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Idea no.4: Business, supply chain, management and finance

It is excellent suggestion and should be given positive ratings.I totally support and second your point of view and govt should adopt it immediately
it's a good idea, however, I don't think government should provide subsidies or free land to investors. It is wrong to take tax from the common people and give it to industrialists who are already well off. However, what they can do is lease land for free until the formed investment company starts producing profits. Instead of providing subsidies, the government can simply remove tariffs/taxes on the finished products.

Another good idea is for the government to foster B2B connections between these companies and mandate for any participant, all raw materials or components used to manufacture products, must be sourced locally from a Pakistan-based company. This will help to reduce import bill and will help develop the full supply chain within Pakistan.
It is excellent suggestion and should be given positive ratings.I totally support and second your point of view and govt should adopt it immediately

Yes it is discouraging for not getting positive rating for constructive thread/ discussion and some other members get get positive rating on merely trolling comment. For that reason ,I thought many times to leave the forum. :sad:
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@Dubious Check this after long time i read some useful post on PDF
View attachment 568868

''a goal without plan is a dream but a dream with plan is a destiny'' .

Lets take a baby step towards a long journey to make Pakistan a workshop of Asia.:pakistan:

Right now Pakistan is suffering from financial crises due to sharp decline of exports. It is happening because of more imports, that kill industry and manufacturing sector. Contribution of industrial sector in GDP is 17% and are paying more taxes than all other sectors. Our industry can grow if the state set attractive policies for local investors. Small traders and businessmen have money but they don’t have as much money to build small and medium industries. Amount of Investment on manufacturing sectors is in curors either on small or medium industry .It is difficult to invest in manufacturing sector for a individual businessman whose incomes are in lacs . Or in some place, local businessmen have money but don’t have information how to be a manufacturer .
it is now and never situation for the state to take initiative and encourage local investors to invest on manufacturing sectors for economic growth and prosperity . I have a suggestion to uplift manufacturing sector.

Divide industries and mode of investment into three categories.

1:Small industry: minimum 1.5 million investment per share holder

2: medium industry : minimum 5 million investment per share holder

3: Big industry : minimum 20 million investment per share holder

it is a scheme to unify local businessmen to build small , medium and big industries under the supervision of the government of Pakistan. However the amount can be less or more which depends on the type of industry.

First of all , the government will have to establish industrial zones in all districts and give free lands for building factories on this scheme. National bank/ Trade ministry should give lists of needed manufacturing industries and feasibility reports from factory construction to finishing product and its total amount with the required per share holders. Our commerce ministry/national bank should navigate local investors about men, machine and raw material . National Bank will seal agreements among the agreed parties. Profit margin will be shared among the investors according to the percentage of invested amount through national banks with deductions of income tax. The government will hold managerial position as long as any of investor does not have more than 50% share on factory.

An example:

Right now Pakistan does not produce solar plates locally . it is highly demanded looking at our energy demands. we import it from china . Lets suppose if our government give free land to unified local investors to build a factory that manufacture solar plates. Even the government of Pakistan under this scheme can be a supportive pillar on downfall of their business. It can offer insurance, subsidy and interest free loan. There are many such things that we do not produce locally .

Amenities will be given in this scheme:

Free government land for building factory ( cant be sold or purchased . Otherwise people will do real estate business under this scheme)

1:NO tax on finishing products for export.
2: NO tax on imported industrial machinery .

3:Exemption from sales and GST taxes for ten years

4:In case of industry downfall or loss
a: insurance
b: free interest loan.
c: subsidy

Beside it , the government should establish German or European affiliated technical schools for human resource. Foreign investors will have confidence on our manpower for further FDI. Qualitative and cheap skilled workers will wonders on our manufacturing sectors . I am sure foreign investors will come like a flock of birds .


1: increments of exports

2: increments in Made In Pakistan products


4: increments in dollar reserves .

5: More Registration of tax filers in FBR under the scheme.

6:Low risk business due to more investors in one platform.

7: diversified income and economic activity of Public.

8: Improvement in HDI

9: Decrease in trade deficit
Excellent idea, but for it to start private sector will have to make the push. Look at all developed or rapidly developing economies, government is just a facilitator while private sector investors bring in all the cash.

Investors will have to arrange and organize in conglomerates with capital to invest in manufacturing units then they will be in a position to demand incentives from the government.

P.S. I agree with other posters, OP definitely deserves a positive rating for this.
@Mr ambassador Lets refine it some more and make it an permanent one .First dicuss the potential sector.Agri u pointed out right but rather than giving free (which never worked) give it on rent(nominal or profit sharing ).Also there is lot of scope of corporate farming.Importance its if that hand over to foreign countries with any rules and regulation they gonna exploit its never consider good in long run better to focus our own peoples start ups.
Solar we discussed a lot here but it requires big investment on manufacturing level which is the way.Lets find some possible prospects but on low cost say 5 lakh per person
@Mr ambassador Lets refine it some more and make it an permanent one .First dicuss the potential sector.Agri u pointed out right but rather than giving free (which never worked) give it on rent(nominal or profit sharing ).Also there is lot of scope of corporate farming.Importance its if that hand over to foreign countries with any rules and regulation they gonna exploit its never consider good in long run better to focus our own peoples start ups.
Solar we discussed a lot here but it requires big investment on manufacturing level which is the way.Lets find some possible prospects but on low cost say 5 lakh per person

Free lands should be given to only our local Investors .. Not foreigners. The investors won't be able sell or purchase alloted lands. It will be only for industrial purpose. Such policies will attract more local investors

But your suggesting to encourage investors to invest on agriculture. I am totally against it. Because it is a short solution if we look growing water crisis.

Never a good idea :disagree: maybe on low rent
Thanks for postive rate :partay:
Nope but lets find out possibilities together and if u point out more industrial based projects love to hear your inputs but kindly rem make it attractive to small to medium level investment
Free lands should be given to only our local Investors.

But your suggesting to encourage investors to invest on agriculture. I am totally against it. Because it is a short solution if we look growing water crisis.

Thanks for postive rate :partay:
But your suggesting to encourage investors to invest on agriculture. I am totally against it. Because it is a short solution if we look growing water crisis.
Actually "investing" in agriculture is the future...Europe is using Africa as their back garden...they have put alot of "investment" into research on crops grown on little water and increasing temperatures (best continent to test is Africa)...China is doing the same...

So, in few yrs time all food will be exported FROM Africa while Pakistan will be left behind and left behind means importing will increase...and whoever will have the upper hand will prosper!
Nope but lets find out possibilities together and if u point out more industrial based projects love to hear your inputs but kindly rem make it attractive to small to medium level investment
Brother it's small to big level industrial investment.

Minimum 1.5 million rupees investment for getting share in industry is not a big amount.
Present your idea with some details @Dubious started such thread long ago i think its better to move this discussion there
Brother it's small to big level industrial investment.

Minimum 1.5 million rupees investment for getting share in industry is not a big amount.

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