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IAF Su-30MKI to get the indigenous Virupaaksha AESA radar named after Bhagwan Mahadev

this was stated by Mr Iyer.. who is Mr Iyer
He is the same nutcase who showed his sheer stupidity by saying that DRDO is a failure for not being able to make an X band radar out of the technology transfer they got for EL/M 2080.

Only a smooth brained person like you will follow someone who can compare a ground based L band tracking Radar to an airborne X band fire control Radar
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You are in idiot ..for Rafale was bought in 2016.


No you are the idiot

You rushed the order even taking on French airforce planes on lease

Seriously india must have a production line of idiots

He is the same nutcase who showed his sheer stupidity by saying that DRDO is a failure for not being able to make an X band radar out of the technology transfer they got for EL/M 2080.

Only a smooth brained person will follow someone who can compare a ground based L band Radar to an airborne fire control X band Radar


Yes his assessment match what PAF people said post 2019 IAF humiliation . Heck PAF accurately assess on day one you shot your own helo down … something your mediocre airforce took six months to figure out

According to PAF pilots they could have take out any Su30 that if given command to go after … you were lucky Imran Khan was there as he did not want to escalate things.. moreover COAS was concerned about a larger war as the army was not really ready …but the point is PAF could have gone raping IAF all day long

Sorry but you people have a long track record of high error rate and silly logic
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Ok ..now don't run away ..when I ask you to produce, proof for your claims.

Sure .. it is called search on PDF

Also Please provide proof you shot a F16… don’t run away like IAF


I mean seriously you think you can shoot down a CSS class pilot

Sure .. it is called search on PDF

Also Please provide proof you shot a F16… don’t run away like IAF


I mean seriously you think you can shoot down a CSS class pilot

I told you..don't run away.

You made a claim ..present its proof here..or accept that you are in idiot, who makes outrageous claims, but does not have the gumption to back them up.
U misunderstood me. If there's a God name which is catchy go for it.
But virupaaksha ! Doesn't even roll of the tongue properly.
(Not offending any god here)
A language becomes dead because people found better alternative. Why suck it's balls now by naming wiered names.
Honestly if u ask someone on the street, he would find it difficult to speak let alone guess its meaning.
Heck pick some bollywood villain names, atleast it would be entertaining.
I agree there are thousands of names better for lord Shiva in Sanskrit if they wanted or probably as we are no Sanskrit Pandit so cannot understand enough to get excited.

Now regarding languages, they don’t die because people find better alternative but in general people are becoming literature illiterate. Also Sanskrit suffered from Islamic invasion and burning of Nalanda and Takshaehilla which hasten the demise. thought it is not dead language as many are speaking and more are interested in learning compare to 50 years back.

Now leave Sanskrit aside and take Hindi, Urdu and English and compare writings of today and take something written 50 years back and you will realize how much we suck using these language vocabulary to its entirety. Art of writing and speaking elegantly seems to be gone and we converse in simple term like 5th grader.
Year 2050: IAF Su-30s to get indigenous automated toilets, coin operated version..😁🤣😁😁
This News is misleading

Virupaaksha is not the name of the radar itself but of the Hawker 800 based flight testbed at which the 2000 TR modules Uttam mk3 is being tested.

Was about post this, good that you did.

Take our Indian media to be trigger happy idiots, and goofs with nil knowledge of Defense.

They took the test bed name, and gave it to the radar. Its just Uttam Mark 3 , Uttam Mk1 and Mk2 will go on Tejas Mk1 and Tejas Mk2.
Was about post this, good that you did.

Take our Indian media to be trigger happy idiots, and goofs with nil knowledge of Defense.

They took the test bed name, and gave it to the radar. Its just Uttam Mark 3 , Uttam Mk1 and Mk2 will go on Tejas Mk1 and Tejas Mk2.
This is a great opportunity to clear all misconceptions regarding Uttam Radar

1. Uttam mk1 (768 TR Modules) GaAs based, although intended for Tejas mk1a but was only used for testing purposes and will never go into production because GaAs technology has started to become obsolete.

