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IAF to upgrade SU-30 fighter aircraft

Few factors they should concentrate during upgrade,

1. New RAM for more RCS reduction
3. New IRST

Adding these with MKI's impressive range, payload, maneuverability, weapons, sensors, EW will make it unbeatable in the region.

I heard some smart skin for MKI. Is this true or speculation? I also heard replacing metal surface with composites( additional Adv of weight reduction)?

Are these coming with the upgrade?


I heard some smart skin for MKI. Is this true or speculation? I also heard replacing metal surface with composites( additional Adv of weight reduction)?

Are these coming with the upgrade?


Smart skin is speculation only and highly unlikely, more composites and RAM materials instead are expected.
Smart skin is speculation only and highly unlikely, more composites and RAM materials instead are expected.

Hello Sir, I admire u a Lot for ur Great Knowledge of Defence Related Stuffs :angel:

My Question to U was that Will Sukhoi Fire Brahmos 290Km Away Well Within Indian Terrirtory if it wants to fire at enemy territory ???

pardon my ignorance.. what is smartskin ?

The FORCE magazin reported once, that the MKI will be upgraded with a new airframe design, which includes internal weapon bays and AESA arrays in the wings. The latter was even developed from the Russians and integrated into the flanker series, but more likely to test them for Pak Fa and not as an MKI upgrade.
The internal weapon bay is also unlikey, because IAF clearly wants to add Brahmos, which can be used only on the centerline station yet.

Hello Sir, I admire u a Lot for ur Great Knowledge of Defence Related Stuffs :angel:

My Question to U was that Will Sukhoi Fire Brahmos 290Km Away Well Within Indian Terrirtory if it wants to fire at enemy territory ???


Possible, for targets in Pakistan for example, but even the IA land based version would be enough for that. The air launched version is to extend the range of Brahmos, by using the MKI, so most likely for targets that are in longer distances, maybe in China. The fact that IAF also develops an air launched version of Nirbhay for the MKI hints in the same direction, we simply don't need that ranges for targets in Pakistan.
Just another prove that our forces sees China as the main enemy and not Pakistan anymore!

Regards, Sancho
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Smart Skin????:what:
please enlighten us with it

Here is the old article, but as I said, it's not really reliable:

The pre-planned product improvement roadmap for the Su-30MKI continues to make steady progress, with two Indian Air Force (IAF) Su-30MKIs, delivered in mid-2002, being dispatched to United Aircraft Corp (UAC) of Russia’s Irkutsk-based facility (IRKUT Corp) where both airframes will be strengthened and refurbished, and their navigation-and-attack system will be upgraded in order to arm the aircraft with the BrahMos supersonic air-launched cruise missile for both maritime strike and ground attack. Thus, while all structural and electrical work will be undertaken at Irkutsk, the Tikhomirov-NIIP will upgrade the Su-30MKI’s existing NO-11M ‘Bars’ passive phased-array radar’s performance and operating modes by incorporating a radar target extraction LRU. Once all this has been done, the two upgraded Su-30MKIs will be flown back to India to begin the weapons qualification test-firings, which will be jointly conducted by BrahMos Aerospace and the IAF.

And come 2014, UAC, together with Hindustan Aeronautics Ltd (HAL) will begin upgrading the first 100 IAF Su-30MKIs by modifying their airframes to make them stealthy, converting the existing ‘Bars’ into an active phased-array radar, enhancing the situational awareness by incorporating active electronically scanned transmit/receive arrays on the aircraft’s wings, and beefing up the defensive-aids suite by installing a combined radar/laser warning system and a missile approach warning system. Tikhomirov-NIIP had by last November begun laboratory-level tests of a ‘Bars’, which was fitted with an AESA array made up of X-band transmit/receive modules built by Istok JSC.

Since then, another two ‘Bars’ radars have been modified as part of the R&D phase, which will last until 2012, and will be followed by flight qualification a year later. Incidentally, Tikhomirov-NIIP has also developed the Irbis-E passive phased-array radar for the Su-35BM and will soon begin work on modifying the Irbis-E into an active phased-array radar, which will go on board the Fifth Generation Fighter Aircraft (FGFA) that will be co-developed by UAC and HAL. In addition, both UAC and Tikhomirov-NIIP have come together to develop the ‘smart skin’ concept under which an AESA array’s transmit/receive modules can be placed anywhere on board the Su-30MKI to generate the relevant radiation field required for achieving more than 180-degree field-of-view.
Hi Sancho,

Thanks for pointing me to the article.
So does the upgrade include a AESA radar? As the power required for Irbis E ( su35bm radar) is too high and MKI's current engines cannot deliver that power.

