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IAF to upgrade SU-30 fighter aircraft

Yeah i remember this -- It was written by i think the super duper 'Brochure' sengupta....sorry but that guy is just no reliable. lets wait for Shiv A or Anatha Krishnan to report this.

Hard to believe that this can be done -- they would end making a new plane altogether.

Not sure who wrote it, the link doesn't work anymore, but as I said, I don't think it's reliable either.

Hi Sancho,

Thanks for pointing me to the article.
So does the upgrade include a AESA radar? As the power required for Irbis E ( su35bm radar) is too high and MKI's current engines cannot deliver that power.

Thanks in Advance.

The upgrade will include a radar upgrade too and it was often reported that the Bars will be modified to an AESA version. Not sure if the engines will be upgraded too, or if they would be even replaced by S117 engines, that will be used in Su 35BM and the Pak Fa prototypes, but we can't rule it out.
Yeah i remember this -- It was written by i think the super duper 'Brochure' sengupta....sorry but that guy is just no reliable.

Anathema , it was not Prasoon .
rather it was Force magazine article that started that rumor . And that particular Photo-shopped image of mki with weapon bays emerged .

Wing surface + Fuselage based finely blended conformal antennae can be added but weapon bays is just too much to believe .
Anathema , it was not Prasoon .
rather it was Force magazine article that started that rumor . And that particular Photo-shopped image of mki with weapon bays emerged .

Wing surface + Fuselage based finely blended conformal antennae can be added but weapon bays is just too much to believe .

Prateek - But Prasoon writes for Force Magazine --and i believe it was he who wrote that article.
O yes , that article was indeed by Sen-gupta .
Hope he has some credible source behind the article
I have seen tha not many of you have read the first article in detail
One of the few thinks which it mentions in the upg is the ability to fire BramMos Cruise missile , now we all know that was coming since the defence ministry had announced earliar that it was developing an air launched version of bramMos for the airforce , and 40 su30mki will be modified to fire it

Now it seams that the number Has gone up to 50 aircraft

The other upg will probably be to avionics , radar and certain steps to reduce the RCS of the aircraft
And yeah there will not be an aesa radar on the su30mki before 2017 , when the full order of 270 aircraft is completed

As far as methods for reducing RCS is concerned i can see that it has already being explained quite well by some posters
As far as i know RCS reduction will definitely be part of the upg if only to silence critics accross the border who complain about su30mki s relatively larger RCS

Currently India is upg its fleet of 63 mig29s to Mig29smt standard and one of the major part of the 975 million USD upg is radar and avionics as well as RCS reduction , to bring the Mig 29 to the level of Mig29k which the indian navy is acquiring for its future carriers
The mig 29 upg aims to reduce the RCS by 80 % , similar to that of mig29k

Now if you guys look at the most advanced flanker ie Su35B , Now this aircraft is basically a modified su30mki with AESA radar , but it has an RCS of 2sqm compared to Su30MKIs 10 sqm
If we add whatever RCS reduction upg carried out to develop the Su35B , to the Su30mki , then the RCS of Su30mki can fall by 80% just like the mig29s
Hello Sir, I admire u a Lot for ur Great Knowledge of Defence Related Stuffs :angel:

My Question to U was that Will Sukhoi Fire Brahmos 290Km Away Well Within Indian Terrirtory if it wants to fire at enemy territory ???


If the surface launched has a range of 290 km than air launched version must have much higher range, specially when launched from high altitude. Its speculated that if Brahmos is launched from MKI at an altitude of 10 km+ than it should have higher range than just 290 km! Brahmos loss much of the fuel climbing that altitude when launched from land/sea.
Planners in IAF are dumb as usual. They learnt nothing in last 60 years.

They should better utilize that money on private sector R&D labs for funding future AESA projects.

IAF guys know how to waste but they don't have brains like Israelis who innovate at home and don't keep importing like silly Indian babus mentality.
Planners in IAF are dumb as usual. They learnt nothing in last 60 years.

They should better utilize that money on private sector R&D labs for funding future AESA projects.

IAF guys know how to waste but they don't have brains like Israelis who innovate at home and don't keep importing like silly Indian babus mentality.

Work on AESA project is already underway. Government is doing as much as it can by giving funding to important projects.

But this doesnt mean that IAF should reduce its operational efficiency or advantage by waiting for a platform or technolgy to get matured or be inducted !!

I agree with you on Israel though -- however consider the fact that Israel has to constantly inovate itself since the country is surrounded by hostile neighbours who threatens to wipe out its existence. As they say best way to learn swimming is to jump into water. India on the other hand was too long idle and complacent in the cocoon provide by USSR ...but things are begining to move for better...so there's still hope.
Irbis-E radar of the Su-35, most probable upgrade for MKI...

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Irbis-E radar of the Su-35, most probable upgrade for MKI...

Not possible since the current engines cannot provide sufficient power for Ibris operations. 117S of Su 35 will not fit MKI---

It might be a Aesa upgrade of Bars radar.
Not possible since the current engines cannot provide sufficient power for Ibris operations. 117S of Su 35 will not fit MKI---

It might be a Aesa upgrade of Bars radar.

Irbis was an option for MKI upgrade from long ago thats why I mentioned it. But why do you think that the Al-31FP of the MKI cannot be upgraded? Or MKI cannot be modified to accommodate 117S?

As far as I know Bars is a PESA radar, so how one can just simply 'upgrade' a PESA into an AESA??!!!! It has be a new radar.

BTW what happened here?

Anathema , regarding 117 or 117s engine compatibility with MKI .
In Feb or March i remember Sancho and I had same discussion - I had same opinion , but sancho had a link from Manufacturer's website saying 117s is offered for upgrade to MKI . Let me search for it , ask sancho as well .
If the surface launched has a range of 290 km than air launched version must have much higher range, specially when launched from high altitude. Its speculated that if Brahmos is launched from MKI at an altitude of 10 km+ than it should have higher range than just 290 km! Brahmos loss much of the fuel climbing that altitude when launched from land/sea.

Actually rather than increasing the range of the missile, they have compensated by decreasing the weight of the missile..air launched version will be lighter and shorter in length as additional booster required to accelerate the missile has been removed (as the required momentum will be imparted by the accelerating aircraft.)
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