??and if related kindly share your experience/expertise too

Let me explain what I wanted to say .

There are four ordanery businessmen and don't know one another .

A.--- Businessman having bank balance of 1 curor

B ---businessman having bank balance of 1 curor

C-- businessman having bank balance of 1 curor

D-- businessman with bank balance of 1 curor

Now Government has announced a scheme for businessmen to boost industry . Government is willing to provide all incentives that I mentioned.

Now. These four businessmen take interest on the said scheme and go to national Bank or trade ministry for further details.

They , being unknown to eachother , agreed to be unified investors and become partner and invest their one+one+ one+ build plant.

From construction to final product will get equal profit .

Note : I am not an industrialist neither I have any such expertise. I am just sharing an idea for the betterment of Pakistan. Rest of experts can review my idea according to their thinking
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THan kindly share your experience and plans love to hear it :) bhai bus yeh sochain if we not able to do who knows koi aur kar ly faida tu Pakistan ka hi hona hai

@Mr ambassador Agree on you that point recent tax changes going to push them looking for real business(not only investing in properties/stocks only) but finance is and never was an issue arranging in Karachi but thats not the point(waisy iss main itni barkat bhi nahi check my some post mention someone lost 10 crore of investor in solar panels retailing ) .We need expertise plus they willing to start all by themselves if possible.BUt the main question still remains which project ? About solar those videos u mentioned if possible kindly post it here too
We should keep agriculture top priority before any other industry as food inflation and shortage hurt every one in society and if our food security is maintained we can sustain any tough conditions.We should focus on value addition and finished food products as well as brand development of food products through quality control.Govt should provide free land for industry but become partner in profits of industry with shareholding of govt in industries equal to proportion of land value share in total valuation of industrial undertaking .This will give huge revenue to govt inaddition to taxes
THan kindly share your experience and plans love to hear it :) bhai bus yeh sochain if we not able to do who knows koi aur kar ly faida tu Pakistan ka hi hona hai

@Mr ambassador Agree on you that point recent tax changes going to push them looking for real business(not only investing in properties/stocks only) but finance is and never was an issue arranging in Karachi but thats not the point(waisy iss main itni barkat bhi nahi check my some post mention someone lost 10 crore of investor in solar panels retailing ) .We need expertise plus they willing to start all by themselves if possible.BUt the main question still remains which project ? About solar those videos u mentioned if possible kindly post it here too
I already said cost of per share holder increase or decrease depends on industry.

Let's suppose if cost of solar plates making factory is 50 curor. Ten Businessmen, five curor on each share holder, can build a factory without taking a big risk. Unified investors under the scheme can build many factories.

It's not a rocket science to have expertise. Local people can do it.
watch this. It's a smaller factory than textile. Many such things we don't produce locally but import.

These are top reasons that our businessmen don't buil factories.

Number one is that it's a huge investment for a individual Businessman so they don't risk of loss . There are government strict policies too.

Therefore I have suggested in my idea to unify Businessmen on manufacturing sector as that they don't have fear of loss of huge investment. More and more small businessmen will join there hand to build factories to get government amenities . It's wish of everyone to diversify income.
THan kindly share your experience and plans love to hear it :) bhai bus yeh sochain if we not able to do who knows koi aur kar ly faida tu Pakistan ka hi hona hai

Well professionally I'm a technologist with expertise in electronics, cloud computing, networking, IOT, product design etc. So anyone can contact me for consultation/suggestion/advice on these topics.

Actually I was referring to @Dubious 's plan of doing something in tourism industry. So a couple of months back, I had a great idea clicked in my mind about making a website (actually more than just a website, something like "Centralized tourism management") for promoting (Pakistani) tourism around the globe. I can share the plan details with feasibility etc on this forum publicly or if you prefer I can send a private message if there is any possibility.
Well professionally I'm a technologist with expertise in electronics, cloud computing, networking, IOT, product design etc. So anyone can contact me for consultation/suggestion/advice on these topics.

Actually I was referring to @Dubious 's plan of doing something in tourism industry. So a couple of months back, I had a great idea clicked in my mind about making a website (actually more than just a website, something like "Centralized tourism management") for promoting (Pakistani) tourism around the globe. I can share the plan details with feasibility etc on this forum publicly or if you prefer I can send a private message if there is any possibility.
@graphican @zulu @Signalian

Anyone interested?

Well professionally I'm a technologist with expertise in electronics, cloud computing, networking, IOT, product design etc. So anyone can contact me for consultation/suggestion/advice on these topics.

Actually I was referring to @Dubious 's plan of doing something in tourism industry. So a couple of months back, I had a great idea clicked in my mind about making a website (actually more than just a website, something like "Centralized tourism management") for promoting (Pakistani) tourism around the globe. I can share the plan details with feasibility etc on this forum publicly or if you prefer I can send a private message if there is any possibility.
Use PDF as a platform to collect likeminded people...However, I will advice you might need to mix and match a few times...it will only be a miracle if you get the right team in the first go :)

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