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IAF Plans For 125 AMCAs

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There are many components and at the end of the day 58% of JF17 is made in Pakistan...
It is zero thats why Pakistanis quote that 58% figure, license assembling is different from manufacturing.
We have AMF which produces avionics including KLJ7 and Pakistan has had wind tunnels since 80s mate
Assembles the Radars, KLJ-7A radar is Chinese radar, and you guys don’t even have Semiconductor fabrication plants so how do you manufacture components for the radar? You just assemble it.
Lolx infrastructure which is able to produce only 6 Tejas a year while a country without infrastructure is making 20 jets a year..
The initial order is for 40 you dumbo, no company would produce so many aircrafts in one year for going into losses.
as for R&D we have Kamra Aviation City as well as CENTAIC now 😆
R&D requires Money, your Economy is 45th largest in the world with 276 Billion dollar GDP you claim you’re doing R&D, ok cool 😆.
... The AMCA project has been blueprinted to fly by 2027, which has been defined as ‘very tight’ by the Indian air force (IAF). ...

Earlier reports suggested that six squadrons of AMCAs are planned initially. The first flight is expected in 2024-25, followed by trials and tests. It will be in full production by 2029. ...

What's wrong with this timeline?
pakistan do.not have in house genuine aerospace infrastructure,to fully design and build a single 5th generation fighter. by themselves,.
they have no experience of this even in 4th generation or helicopter field.
They will use chinease facilities and project know how from.a clean sheet design to prototype with huge input from j20.and j35 programmes. I can't see anything else..
There is nothing absolute zero information openly or in any comms about the design engine the material the flight control the weapons the cockpit the stealth..
I'm.not saying you are not planning it's just it's a not like in house,project .
It is zero thats why Pakistanis quote that 58% figure, license assembling is different from manufacturing.

Assembles the Radars, KLJ-7A radar is Chinese radar, and you guys don’t even have Semiconductor fabrication plants so how do you manufacture components for the radar? You just assemble it.

The initial order is for 40 you dumbo, no company would produce so many aircrafts in one year for going into losses.

R&D requires Money, your Economy is 45th largest in the world with 276 Billion dollar GDP you claim you’re doing R&D, ok cool 😆.
Cherry picking as usual why are you dropping stuff you can't answer 🤔

As for JF17 I have said before and saying it again 58% is made in Pakistan... not assembled but manufactured.. in different factories of Kamra...

And Pakistan started co-production of KLJ7 in 2011 and today it produces it itself and as for Semiconductors fabrication it is done by MEI (Micro Electronics International) a private company in Pakistan...

Lolx india has ordered 83... and HAL at maximum makes 13 LCA per year on other hand Kamra has ability to make 20... infrastructure :rofl:

And dont worry about our economy we have developed a strong base to built upon... we didnt take 40 years to develop Jet like you did with Tejas or crash record holder trainer Jet Kiran 🤣
... There is nothing absolute zero information openly or in any comms about the design engine the material the flight control the weapons the cockpit the stealth.. ...

Indians would like to know everything about Pakistani secret weapons programs won't they?

Unfortunately for India, this is not going to happen because Pakistanis believe


Had Indians kept their gobs shut, Indian Air Force would not have received the humiliating beating from Pakistan Air Force it received on 27th February 2019.
is done by MEI (Micro Electronics International) a private company in Pakistan
Do you know how much it costs to put up a Semi Conductors fab unit? Billions of Dollars and I don’t think even an Indian company is capable of putting up a fab on their own. DRDO and ISRO have FAB units because Government poured money for that. Plus the fact that it producing military grade Semiconductors are much more expensive.
Lolx india has ordered 83... and HAL at maximum makes 13 LCA per year on other hand Kamra has ability to make 20... infrastructure
Hahahaha so funny hahahaha 40 Tejas order is 8-10 per year and 83 MK1A was signed last month, production of MK1A will be that of 24 a year and we will manufacture components not assemble it like you guys who keep quoting that 58% Wikipedia gyaan, name even a single Pakistani component which is designed developed and manufactured in Pakistan by Pakistani company i.e. OEM is a Pakistani company...
And dont worry about our economy we have developed a strong base to built upon... we didnt take 40 years to develop Jet like you did with Tejas or crash record holder trainer Jet Kiran 🤣
In 40 Years we achieved high level of indigenisation unlike you assembling JF-17s with Semi Knocked Down kits, And regarding Kiran it has served for more than 56 Years, so? Your Supa Powa PAC can’t even design and develop and manufacture a Trainer aircraft or a Helicopter.