Thanks in Advance.

So many replies to my post :partay:

JF-17 will be upgraded after their induction is complete. But you need some basic ACs for training. All high tech Acs MAY not be a good idea

But India have money so do whatever you want to do :lol::lol:
The FORCE magazin reported once, that the MKI will be upgraded with a new airframe design, which includes internal weapon bays and AESA arrays in the wings. The latter was even developed from the Russians and integrated into the flanker series, but more likely to test them for Pak Fa and not as an MKI upgrade.
The internal weapon bay is also unlikey, because IAF clearly wants to add Brahmos, which can be used only on the centerline station yet.

Yeah i remember this -- It was written by i think the super duper 'Brochure' sengupta....sorry but that guy is just no reliable. lets wait for Shiv A or Anatha Krishnan to report this.

Hard to believe that this can be done -- they would end making a new plane altogether.
Radar will be an upgraded AESA version of the present Bars PESA radar, OLS 35

'Bars' upgrade potential

Because repeating questions about possibly 'Bars' ESA radar upgrade for Su-30MKI, I put the NIIP's chief engineer Tamerlan Bakirbayev's article again in my blog. This article was published in Russian 'Army & Navy Review' magazine, issue 4, 2009.
The OCRed text is below.



Currently, an increased interest has been shown in the Su-30MKI fighter performance. The international Red Flag exercise held in July-August 2008 in the United States, the outcomes of virtual duels between Russian Su-series aircraft and an American advanced F-35 fighter conducted in Hawaii in the presence of the Australian Air Force representatives, as well as the results of polls taken by the British Flight magazine in November 2008 suggest that the Su-30MKl is superior to the US F-15 fighter and comparable to the newest F-22 Raptor.

The Su-30MKI lias become the world's first series-produced aircraft featuring supermaneuverability and the first export fighter fitted with the BARS electronically scanned radar.

The BARS radar control system is a radar system implementing the benefits of electronically scanned antenna over mechanically scanned antennas (installed on F-15, F-16, F-18, Su-27, MiG-29, etc.) and com¬puter capabilities, including digital radar signal processing. As a result, it can;
• Detect and track simultaneous¬ly several air targets within a large area (its electronic scan area exceeds 5,000 sq. deg).

• Detect, track and engage a ground target while simultaneously detecting, tracking and engaging air targets.
• Operate in standard radar modes that can be changed and adapted to specific missions and operational conditions, including ECM environments.
• Be tailored to the avionics of any aircraft.

The term «simultaneously» means a capability of switching between modes and positioning the radar beam anywhere within the electronic scan area in hundreds of microseconds.

The BARS supports traditional air-to-air and air-to-surface radar modes.
It has been integrated with the SuOOMKI, Su-ЗОМКА, and Su-30MKM aircraft. Efforts are underway to further enhance the BARS performance. Phase 1 upgrad¬ing efforts are supposed to:

• More than double the air target detection range.
• Increase the number of tracked and engaged targets 15 to 2 times.
• Double mapping performance as regards ground target detection range and resolution.
• Double the number of tracked ground targets.
• Add new operation modes in air-to-air and air-to-surface missions (particularly, Meteo, Active Counter-measures modes).
• Expand interaction with other avionics systems (ECM, EO target¬ing system, etc.).
• Extend the range of weapons.
• Enhance formation mission capabilities.
• Introduce service proposals. Implementing thesL> measures

will give the BARS tangible advan¬tages over radar systems installed both on current aircraft like F-15, F-16, F-18, etc. and their versions with respect to the transition to active electronically scanned arrays (AESA).

We should mention fifth-genera¬tion aircraft's AESA radar systems representing a pledge of over¬whelming superiority over the AESA radars are generally com¬pared to non-AESA radars, but in fact the question involves limitations of mechanically scanned antennas. The BARS radar uses a passive electronically scanned array (PESA). The PESA is not the AESA, however it offers the same key advantage over mechanically scanned antennas - a capability of almost instantaneously pointing the antenna beam in the desired direc¬tion (within several microseconds for the AESA and hundreds of microseconds far the PESA).

AESA's key advantages over the PESA are significantly higher reliability of antenna transmitting channel and a wider operating band. This favors the system's ECM immu¬nity and allows more missions to be handled simultaneously. Moreover, it should be noted that upon comple¬tion of the BARS Phase 1 upgrading program, a changeover to the AESA will be made. Then, both AESA- and PESA-equipped aircraft can be operated concurrently.

