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IAF's Performance Tumbling.


Nov 9, 2009
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United Kingdom
India’s Air Force Chief admits tumbling performance of IAF
—Says alarming rise in IAF’s air crashes was a source of permanent concern

NEW DELHI—Admitting that aircraft crashes were a matter of concern, the Indian Air Force (IAF) chief, Air Chief Marshal Pradeep Naik said Monday they couldn’t be entirely ruled out.
“Yes, crashes are a matter of concern. It pains us because it involves not only the loss of aircraft, but sometimes lives also,” Naik told reporters in New Delhi. “”In older aircraft, the mean time between failure tends to reduce. We carefully analyse every crash and take remedial action,” Naik said.
The IAF suffered two crashes last week, the first on Feb 16 when a MiG-27 went down near Hashimara in West Bengal, killing the pilot. A MiG-21 crashed on Feb 19 at Bagdogra, also in West Bengal, but the pilot managed to eject to safety.
“In the first case, it appears to be a failure of the low pressure turbine blades. In the second, there was an engine surge and the thrust dropped, forcing the pilot to eject,” Naik said, an indication of the openness with which the IAF is dealing with such issues.
“Accidents are bound to happen. What we must ensure is that operational efficiency is not degraded,” he pointed out.
Speaking about the progress on the global tender the IAF has floated for 126 combat jets in a deal valued at $10 billion, Naik said two aircraft - the Lockheed Martin F-16 IN Super Viper and the Dassault Rafale - had completed all three rounds of trials.
The Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet, the Saab Gripen, the MiG-35 and the Eurofighter Typhoon have completed two rounds of trials each.
“The trials should finish by April-end and it will then take us a couple of months to draw up a shortlist,” he said.
Still, the price negotiations could take about 18 months before the final order is placed.
Eighteen jets will be purchased in fly-away condition and the balance will be manufactured in India by the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) on a transfer of technology basis.—Agencies

The Daily Mail - Daily News from Pakistan - Newspaper from Pakistan
i really dont see where the gen said that performance was going down .all he said was that we had problems with old aircraft.

if there was an award for "most anti-indian thread starter with thread title different from what was actually mentioned " --essentially a flame thread starter it would go to you!!!!!(it may also be due your lack of knowledge in comprehending information in the article)
Man, I read this guys article.... Leave it... he Lacks knowledge in interpreting Stuffs..... Such single minded fellows should be avoided, let the fanboys jump after that assumption of his, extracted out of that article...
India’s Air Force Chief admits tumbling performance of IAF
—Says alarming rise in IAF’s air crashes was a source of permanent concern

NEW DELHI—Admitting that aircraft crashes were a matter of concern, the Indian Air Force (IAF) chief, Air Chief Marshal Pradeep Naik said Monday they couldn’t be entirely ruled out.
“Yes, crashes are a matter of concern. It pains us because it involves not only the loss of aircraft, but sometimes lives also,” Naik told reporters in New Delhi. “”In older aircraft, the mean time between failure tends to reduce. We carefully analyse every crash and take remedial action,” Naik said.
The IAF suffered two crashes last week, the first on Feb 16 when a MiG-27 went down near Hashimara in West Bengal, killing the pilot. A MiG-21 crashed on Feb 19 at Bagdogra, also in West Bengal, but the pilot managed to eject to safety.
“In the first case, it appears to be a failure of the low pressure turbine blades. In the second, there was an engine surge and the thrust dropped, forcing the pilot to eject,” Naik said, an indication of the openness with which the IAF is dealing with such issues.
“Accidents are bound to happen. What we must ensure is that operational efficiency is not degraded,” he pointed out.
Speaking about the progress on the global tender the IAF has floated for 126 combat jets in a deal valued at $10 billion, Naik said two aircraft - the Lockheed Martin F-16 IN Super Viper and the Dassault Rafale - had completed all three rounds of trials.
The Boeing F/A-18 Super Hornet, the Saab Gripen, the MiG-35 and the Eurofighter Typhoon have completed two rounds of trials each.
“The trials should finish by April-end and it will then take us a couple of months to draw up a shortlist,” he said.
Still, the price negotiations could take about 18 months before the final order is placed.
Eighteen jets will be purchased in fly-away condition and the balance will be manufactured in India by the Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL) on a transfer of technology basis.—Agencies

The Daily Mail - Daily News from Pakistan - Newspaper from Pakistan

Yeh we are going to close down IAF and going to sell all the assests at very low prices, even lower then Chinese Product.
Well Pakistan also operates F-7s( Mig-21 Copy)But Pakistani Aircraft don't crash so often.
IAF operates Migs that are 20-25+ old.We have to replace all of them.