And you think economy doesn’t matter? Like seriously only you are the ones with less than 280 Billion dollar GDP claiming to make Rawalpindigenous 5th generation jadeed tareen ladaka taiyyara, there are 44 countries with hegher GDP than yours but are unable to do R&D due to small Budget.
Indians would like to know everything about Pakistani secret weapons programs won't they?

Unfortunately for India, this is not going to happen because Pakistanis believe

View attachment 723447

Had Indians kept their gobs shut, Indian Air Force would not have received the humiliating beating from Pakistan Air Force it received on 27th February 2019.
It is nothing secret that your PAC is hiding, it requires money for making 5th Generation aircrafts with in-house development to an extent of 10 Billion dollars. Your GDP is 276 Billion dollars, plus you don’t have necessary infrastructure for R&D and Production thats why when asked name a single Pakistani thing in JF-17 they start spamming 58% Rawalpindigenous content!
Do you know how much it costs to put up a Semi Conductors fab unit? Billions of Dollars and I don’t think even an Indian company is capable of putting up a fab on their own. DRDO and ISRO have FAB units because Government poured money for that. Plus the fact that it producing military grade Semiconductors are much more expensive.

Hahahaha so funny hahahaha 40 Tejas order is 8-10 per year and 83 MK1A was signed last month, production of MK1A will be that of 24 a year and we will manufacture components not assemble it like you guys who keep quoting that 58% Wikipedia gyaan, name even a single Pakistani component which is designed developed and manufactured in Pakistan by Pakistani company i.e. OEM is a Pakistani company...

In 40 Years we achieved high level of indigenisation unlike you assembling JF-17s with Semi Knocked Down kits, And regarding Kiran it has served for more than 56 Years, so? Your Supa Powa PAC can’t even design and develop and manufacture a Trainer aircraft or a Helicopter.

And you think economy doesn’t matter? Like seriously only you are the ones with less than 280 Billion dollar GDP claiming to make Rawalpindigenous 5th generation jadeed tareen ladaka taiyyara, there are 44 countries with hegher GDP than yours but are unable to do R&D due to small Budget.

It is nothing secret that your PAC is hiding, it requires money for making 5th Generation aircrafts with in-house development to an extent of 10 Billion dollars. Your GDP is 276 Billion dollars, plus you don’t have necessary infrastructure for R&D and Production thats why when asked name a single Pakistani thing in JF-17 they start spamming 58% Rawalpindigenous content!
EMI was created in 1980s so they would have enough support to have a small plant as they claim to make advanced electronics for mil and civ organisations...

40 MK1 and 83 MK1A.. and as of now production rate is around 10 on average so thats a decade 🤣 but hopefully it will make 20 as new facility is inaugurated... and hopefully people wont go on strike 🤣

The DR mission computer as well as Bus Architecture for JF17 was created by APF... now start crying again... As I said we make 58% and most of that stuff is and will be confidential..

And again JF17 is 58% made in Pakistan as for trainers we went for license building and now we Mushakh as well as K8... and JF17B is also a for training 😁

Almost half of Kiran have crashed... infrastructure experience R&D dikh raha he.. BC maintenance hoti nai sidhi baate chorna sikh lo 🤣

Yeah we know the indigenisation of indian aviation industry 🤣 40 years to make Teias.. 15 years and not even a single platform of AMCA 🤣 TEDBF is only in paper too.. FGFA cancelled 😆

And economy as well as proper funding does matter we know that because we have india as example of what happens if you dont properly fund def projects :rofl: and out of those 44 countries atleast 2 have developed 5th gens jets or atleast prototypes even tho they started programs in 2004 era 🤣 sharam to ati hogi apni R&D pe...

And PAC knows whats its doing and has channels for funding AZM as well... you should worry about Tejus lil bro modigenous AMCA 🤣

And we dont have R&D as well as production infrastructure still we are able to do better than your sh*tty industry 🤣 isnt that surprising.. and I have quoted atleast 2 things now please dont cry because I am not going to provide whole blueprint to make you happy 🤣
It is zero thats why Pakistanis quote that 58% figure, license assembling is different from manufacturing.

Assembles the Radars, KLJ-7A radar is Chinese radar, and you guys don’t even have Semiconductor fabrication plants so how do you manufacture components for the radar? You just assemble it.

The initial order is for 40 you dumbo, no company would produce so many aircrafts in one year for going into losses.

R&D requires Money, your Economy is 45th largest in the world with 276 Billion dollar GDP you claim you’re doing R&D, ok cool 😆.

Ah, this is the baniya mentality that the India’s have about most things and the reason why India is not a marshal company but a trading hub.

1) people including the west pays Pakistan to take care of there india problem. It may surprise you but the west hates both India and Pakistan, the British national party actually thinks people in South Asia including Indians and Pakistans are Nothing more than monkeys. On the other hand think that the Chinese are fast becoming their equals and they are ok with a Chinese super power. If the west really wanted india to succeed, they would not supply latest arms to Pakistan so it can solve their india problem.

