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IAF's Sukhois to be stationed near Pakistan border

You are wrong. We do make incursions often to test their capability and reaction time. Remember the MiG 25 Fiasco? That role has been taken up by the Su 30 right now. The MiG 25R was one nightmare for the Pakistani air force. Remember our ACM ordering the pilots to do a low run pass over Islamabad? It happens all the time.

Remember Jhodpur had a MiG 25 for recce purpose.

I have no idea what you are talking about and where you came up with this info, at no point did a MIG25 ever make a low pass over Islamabad. A MIG25 was clocked once in the late 90's and it was flying at a very high altitude which enabled it to escape a missile lock. The MIG25 was never a nightmare for PAF as you make it out to be, the capabilities of the MIG25 were pretty much revealed when the Americans tested it out. It was as best a rocket that could fly at very fast speeds, the Americans were smart that they made missiles that were faster than jets.

There are intrusions and they are conducted both by PAF and IAF but its only during times when tension are high, during peace time both AF's respect each others sovereignty and do not bypass the buffer zone. Intrusions are done very close to the border that in case interceptors are inbound, the pilot can quickly turn back and get into his air space.
I have no idea what you are talking about and where you came up with this info, at no point did a MIG25 ever make a low pass over Islamabad. A MIG25 was clocked once in the late 90's and it was flying at a very high altitude which enabled it to escape a missile lock. The MIG25 was never a nightmare for PAF as you make it out to be, the capabilities of the MIG25 were pretty much revealed when the Americans tested it out. It was as best a rocket that could fly at very fast speeds,

If 'at best' it could only do what you mentioned than how did it manage to to earn so many kills? One Iraqi pilot is beleived to have as much as 10 kills against the Iranian Air Force in his Mig-25. In my opionion, the Mig-25, if used correctly could acheive quality kills, and it has.

the Americans were smart that they made missiles that were faster than jets.

The Mig-25 often evaded missiles, one Mig-25 evaded 10 missiles from F-15's. The Mig-25 could easily be shot down like other aircraft but the problem was that it often spent much of its time at high speeds and high altitudes, this made it very difficult to shoot down.
Ways to evade missiles
1.Stealth F22,PAK FA
2.Jammers Growler,Su34
3.High Speed Mig25,Mig35
bhaiyaa jee bus idhar say udhar karatay raho aur kush hotay raho......lol
At least read your own damn article before posting it.

"The Foxbat broke the sound barrier while flying at an altitude of around 65,000 feet"

So exactly was the Foxbat doing a low pass over Islamabad? :rolleyes:
The Foxbat broke the sound barrier while flying at an altitude of around 65,000 feet, otherwise the mission would have remained covert, at least to the general public. The Pakistan Government considered the breaking of the sound barrier as deliberate: to make the point that the Pakistan Air Force (PAF) has no aircraft in its inventory which can come close to the cruising height of the MiG-25 (up to 74,000 feet).

However, from one of PAF's Forward Operating Bases, radar traced the intruder and the F-16As scrambled. Sources in the PAF said that there was no need to intercept a plane flying at the altitude of 65,000 feet as the F-16 can reach an operating ceiling of 55,000 feet.
oh that was most funny part
SU-30MKI is over kill if we put it on Pakistani border we should put our MiG-21 Bison and M2K aircraft on the Pakistani border whereas the MiG-29SMT and the SU-30MKI should go on the eastern borders
SU-30MKI is over kill if we put it on Pakistani border we should put our MiG-21 Bison and M2K aircraft on the Pakistani border whereas the MiG-29SMT and the SU-30MKI should go on the eastern borders

True or Gods girft to aviation will have to be surrendered on the nearest Pak airbase n spend its life as a glorified trophy.. The flying coffins of indian airforce are enough for the f-16s,FC-20s,JFTs n JF2X n Rose mirages etc.
True or Gods girft to aviation will have to be surrendered on the nearest Pak airbase n spend its life as a glorified trophy.. The flying coffins of indian airforce are enough for the f-16s,FC-20s,JFTs n JF2X n Rose mirages etc.
Oh Ya bring the fight to us and feel the burns in your Airforce Commanders bu*t.
A 40 year old vintage aircraft as you call as Flying Coffins won us the 1971 war with you. It might be a obselete design and no longer its replacements are made but surely was the superior flight of its generation.
True or Gods girft to aviation will have to be surrendered on the nearest Pak airbase n spend its life as a glorified trophy.. The flying coffins of indian airforce are enough for the f-16s,FC-20s,JFTs n JF2X n Rose mirages etc.


Indias Fight generation project is on its way,some third word countrys will beg like a beggar from china.
True or Gods girft to aviation will have to be surrendered on the nearest Pak airbase n spend its life as a glorified trophy.. The flying coffins of indian airforce are enough for the f-16s,FC-20s,JFTs n JF2X n Rose mirages etc.

cool story bro did Zaid Hamid teach that to your school today? get real those MiG-21 non upgraded fighters won us the 1971 air war we have Bisons which are the most advanced variant and they are comparable to the F-16blk30 in joint exercises with other air forces the Bison held way more than its own

and yes you will keep our aircraft as trophies just like you kept American helicopters full of navy seals as trophies too? :lol:
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