But the future is bright for IAF.
Well Besides some F-7s received in Early 2000s most of out F-7s are also 20+ years old.
@Windjammer - excellent article.. can you explain the choice of title though. Seems you have mastered the art of how to get people reading inane news reports by putting them under inflammatory titles. Bravo - thanks for wasting my time
pak-yes .. difficult to compare F-7 s and Mig 21s . They are very different.
Btw many upgraded Mig21s have gone down - this indicates a problem during upgrading. IAF has been operating Mig21s for the best part of 4 decades now. Only the last 10-15 years have been bad due to crashes. Can't you accept the equipment is faulty ?
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IAF operates Migs that are 20-25+ old.We have to replace all of them.

But the future is bright for IAF.

Pakistan Airforce is operating Mirage III/V aircraft from the 60s. They don't crash. Mig 21 and Mig 27 crash often because they are 25 years old? For a good jet fighter that doesn't see much combat use but just routine sorties, these crashes means a lot for the IAF engineering teams. Also, the newest and the most potent fighters, SU 30 and Mig 29 have also resulted in crashes. None of the JF-17s so far has crashed.

Just admit when you are wrong. There is not a single type of fighter
new or old in IAF which has not crashed.

Give IAF the f-22 raptor or JSF 35, i am sure they will even crash that.

As the general says 18 months before first planes start to arrive for the MMRCA tender, we'll see if anything improves.

I personally feel sad when an IAF pilot/crew dies, for he didn't die in war but peacetime. All my regrets and condolences to their family.
But the Indian Government must take action and increase the supervision and quality control. Multi million dollar jets are of no use if they start crashing.

Count the number of planes/type of planes that PAF crashed and IAF crashed since last year. See the numbers yourself.
Pakistan Airforce is operating Mirage III/V aircraft from the 60s. They don't crash. Mig 21 and Mig 27 crash often because they are 25 years old? For a good jet fighter that doesn't see much combat use but just routine sorties, these crashes means a lot for the IAF engineering teams. Also, the newest and the most potent fighters, SU 30 and Mig 29 have also resulted in crashes. None of the JF-17s so far has crashed.

Just admit when you are wrong. There is not a single type of fighter
new or old in IAF which has not crashed.

Give IAF the f-22 raptor or JSF 35, i am sure they will even crash that.

As the general says 18 months before first planes start to arrive for the MMRCA tender, we'll see if anything improves.

I personally feel sad when an IAF pilot/crew dies, for he didn't die in war but peacetime. All my regrets and condolences to their family.
But the Indian Government must take action and increase the supervision and quality control. Multi million dollar jets are of no use if they start crashing.

Count the number of planes/type of planes that PAF crashed and IAF crashed since last year. See the numbers yourself.
Give IAF the f-22 raptor or JSF 35, i am sure they will even crash that.

Pardon me for getting into this internal matter between you and Indians, but seriously on this forum only NATO/China/India related threads are most active all the time with defense news. But if you didn't know, F-22 raptor has already crashed 3 times recently despite being spanking new. It can only be attributed to bad luck in case of USAF and perhaps lethargy and inefficiency in case of Indian government.

Count the number of planes/type of planes that PAF crashed and IAF crashed since last year. See the numbers yourself.

But then since you are a country where most of the time military dictators have ruled, do you think that the news of military failures such as aircraft crashing would be made public so openly as the Indian media opens it? For a political history as secretive as yours especially during the dictator eras, I don't think your government is entirely being truthful to you until now.

This is not to show Pakistan in any way down, but rather an assumption that maybe your previous governments weren't as honest as they should be to citizens like you.

However, I got to admit; Indian air force has an unusually high rate of aircraft crashes and attrition rates. They better do something if they have to retain their status as the world's 4th largest air force, if not 3rd position for near-future at least.
Pakistan Airforce is operating Mirage III/V aircraft from the 60s. They don't crash. Mig 21 and Mig 27 crash often because they are 25 years old? For a good jet fighter that doesn't see much combat use but just routine sorties, these crashes means a lot for the IAF engineering teams. Also, the newest and the most potent fighters, SU 30 and Mig 29 have also resulted in crashes. None of the JF-17s so far has crashed.

Just admit when you are wrong. There is not a single type of fighter
new or old in IAF which has not crashed.

Give IAF the f-22 raptor or JSF 35, i am sure they will even crash that.

As the general says 18 months before first planes start to arrive for the MMRCA tender, we'll see if anything improves.

I personally feel sad when an IAF pilot/crew dies, for he didn't die in war but peacetime. All my regrets and condolences to their family.
But the Indian Government must take action and increase the supervision and quality control. Multi million dollar jets are of no use if they start crashing.

Count the number of planes/type of planes that PAF crashed and IAF crashed since last year. See the numbers yourself.

my dear friend when u are comparing j-17 ....... u should compare with lca tejas not with mig 29 or 30 ..... pakistan flys only western planes which is of high quality so they have some advantage in that area .................. :cheers:
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