2) since india is a baniya country it does properly compartmentalize its Problems. To Pakistan the problem is to defeat india in war. They are looking for a bang for their buck hence joint ventures with significant Chinese or western parts are acceptable. If AZM has a Turkish, Chinese or Russian engine or a combined Turkish - Chinese engine no one in Pakistan would care. This is what diversifying your supply chain means.

In the next few years you will see JF-17 operated by around 7 countries , this would mean we would learn from our experience and improve the product with Chinese parts.....

the only way india can survive this is

1 disband the Indians against flying (IAF)

2) leave our CPEC routes

3) withdraw from saichin and dbo

4) demitlirize Kashmir

5) open trade routes and join CPEc

6) stop pungafying with China

7 ) India and Pakistan both can then focus on industrialization and poverty elimination , trading with a superpower China, Europe and North America

8) let the Chinese do the fighting with other countries

That’s not very kind of you to ask such tough questions.

I consider all this to be fault of China. These cunning Chinese decided to allow the use of word ‘JOINT’ which has created sudden sense of capability in Pakistan.
Otherwise, technical capability and know how wise even Pakistanis know where they stand. This word JOINT has slowly permeated into their minds and finally they think that they have arrived on the big stage. Assembling from kits is what they have been able to achieve mostly. Fabrication of panels is also high on the capability claim of a few guys here.

If we follow the same criteria, SU-30 is much more joint than JF-17 any day.

As far as AMCA goes, my fingers are crossed. Developers might be able to produce in the given timeframe, I still have a doubt about the production capability. Although, by that time LCA programme would have proven that aspect either this way or that way.

As an Indian flag my hope is for an encouraging outcome but I would save my cheers for later when I really see something in air.
Indians and their mentality 🤣

I have mentioned JF17s Pakistan components (not all)

And its Joint because its developed Jointly...

Su30 is more joint ? You mean a jet developed by Russia is jointly developed by a jet developed by PAC and CAC is less jointly developed 🤣
EMI was created in 1980s so they would have enough support to have a small plant as they claim to make advanced electronics for mil and civ organisations...
40 MK1 and 83 MK1A.. and as of now production rate is around 10 on average so thats a decade 🤣 but hopefully it will make 20 as new facility is inaugurated... and hopefully people wont go on strike 🤣
Yes it will be, then do your crying.
The DR mission computer as well as Bus Architecture for JF17 was created by APF... now start crying again... As I said we make 58% and most of that stuff is and will be confidential..
By assembling Chinese components, indigenous😜.
And again JF17 is 58% made in Pakistan as for trainers we went for license building and now we Mushakh as well as K8... and JF17B is also a for training 😁
None of them Pakistani, just swedish and chinese jets.
Almost half of Kiran have crashed... infrastructure experience R&D dikh raha he.. BC maintenance hoti nai sidhi baate chorna sikh lo 🤣
Where is it written half of them crashed? The older aircrafts were eventually phased out and newer ones will be phased out. Atleast we don’t chest thump on license produced aircrafts calling others efforts useless.
Yeah we know the indigenisation of indian aviation industry 🤣 40 years to make Teias.. 15 years and not even a single platform of AMCA 🤣 TEDBF is only in paper too.. FGFA cancelled 😆
The first prototype Flew in 17 years of the project sanctioning and in 10 years got inducted into IAF, yes faced delays due to politics so? AMCA started in 2010 its just 10 years, the prototype will roll out soon and TEDBF was announced last year, what do you want? It will take time unlike your asmaani taiyyare who get inducted in 4 years without proper testing.
And economy as well as proper funding does matter we know that because we have india as example of what happens if you dont properly fund def projects :rofl: and out of those 44 countries atleast 2 have developed 5th gens jets or atleast prototypes even tho they started programs in 2004 era 🤣 sharam to ati hogi apni R&D pe...
We will be the third and you can still live in your la la land that you make them indigenously. You can laugh at mapy infrastructure question, but fact is that you don’t even have labs for R&D. You just assemble chinese maal.
And PAC knows whats its doing and has channels for funding AZM as well... you should worry about Tejus lil bro modigenous AMCA 🤣
Azm will be another blunder like JF-17, just wait and watch for a few more years. JF17 doesn’t even have an all axis fly-by-wire. Jadeed Tareen!!!:rofl:
And we dont have R&D as well as production infrastructure still we are able to do better than your sh*tty industry 🤣 isnt that surprising.. and I have quoted atleast 2 things now please dont cry because I am not going to provide whole blueprint to make you happy 🤣
Better? Lol. Still import helos and call yourselves better. Keep going.
I have mentioned JF17s Pakistan components (not all)
That asmaani claim of 58% what else?
The west actually loves India
They hate all things,Islam since 9 eleven.
The western world is ok with block brown hard working people and democratic nations,with good business opportunities ie China,India Gulf states,Brazil.korea Nigeria etc.