For many customers, the basic and essential deficiency of the AESA radar systems is their high cost exceeding that of the PESA radar by several times. Tikhomirov Institute's researchers have long been working on PESA and AESA anten¬nas, but they think that the capabilities of cheaper and simpler passive array radars have not yet been exhausted.

The BARS history out¬line is as follows. Development of the sys¬tem began in the 1990s when our country was facing serious problems. Nevertheless, it became possible to establish strong cooperation in the development and series production of radar con¬trol systems. First of all, we should mention the Rya/.an State Instrument Plant that fine-tuned design documentation and new production processes, primarily related to passive phased array antennas, while simultaneously conducting R&D and supporting production deliveries. Besides, worthy of note are key contributors to the radar development and deliveries such as NPO Radyi (Moscow), ZAO Kotlin-Novator, NPO Leninets (St. Petersburg), NPO Alma/ (Saratov), NPO Istok (Moscow), and ZAO Almaz-Phazotron.

For the first time ever the radar system projected for combat aircraft involved the use of computing aids developed and supplied for produc¬tion models by the Indian side. As of today, the number of manufactured BARS systems is approaching 200.
OLS-35 IRST option for Su-30 family

14.10.2009+11-43-43_0028.jpg (image)

A contemporary fighter needs periodically upgrade to keep pace with the human technical progress. One of the most promising sensor system for this is the IRST systems, allowing detection of the enemy in air, on the ground and ocean surface. One of the most prominent developers and manufacturers of such systems in Russia is FSUE 'Science-Research Institute for Precision Instrument Engineering' (Moscow). Its traditional specialization was the laser-optical systems for space installations. The production is intended for high-precision trajectory measurements in visible and IR spectrum and laser ranging of objects, like satellite and missiles.

Other products are as follow:

- Quantum-optic systems for trajectory measurement, photometry, satellite and missiles in fly picturing.
- Laser retro-reflecting systems
- Geodesic satellites
- Inter-satellite laser communication systems
- GLONASS satellites communication systems
- Laser range-finders for space crafts
- Ecologic monitoring systems
- Atmospheric laser communication systems

The IRST (OLS) systems – are a relative new part in the Institute's activity. Despite this, it offers now two IRST systems with superb technical characteristics. One of them – OLS-UE is offered as a part of MiG-35 program, and the second – is OLS-35 installed on Su-35 fighter, 50 of which were contracted by the Russian AF. OLS-35 is also available for all Su-27/Su-30 family upgrade. It can be a part of Su-30MKI upgrading deal, which is negotiated now in Moscow (Oct.14-15) in the Indo-Russian tech-mil committee summit.

Both stations have almost analogous ability with longer range for OLS-35. They implement the follow features:

- Airspace scanning in air-to-air mode
- Aerial, ground and water surface target detection, locking-on and tracking
- Ground surface scanning
- Target image recognition
- Target angular coordinates, range and angular and linear velocity determination
- TV, IR and TV+IR video and message output to the cockpt multifunctional displays
- Interaction with the aircraft targeting and guidance complex
- Operation at a full range of altitudes, ground and sky backgrounds, day and night, in different visual meteorological conditions and jamming interference
- Ground target illumination by laser emission
- Autonomous functioning and radio silence mode
In addition, according to the manufacturer, OLS-35 is able for detection and tracking of a laser mark on the target.

The difference in specs of two IRSTs is as follow:


Scanning angular limits
Azimuth +-90 +-90
Elevation -15/+60 -15/+60

Airborne target detection range, km
In rear hemisphere 60 90
In front hemisphere 15 35

Range measurement, km
Airborne 15 20
Ground 20 30

Instant field-of-view 10 x 7.5 10 x 7.5
Dimension 729 x 386 x 410 740 x 807 x 608
Mass, kg 78 83
14.10.2009+11-47-48_0029.jpg (image)
Hello Sir, I admire u a Lot for ur Great Knowledge of Defence Related Stuffs :angel:

My Question to U was that Will Sukhoi Fire Brahmos 290Km Away Well Within Indian Terrirtory if it wants to fire at enemy territory ???


I think that is exactly the case. just imagine if we had this capability in post 26/11 scenario ,we could have taken out the terrorist camps without even actually stepping inside enemy territory.also Brahmos is highly precise and cannot be intercepted:yahoo:
Plz correct if wrong
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