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IAF Ups The Ante In Ladakh!

Feel some shame, you have been absolutely murdered and humiliated, your lands have been confiscated from you without firing a bullet. You are a conquered nation as we speak, Lions prey at best.
I find it funny when strays color themselves with stripes and bark.. specially after gettin their behinds ripped apart.
Perfect time for Pakistan to export Tea to China for their arriving guests :pakistan::china:

Chinese already have a lot of variety:
I find it funny when strays color themselves with stripes and bark.. specially after gettin their behinds ripped apart.

At the moment, they are letting their frustration out at each other. Watching their "talk shows" is absolute joy. A shouting match between BJP/RSS (patriots) and Congress/Opposition (anti-nationals), both blaming each other for the present situation. LOL .
At the moment, they are letting their frustration out at each other. Watching their "talk shows" is absolute joy. A shouting match between BJP/RSS (patriots) and Congress/Opposition (anti-nationals), both blaming each other for the present situation. LOL .

Recipe for Success/Victory (India)
  • Political infighting
  • Disunited population (caste & religious divide)
  • Incompetent Gov
  • Incompetent Military
  • Military low morale & discipline
  • Disorganized
  • Delusional
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