2. Uttam mk1a (912 TR Modules) GaN based, has more TR modules than the baseline uttam mk1 due to them being more closely packed.
Is intended for Tejas mk1a, can be seen flying on LCA PV's all the time.

All Tejas mk1a's onwards the 21st one (or 41st one I'm not sure) will come with this version of the Radar

3. Uttam mk2 (992 Tr Modules) GaN based, Intended for Tejas mk2, has completed all of its preliminary testing and does not require anymore testing, it's software is being optimised on uttam mk1a which as earlier stated is flying on Tejas PV's

4. Uttam mk3 (nearly 2000 TR Modules) GaN based, intended for Su 30mki and AMCA.
Is undergoing preliminary testing on the Hawker 800 based test bed called Virupaksha.

Hope this clears any and all confusions of all the members of PDF
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U misunderstood me. If there's a God name which is catchy go for it.
But virupaaksha ! Doesn't even roll of the tongue properly.
(Not offending any god here)
A language becomes dead because people found better alternative. Why suck it's balls now by naming wiered names.
Honestly if u ask someone on the street, he would find it difficult to speak let alone guess its meaning.
Heck pick some bollywood villain names, atleast it would be entertaining.

Virupkasha means - a person who can see everything without having physical eyes. This is not god name.
I agree there are thousands of names better for lord Shiva in Sanskrit if they wanted or probably as we are no Sanskrit Pandit so cannot understand enough to get excited.

Now regarding languages, they don’t die because people find better alternative but in general people are becoming literature illiterate. Also Sanskrit suffered from Islamic invasion and burning of Nalanda and Takshaehilla which hasten the demise. thought it is not dead language as many are speaking and more are interested in learning compare to 50 years back.

Now leave Sanskrit aside and take Hindi, Urdu and English and compare writings of today and take something written 50 years back and you will realize how much we suck using these language vocabulary to its entirety. Art of writing and speaking elegantly seems to be gone and we converse in simple term like 5th grader.

Every language die or changes so much that it becomes totally different within 200-300yrs , i forgot dude name who gave this theory .
That's how it has been since humans came to existence.
I seriously doubt majority hindi speaking will start using sanskrit, it doesn't make any sense. Few speaking sanskrit doesn't means its alive.
What I wanted to say was mainstream . Dead/alive might have been the wrong word.

Same thing happened to English, if u read old English, it's difficult to understand properly.

But I do agree that art of speaking and writing is slowly dying. Fk even the art of story telling is dying, in my friend circle only me & 1 other friend tells stories to his kids. Rest don't have the imagination, time or skill if u can believe it .
Virupkasha means - a person who can see everything without having physical eyes. This is not god name.
Virupaksha literally means eyes without form, and its attributed to Lord Shiva given his three eyed form. He is always in yoga mudra, with all three eyes closed. Still he sees everything, so that's one of his names.

There is a famous Shiva temple near Hampi, built by Vijayanagara rulers. The deity is called Virupaksha in this temple. Anyways the word in itself, has a deeper meaning and does denote a radar's working.

We are now going off topic, so let's stop on this here.
What happened to Utam radar and kaveri engine?

This new radar is a derivative of the Uttam. The Uttam's antenna will be scaled according the much larger nose diameter of the Su-30MKI. It's power requirements will also be much higher given the greater electrical power generated by the Su-30MKI.

U misunderstood me. If there's a God name which is catchy go for it.
But virupaaksha ! Doesn't even roll of the tongue properly.
(Not offending any god here)
A language becomes dead because people found better alternative. Why suck it's balls now by naming wiered names.
Honestly if u ask someone on the street, he would find it difficult to speak let alone guess its meaning.
Heck pick some bollywood villain names, atleast it would be entertaining.

It is derived from Sanskrit, a language that is ancient and considered the mother of almost all major Indian languages.

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