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IAF pilots in Balakot air strikes say op was over in 90 seconds

Big revelation.

This is the kind of big that will help IAF to live another day. Did we expect anything based upon the facts and truth from IAF that precisely missed Balakot and everything that Indian military imagined as some JeM camp, then totally failed to prove Indian point of view and started to share fabricated and old pictures. Finally came to share that it was over in 90 seconds.... It was indeed over contrary to IAF expectations and why would a surgical strike will take 90 seconds to complete? Can anyone answer? Until & unless there was some interception, it shouldn't be taking longer to deliver mere munition.

In reality, it took less than 90 seconds to be detected by PAF and only thing that IAF know was the locks hence, dropped payload in haste and made a run for life.

However, Indian position can be seen and I understand that at least, Indian side deserves an article to say it counter. Ironically, it took almost 4 months to decide that IAF completed Op in 90 seconds and then counted 300+ bodies as well.

A spoiler is, 90 seconds were spent on 27th Feb that includes PAF targeting 6 Indian military locations in close proximity and shooting down one proven IAF Mig and another SU-30 (Radar Feed). Fratricide in addition. So this is how it looks like for 90 seconds.
This is the kind of big that will help IAF to live another day. Did we expect anything based upon the facts and truth from IAF that precisely missed Balakot and everything that Indian military imagined as some JeM camp, then totally failed to prove Indian point of view and started to share fabricated and old pictures. Finally came to share that it was over in 90 seconds.... It was indeed over contrary to IAF expectations and why would a surgical strike will take 90 seconds to complete? Can anyone answer? Until & unless there was some interception, it shouldn't be taking longer to deliver mere munition.

In reality, it took less than 90 seconds to be detected by PAF and only thing that IAF know was the locks hence, dropped payload in haste and made a run for life.

However, Indian position can be seen and I understand that at least, Indian side deserves an article to say it counter. Ironically, it took almost 4 months to decide that IAF completed Op in 90 seconds and then counted 300+ bodies as well.

A spoiler is, 90 seconds were spent on 27th Feb that includes PAF targeting 6 Indian military locations in close proximity and shooting down one proven IAF Mig and another SU-30 (Radar Feed). Fratricide in addition. So this is how it looks like for 90 seconds.

History is repeating itself


Upcoming Awards for IAF pilots on 15 August:

- Ghoom Charakhra for Wg Cdr Abhinandan Varthaman.

There, I corrected the medal name for Abhinadan since he became the spinning top for GOI.
That poor fella might still be in shock that he's going to get an highest award for nothing.
Upcoming Awards for IAF pilots on 15 August:

-Vir Chakra for Wg Cdr Abhinandan Varthaman.

-Vayu Sena Medal (Gallantry) for 12 Mirage 2000 pilots

-CAS commendation card For 4 Sukhoi pilots (AMRAAM dodgers).

Now this is indeed a whole new kind of psych torture for everyone who knows the truth. But in reality, indeed only Indians can do that to each other and still call it the best day. I don't have much to say but yeah, India deserve every right to call it whatever they want but the problem occurs when fantasies are enforced upon others.
IAF pilots in Balakot air strikes say op was over in 90 seconds

To keep the operation a top secret, senior IAF officials did not change daily routines of the pilots to prevent anyone from getting a hint.
SUDHI RANJAN SEN, HT Updated: 25 June, 2019 3:59 pm

Gwalior: The Indian air strike on a Jaish-e-Mohammed (JeM) terror camp in Pakistan’s Balakot was “over within 90 seconds” and the mission was carried out with such secrecy that not even close family members of the assault team knew about the developments, two pilots part of the predawn operation on February 26 said on Tuesday.

Indian Air Force (IAF) fighter planes destroyed the JeM camp in Pakistan’s Khyber Pakhtunkhwa’s province after entering Pakistani airspace for the first time in 48 years following a suicide bombing claimed by the terror group that killed 40 troopers of the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF) in Jammu and Kashmir’s Pulwama on February 14.

“It was over in 90 seconds; we released the weapon and we turned back,” said one of the Mirage 2000 fighter pilots in the first such account of the Indian airstrike. “No one, not even my close family knew,” the IAF pilot said, asking not to be named.

“Next day, when news broke, my wife asked me whether I was part of the attack. I kept quiet and slept off,” he added.

The Pulwama attack led to an escalation in tensions between India and Pakistan and pushed the two countries to the brink of war as the IAF strike was followed by an engagement by Pakistani combat jetsnear the Line of Control (LoC) on February 27.

Pakistan later released IAF pilot Wing Commander Abhinandan Varthaman, whose jet went down across the LoC, under global pressure, easing tensions between the two nations.

Speaking on Monday about the IAF air assault, another squadron leader detailed the clandestine operation. “We flew a lot of Combat Air Patrols (CAP) mostly along Line of Control (LoC),” he said. Flying numerous CAPs along the LoC was a ploy India used to throw off Pakistan’s air defences.

The indication of what was in store came only two days before the strike. “We knew something was happening, but no one had a clear picture. Number of sorties had increased manifold. Many of us were flying multiple sorties,” the second pilot said.

“While previous CAPs and sorties were without weapons, on [February] 25 at about 4pm, the Spice-2000 [missiles] was loaded on to the Mirage 2000s. The specific coordinates of the terror training camp were fed into the weapon systems,” he said. “We took off at 2am that night.”

The February 26 operation by IAF involved Mirage 2000s and 2000is that carried out the attack, Sukhoi 30s MKi that acted as decoys and were also meant to provide cover in case the Mirages were intercepted, Phalcon AWACS and Embraer AEWS mid-air refuellers, and Heron drones for photographing the targets after the attack.

The first pilot said that senior IAF officials did not change their daily routines to avoid letting anyone catch a hint of the attack. Diversion was inbuilt into the attack as the IAF fighter pack flew out, taking a circuitous route. “We deliberately took a long route, flying over the eastern part of the country and when we arrived in Kashmir, we went into radio silence,” the first pilot said. “Importantly Pakistani fighters were nowhere near us,” he added.

Did the weapons do the needful? “Of course, they hit. We had the bull’s eye.

Hold on a second... Didnt they initially claim that IAF was in Pakistani air space for 20 minutes so so?
How many times are they going to change their stories?
I don't know what wrong we ever did to have such neighbourhood. However, it's yet proven again that if there was no social media, electronic media, independent sources and different resources for reporting, as per Indian propaganda, there will be no Pakistan on globe.

And the funniest part is that in both cases of 65 and this year, IAF knew that it is giving awards on a fake kill :lol:
Yes.. stove main maggi rakha tha. He had to come back in time to switch off..
And the funniest part is that in both cases of 65 and this year, IAF knew that it is giving awards on a fake kill :lol:

They don't respect award for some achievement rather, it's a tool of propaganda and manipulation. If we had the similar kind of media and resources for OSINT, it would have been far bigger than what happened to India in 65 to 71 but lucky them and incapable of us that they succeed to fabricate alot.

There, I corrected the medal name for Abhinadan since he became the spinning top for GOI.
That poor fella might still be in shock that he's going to get an highest award for nothing.

IAF was here for twenty minutes, the Op was over in 90 seconds and the rest was all they flying around to count bodies, shoot some Pakistani crows loaded with AAM and enjoy the scenery of northern Pakistan. It's getting down as usual, IAF for 20 minutes to 90 seconds.
Ya Allah. Reham ker.

Kin chutiyon say waasta parh gaya hae.

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