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IAF Fighter Roles and Mission profiles --When and how will they be used ?


Mar 27, 2009
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IAF has different types (Western and Russian) of Aircrafts under its disposal. The Aircrafts are as diversed as they can be. I have always wondered what will be mission profiles of these different types of Aircrafts. Before putting forward my points, i would like to point members to some aspects of SEAD wrt USAF.

Finally these are just theories , members please feel free to add or counter any points.
These strategies are from IAF perspective, i am not talking about PAF perspective which will be altogether a seperate topic. So no flame please -- regarding F16, JF 17 will do this and that...

What is SEAD Mission ?

From Wiki --

Suppression of Enemy Air Defenses (SEAD) also known as "Wild Weasels" and "Iron Hand" operations in the USA, are military actions to suppress enemy surface-based air defenses (Surface-to-air missiles (SAMs) and anti-aircraft artillery (AAA)), primarily in the first hours of an attack.
The weapons most often associated with this mission are anti-radiation missiles (ARMs) such as the American AGM-88 HARM and British ALARM. Weapons used for SEAD missions can be anything which damages or destroys a component of an air defense system. A Paveway LGB, for example, is not a SEAD-specific munition but, when used to destroy a radar antenna, it achieves the objective of Suppression of Enemy Air Defense.

Most of the Aircrafts being multi role these days can execute SEAD missions as well as the A2A missions.

Some of the examples of aircrafts that will be used in SEAD mission in IAF --
3) MIG 27

IMO unless absolutely needed SU 30 will not be used for SEAD mission.

What is Air Superiority Fighter? (This can be co related with Air Dominance - a parlance for Su 30)

From Wiki --
An air superiority fighter is a type of fighter aircraft intended to enter and seize control of enemy airspace. Air superiority fighters are usually more expensive and procured in fewer numbers than multirole fighters.

An Example of Air superiority fighter --

The Boeing F-15 Eagle has been the USAF's premier air superiority fighter aircraft for nearly 30 years. The F-15 is in service with the USAF (F-15C), the Japanese Air Self Defence Force JASDF (F-15J), the Israeli Air Force (F-15I) and the Royal Saudi Air Force (F-15S). The U.S. Air Force will keep 178 F-15C and 224 F-15E fighters in service past 2025 which will serve alongside the F-22 Raptor

An opponent for F15 is the Su 30 MKI,
The Sukhoi-30 MKI is the main air superiority fighter of the Indian Air Force. The Sukhoi-30 MKI is a successful outcome of collaboration between Sukhoi, HAL, French and Israeli avionics firms and DRDO to produce a customized Su-30 for the Indian Air Force. It is believed that this version of Su-30 is the most advanced of all Su-30 and Su-27 versions available to nations around the world.[2] The Indian Air Force has about 100+ of these aircraft in service and is to procure a total of 280.[2]

Mission profile examples of Air Superiorty ---

"According to the USAF, its F-15Cs had 34 confirmed kills of Iraqi aircraft during the 1991 Gulf War, mostly by missile fire: five MiG-29 "Fulcrums", two MiG-25 "Foxbats", eight MiG-23 "Floggers", two MiG-21 "Fishbeds", two Su-25 "Frogfoots", four Su-22 "Fitters", one Su-7, six Mirage F1s, one Il-76 cargo plane, one Pilatus PC-9 trainer, and two Mi-8 helicopters. After air superiority was achieved in the first three days of the conflict, many of the later kills were reportedly of Iraqi aircraft fleeing to Iran, rather than actively trying to engage U.S. aircraft. The single-seat F-15C was used for air superiority, and the F-15E was heavily used in air-to-ground attacks"

"The first F-15 kill was scored by IAF ace Moshe Melnik in 1979.[36] In 1979–81, during Israeli raids against Palestinian factions based in Lebanon, F-15As downed 13 Syrian MiG-21 "Fishbeds" and two Syrian MiG-25 "Foxbats", the latter being the aircraft the F-15 was designed to kill. Israeli F-15As and Bs participated as escorts in Operation Opera and served during the 1982 Lebanon War. During the latter, Israeli F-15s shot down 40 Syrian jet fighters (23 MiG-21 "Fishbeds" and 17 MiG-23 "Floggers") and one Syrian SA.342L Gazelle helicopter.[37] Later on, in 1985, IAF Eagles, in Operation Wooden Leg, bombed the PLO headquarters in Tunisia.[38] This was one of the few times air superiority F-15s (A/B/C/D models) were used in tactical strike missions."