what they detest what they will never surrender to is,terrorism.in their countries, and let's,be honest the,west is islamophobis now and unfortunately rightly certain nations are top of their warning lists.

india,is the west preferred eastern partner you people call them.puppys
The west actually loves India
They hate all things,Islam since 9 eleven.
The western world is ok with block brown hard working people and democratic nations,with good business opportunities ie China,India Gulf states,Brazil.korea Nigeria etc.

what they detest what they will never surrender to is,terrorism.in their countries, and let's,be honest the,west is islamophobis now and unfortunately rightly certain nations are top of their warning lists.

india,is the west preferred eastern partner you people call them.puppys
Ahhhhhh how delusional.... the west is against everything brown , even the Greek, Italians, Mexican, Indians and other Asians are looked down upon.

if you look closely you will see that the west culturally and religiously is closer to Muslims,

the fairer Indians , Pakistani’s , Italians do well here yet the darker have to work harder.

the west is just using india so they can slow down China they do not care how many Indians die in the process. You tell me, do you really believe any of the Quad members will come to India’s aid if say China and pakistan go to war with India. They will cut off India’s supply of parts.


Yes it will be, then do your crying.

By assembling Chinese components, indigenous😜.

None of them Pakistani, just swedish and chinese jets.

Where is it written half of them crashed? The older aircrafts were eventually phased out and newer ones will be phased out. Atleast we don’t chest thump on license produced aircrafts calling others efforts useless.

The first prototype Flew in 17 years of the project sanctioning and in 10 years got inducted into IAF, yes faced delays due to politics so? AMCA started in 2010 its just 10 years, the prototype will roll out soon and TEDBF was announced last year, what do you want? It will take time unlike your asmaani taiyyare who get inducted in 4 years without proper testing.

We will be the third and you can still live in your la la land that you make them indigenously. You can laugh at mapy infrastructure question, but fact is that you don’t even have labs for R&D. You just assemble chinese maal.

Azm will be another blunder like JF-17, just wait and watch for a few more years. JF17 doesn’t even have an all axis fly-by-wire. Jadeed Tareen!!!:rofl:

Better? Lol. Still import helos and call yourselves better. Keep going.

That asmaani claim of 58% what else?
Ignorance is a bliss for andhbhakts like you who live in denial.. like always just ignore stuff where you have nothing 🤣

"Will be" sure it will be like it has been for 40 years..

And deny all you want pese thodi lagte hain 🤣 fact is its 58% made in PAC..

And what do expect it to be ? We built em under licence and you copied Kiran from English jet and it made record of 80 crashes 🤣

Its recoded by Bharat Rakhsak website go check on there..

So ? 40 years to develop a jet is not blunder but JF17 is a blunder according to pajeets 🤣 even after I provided proof of AMCA mentioed to be started in 2006... for andhbhakts its 2010.. denial is sweet innit? It will take 20 years.. Tejas 40.. AMCA 30.. Tedbf 20.. progress 🤣

3rd ? Those jets started at almost same time as AMCA and you are saying we will be third 🤣 there are many others far ahead of you 🤣 and AvRID ka naam suna he ? And again denial even after being proven wrong ? Mitti ee yindoos pajeets ki esi he tumhara qasoor nai andhgobarbhakto ka 🤣

We have been hearing this since 1972 we built up our industry while indians lived in denial and developed a Samosa fighter which their sh*tty air force said isnt enough 🤣 but was shoved into their throats..

We have been waiting and watching... watched for 40 years to see tejas samosa fighter 🤣 on other hand Pakistan built and industry in PAC.. as for all axis fly by wire system we intentionally went for block by block increase.. all axis fbw has been tested in Block 3...

And we dont need to build helos and waste money mate.. its cheaper to import... and 40 saal to make Tejas samosa and think you are supa powa :rofl::rofl::rofl:
That is a fairy tale. As AMCA close to rolling out, most probably PAF cut copy past J-31 and call project Azm.

And try to portray it as Battlestar galactica,
Talking of cut and paste, your 30 year old behind time Tejas has had more implants than Frankenstein....and it's not even 4th gen.

The Air Force has decided to place an order for 100 new and improved Tejas Light Combat Aircraft. However, despite being in the works since 1983, the light fighter is nowhere near indigenisation and almost 70% of the aircraft’s systems still need to be imported.

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