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IAF Ups The Ante In Ladakh!

Lands can be capture if want .India can decide that .
They murdered us and we gave them reward so that they didnt release the casulaities until now.

You lost your lands to China without firing a bullet. Let that sink in first and foremost. India decide? Its not your decision at all.

You gave them diddly squat. You Colonel got neutralised, his number 2 Lt col and three majors were just released by PLA, 20 dead according to your admissions with number rising, you whole company was wiped out. This is as pathetic as it gets.

You have been given an ultimatum of "either with us or against us". Either behave or play the role of uncle sam local puppies at your own peril. Stark choices indeed.
Oh cheerleading hyneas are smiling .Lol.

But what use .Chinese now asks us what is wrong and what is right .
We will show them what is right and what is wrong .
You shown plenty in the last 24 hours - a nation of the size of India bowing to its master - losing soldiers in the most horrific manner and instead of showing humility - you and your leader living in the fictional world. Before I joined this forum I may have pitied your plight but to pity a nation that allows minorities to be butchered - your treatment towards Kashmiris and your delusional attitude stops me from even show any.
Correction .For the hynea bitch it was big boys ,Uncle Sam was before .China for last few years .
Occasionally Saudi , last year India .
China is still there trafficking from there literally .News are coming .
So satisfy your boss , cheerleader until we deal them
We saw who the fat shyt skinned bitch is on 27th feb19 & 3 days back when the big fat bitch was impregnated by pla with rods up the now ripped rectal cavity.. being a bitch comes naturally to you fuking cunts. The bitch was a pump and dump for ussr now cones uncle sam who pumped the bitch with his dick and false promises... the bitch went mad and got its *** ripped apart.. now the whore is here jumping in pain and showing her broken teeth, while brother chang with his rod still up the bitches *** poking her.. but seems just like 2019, the bitch has lost her appetite and is down to howling as usual..
As they say, bitch is all bark not bite.. specially if you shove a nail studded pipe up her bang hole. Go and eat and smear yourself in your own gobar bitch.

Correction .For the hynea bitch it was big boys ,Uncle Sam was before .China for last few years .
Occasionally Saudi , last year India .
China is still there trafficking from there literally .News are coming .
So satisfy your boss , cheerleader until we deal them
Also fuk face, never knew mother bitch india was a tranny... but dont worry brother chang surely took care of that .1 inch micro skin knot while he was pumping her :lol:

Wonder if the video will he up on **** hub or girls of tag mahal, this time chinese pumping her instead of white folks who pay 5 bucks a pop.
After China the Indian media is abuzz with its preparations in Ladakh. Today its airchief is in LEH as well to witness its readiness. Currently the Leh AB has heightened activities of the Su30s, Mig29s, Apaches,Chinooks,C17s and other air assets.

The toys displayed by the Indians are no doubt very fancy. But will they be able to use them appropriately and efficiently is the million dollar question. Nevertheless it should be noted by the Indian pilots that the Chinese Tea may not be that sweet ,so be very careful.
Indians do seem better equipped. Let's hope some shit happens and some flankers get spanked out of the air:turkey:
After China the Indian media is abuzz with its preparations in Ladakh. Today its airchief is in LEH as well to witness its readiness. Currently the Leh AB has heightened activities of the Su30s, Mig29s, Apaches,Chinooks,C17s and other air assets.

The toys displayed by the Indians are no doubt very fancy. But will they be able to use them appropriately and efficiently is the million dollar question. Nevertheless it should be noted by the Indian pilots that the Chinese Tea may not be that sweet ,so be very careful.
These heavy duty equipment is useless in mountain war. India need a very well trained mountain strike force to counter Chinese. Chinese planned these strike 30 years ago. In all those years India build only one highway in Ladakh and compare Chinese road network along LAC, which is remain open in winter.
Oh cheerleading hyneas are smiling .Lol.

But what use .Chinese now asks us what is wrong and what is right .
We will show them what is right and what is wrong .
o_O ye moo aur masoor ki daal.
You have just proved my point .
Hyenas comes in pack .Lion will be always alone .
Still Lion remains as same as before .

Cheerleading hyneas .Now smile .

This right here proves the point ladies and gentleman. Even when these Randians are down and out. Lying there battered and bruised in the gutter. No matter how much they have lost....they will always deny and somehow in their Bollywood infused mind, they will spin and twist the narrative to make it out that they have WON. They win in all scenarios, no matter what the facts say. Despite all evidence, they still insist that they downed an F-16. They hid the wreckage of the MKI that was downed. They twisted the story of the 27th Feb into a victory :sarcastic:.
Their Abhinonedone pilot was shot down, bloodied, dazed and sent back....yet they still presented him wit the highest honor they have of Vir Chackra :sarcastic:.
And now they are claiming that the "Lion" killed a gazillion Chineses because they are SUPAPOWER and they have ZERO evidence to back it up. :sarcastic:

Listen up Chutiya. The only thing I have proven is that the so called lion (Donkey), in your retarded mind got SHAFTED last year and you fail to see this as reality. I have also proved that China TORE you a new arsehole a few days back and you have the audacity to classify your nation of rats as lions? Do you have an iota of shame? I guess you don't. Now take your little wiener and go take your hallucination medication so you can continue to forget about the bang banging your nation is getting.
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Of Course we already knows where we are standing .That is why we told them .Let them bring.

Only big talk nothing concrete on ground, Indians have to bite now instead of barking, Chinese also know what they want and they also know how to get it.

Best case is that coward India attack smaller country i.e. Pakistan to prove themselves as world power.
We must not forget the SHAHEEN series of air exercises in the same region, which may be part of the GRAND plan!
In Kargil , Indian airforce was useless, it was Pak army NLI withdrawal from the post. We have living example of Afghanistan and Yemen where all these fancy weapons are totally fail.

But when India will take revenge from China...a million dollar question. Should we wait for SIRGICAL strike ...
Lol bharti’s are falling for the trap, they’re simply a pawn for the various Arms dealers around the world, Primarily Russia and US. The Chinese defence industry would be keen to test their home-grown equipment against India’s credit-card shopping spree. Here’s hoping this conflict yields newer customers for Sino-Pak defence industry.
Nothing sells like success!!! Turkish drones are getting orders after orders...
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