The Role and mission profile of Su 30 MKI will be similar to that of F15.

Few points to consider -- These are all theories...

1) Who will suppress the PAF Sam sites , radar sites , etc. ?

I believe SU 30 MKI will enter up the airspace at a very high altitude (beyond SAM coverage). These will be done specifically to light up the SAM sights and Anti Aircraft batteries. Using Data links and Phalcon air controllers MKI will relay the position of Air defencesto JAG's , M2K and Mig 27 to do the SEAD missions (Note MRCA is not included since we dont know the Aircraft). At the same time SU 30 MKI will watch out for any interceptors from PAF, acting as a escort for fighters doing SEAD missions. It is to be noted that MKI will be spotted by PAF AWACS , however so will be any other aircraft. IAF Phalcons will relay information on any PAF aircrafts flying to counter MKI. This includes type of aircraft. Based on which MKI will decide the next steps. Note the role that MKI is doing can only be done by them due to the endurance factor.

2) Once most of the SAM sites are cleared -- SU 30 MKI's will enter in full force towards the fighter bases. This is done to establish Air superiority. This will happen within the first few hours of battle. Hordes and hordes of aircraft -- assisted by Phalcons will enter PAF air space to clear out the resistance. Note that the E3 sentry can control almost 128 aircrafts at one point of time (by some rpeorts) , Phalcon can do the same.
Kindly note that PAF counter attack (which is sure to happen on IAF bases) is a seperate topic, however can be discussed in terms how it will cause IAF to divert its planes.

3) Mig 29's will be used purely in interceptor roles - i.e will be the primary aircraft for tackling F16's that Pakistan will send towards Indian Air space.

4) It is important to note what will be the role of AWACS on both sides. But i am pretty sure that MKI will be tasked with keeping the Pakistan AWACS at bay - i.e outside its operational range. However this is not as easy as it sounds ..for this to happen air superiority needs to be established -- this can be debated.Same role goes for F16 also. Phalcon on the other hand will be tasked to co-ordinate multiple sorties for Mig 29 interceptors , MKI intrusion into Pak airspace and Jaguar clearence. IAF has been practising this and observing this as part of all its multinational excercises where AWACS is a central part of mission

5) What will be the role of MRCA ? - depends on the aiircraft.

6) Aircrafts like Mig21's due to their high numbers can be used in a wave formation. This aircrafts will complement MKI's in their intrusion to PAK airspace...the tactics will be fire the BVR's and scout. Let MKI or Mig's do the full kill.

7) Mirage is multi role aircraft and one of the most reliable. They will be tasked with destruction of high value targets. The interception route will be assisted/escorted by MKI's.

Number of MKI's currently stands at almost 120, every year 23-28 will be added.
It is pretty much sure that they will be involved in every phase of war due to their technological prowess , endurance and high numbers available. Contrary to other opinions i believe IAF Su 30's will be used in the first hours of battle (regardless of the losses it will take) -- however it will be used as a escort fighter instead of SEAD role in the first hours of battle. Later on it will be used to achive Air supremacy.

Members are most welcome to counter points based on logic. No flame please. PAF tactics to divert IAF planes and PAF Awacs can be discussed.
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Dude I know the response from Pakistani poster, they will nuke us and annihilate us. There will be no place for our planes to land.
Dude I know the response from Pakistani poster, they will nuke us and annihilate us. There will be no place for our planes to land.

