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ICJ rejects India’s plea for acquittal, repatriation of Kulbhushan - Updates, News & Discussion

Hahahahahahahha yeah and not even 0.5% Americans know about it. Go sell this story somewhere else I actually live in North America and know how US/Canada operate. Like I said chal nikal chutia.

Yeah....sure..thing you live in the us ...... :p

do you like bacon too ??
ICJ effectively stayed the death penalty until there is a new trial and verdict. He gets consular access and Pakistan stands accused of violating UN treaty which you're a signatory

what did Pakistan get?
Yeah....sure..thing you live in the us ...... :p

do you like bacon too ??
I didn't say I live in US.

Also everybody living in US eats bacon???? Hahahahhaha Indians rat exposed..... go worship your 1000 gods you cow dung
Please go through the below. The above claim that the ICJ considers him a spy is open to interpretation when I read it.
But as is all law, so....
You’re entitled to your view, I’m not reading any mention of the court passing judgement on him being a spy.

I am not referring to decision itself but the conventions of Veinna agreement which the court referred to ,they are I believe deal with spies.

If true, India is basically fked.
Does India issue Iranian passports?
Or for that matter does Pakistan?

If not, you should know why I wrote that.

I know why you wrote it. Everyone knows India is completely innocent this must be Iran's doing amiright? :azn:

Yeah....sure..thing you live in the us ...... :p

do you like bacon too ??

You're still pretending to have no Indian connection you failed LARP? I understand though I'd be ashamed if I was Indian too.
I didn't say I live in US.

Also everybody living in US eats bacon???? Hahahahhaha Indians rat exposed..... go worship your 1000 gods you cow dung

"yeah and not even 0.5% Americans know about it. Go sell this story somewhere else I actually live in North America and know how US/Canada operate"

do you like hamburger with extra bacon on top ? :p
Do you like hamburger ? :p
Hahahahahhaha again exposing your indianness you might be posting out of some hut in Chennai or Mumbai.... A hamburger is made out of beef and yes I love to have them. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I'm your father son....
Yes dear, we are considering a retrial if India asks very very very nicely.

Meanwhile, reality had begun sinking in back home after the initial hoopla that depite India's plea, Kulbhushan is never coming back:

ICJ ordered a retrial. Obey very very nicely.
We never went there to get him acquitted in the first place, we went there because he was denied consular access and granted death penalty in a sham trial.

Indian media is just stretching
what did Pakistan get?
ICJ ordered a retrial. Obey very very nicely.
We never went there to get him acquitted in the first place, we went there because he was denied consular access and granted death penalty in a sham trial.

Indian media is just stretching

Show me where it says bolded part. It only asks Pakistan to review and reconsider the death penalty. Don't run mouth Hindu filth.
Hahahahahhaha again exposing your indianness you might be posting out of some hut in Chennai or Mumbai.... A hamburger is made out of beef and yes I love to have them. :rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl:

I'm your father son....

"yeah and not even 0.5% Americans know about it. Go sell this story somewhere else I actually live in North America and know how US/Canada operate"

"I didn't say I live in US."

With fries please....
ICJ effectively stayed the death penalty until there is a new trial and verdict. He gets consular access and Pakistan stands accused of violating UN treaty which you're a signatory
Again, I'm quoting BBC here for the lot that is trying hard to attain Modi's clody weather advantage intelligence quotient:

"The court did not order Pakistan to free Mr Jadhav. It's not entirely clear what will happen next. The ICJ stated Pakistan could decide how best to conduct an "effective review" of Jadhav's conviction and sentence, but seemed to suggest a review by a civilian high court would be suitable."

Review by such and such would be suitable? Lol what kind of lame *** binding language is that PRO BONO :rofl:...

So if you want an "effective review" as however appropraitely decided by Pakistan, then India will have to say pretty please first, lol.
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