I know that will happen eventually...but i am hoping for some constructive debate....over how our planes will be used.

Hope nobody sees this as flame and resort to one.
@ anathema

u missed out tejas.. which will be most probably used for air defense and short range bomb attack......
@ anathema

u missed out tejas.. which will be most probably used for air defense and short range bomb attack......

I deliberately did not use Tejas. Tejas is not yet inducted and as such will not be used for atleast next year or two. If you notice i have included approx 120 odd Su 30's; by the time Tejas is operational number of Su 30's will be close to 150 if not more.

I have written about the mission profiles , let me know if you have any ideas. Else please think where and how can this go wrong ? What will cause the aircrafts not to be used in the way it is been envisaged.

For example :- Too many Su 30 or Mig 29 or Mirage losses with neglible or no loss to enemy air defences.
i would recommend that an indo-china scenario should also be looked into. Will give an idea on how we deal with the enemy in a scenario where odds are against us.
Dude I know the response from Pakistani poster, they will nuke us and annihilate us. There will be no place for our planes to land.

How can you even claim something like that :lol:. The strategy of PAF is to surrender all their aircrafts to the Mighty IAF piloted by Martian Indian Pilots capable of sustaining 30 g's. The Israeli ECM installed on board the Mighty SU30MKI will jam the entire communication and radar network of PAF, we will have no choice but to surrender because every Indian Soldier is Sunny Deol :lol:. IAF will annihilate the PAF in a matter of seconds, are you happy now :tongue:
How can you even claim something like that :lol:. The strategy of PAF is to surrender all their aircrafts to the Mighty IAF piloted by Martian Indian Pilots capable of sustaining 30 g's. The Israeli ECM installed on board the Mighty SU30MKI will jam the entire communication and radar network of PAF, we will have no choice but to surrender because every Indian Soldier is Sunny Deol :lol:. IAF will annihilate the PAF in a matter of seconds, are you happy now :tongue:


P.S. can you give a counter to the argument on how the PAF will deal in a battle and which aircrafts will be used for wat purpose?
Are we talking here of fist attack by India?? but how can it be, most of our diplomacy is based on the facts that we are peaceful and never attack anybody.

If this is a retaliation then the game changes right??
if we strike first then we are giving the green light to pakistan to nuke us and ofcourse we will nuke back and it will be a big god dam mess

I have written about the mission profiles , let me know if you have any ideas. Else please think where and how can this go wrong ? What will cause the aircrafts not to be used in the way it is been envisaged.

For example :- Too many Su 30 or Mig 29 or Mirage losses with neglible or no loss to enemy air defences.

first thing is intel on sam sites . The only way if we want to take out the sams without any losses is to use cruise missiles. for now we have only one full operational cruise missile. so probably at a max we can hit sam sites located within 300 mile zone . second if the same sites are mobile then this will be a big headache for IAF and considerable losses
Are we talking here of fist attack by India?? but how can it be, most of our diplomacy is based on the facts that we are peaceful and never attack anybody.

If this is a retaliation then the game changes right??

The game remains the same in either cases. If its a retaliatory attack SEAD still retains its prime most importance , if its a launch attack initiated by us SEAD still retains its prime most importance. However one difference is in case of retailiatory attack , IAF would launch counter attack on air bases and SEAD missions at the same time (IMO)
first thing is intel on sam sites . The only way if we want to take out the sams without any losses is to use cruise missiles. for now we have only one full operational cruise missile. so probably at a max we can hit sam sites located within 300 mile zone . second if the same sites are mobile then this will be a big headache for IAF and considerable losses

Intel on mobile SAM sites will be extremely hard to get and will not be dependable. This is precisely the reason why i mentioned in my post that SU 30 would be used to ingress first for the enemy SAM sites to paint them. Once Su 30 receives the co ordinates these are transferred to dedicated Ground attack aircraft such as Mirage who then proceeds to tackle the SAM sites.
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