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IAF Drama l Radar images proves that Abhinandan downed Pakistan F-16

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Dude what rock have you been living under? The guy said on video that "I was searching for my target when I got hit and then my aircraft broke apart". Please do your home work next time.
WC Abhinandan was in your custody for 3 days, why couldn't you get a statement from him, confirming that he didn't shoot down any aircraft or even fire of any of his missiles ?
We got F 16s from china acc to indians hahahahahhaahha
Either IAF has gone absolutely incompetent (which I doubt) or in a disarray verging on incompetence due to IAF decision makers being affiliated with Modi and obliging political influence which is clouding their decision making. I mean we have their Mig...
Dude what rock have you been living under?
The guy said on video that "I was searching for my target when I got hit and then my aircraft broke apart".
That's some spanking :enjoy:...

This Indian poster @Osiris is a shining example of what we have been dealing with from across the border...completely delusional and ill informed yet twice as eager to debate with concocted notions and calling it irrefutable proof, lol, while the world laughs at their incompetence from top to bottom:


Just to connect all the dots for the iodine deficient - Gao Rakshak lot, here again is the already posted and widely reported video which this ignoramous Osiris dude missed probably due to the reason you mentioned:
Either IAF has gone absolutely incompetent (which I doubt) or in a disarray verging on incompetence due to IAF decision makers being affiliated with Modi and obliging political influence which is clouding their decision making. I mean we have their Mig...
We have all evidence it’s our goodwill we are not publicizing it due to our relationship with ruskis on their request
1.Second pilot was in your custody, before he disappeared. So the onus of proof, that he is an Indian is on you. If you can not prove that he is an Indian, then obviously he is a Pakistani.

Do you think we care enough? You guys want that F-16 desperately to save whatever little face you can after that horrendous mauling that you got from the PAF. We already showed the wreckage and the pilot from one, we don't care to see the proof of the second. The PAF's word is enough. You do though, because your claims and night's sleep depend on it. So the burden of proving that an F-16 was indeed downed falls on you because a) you claimed it, b) you need it. Not for us but for yourselves. I mean the world is laughing at you right now. Especially after the US testified that all the F-16s were accounted for.

2. All Air to air missiles explode, when they hit chaff.

So, you have no clue what chaff is or what it does. You can throw an egg at dispensed chaff and it would not break. Chaff scrambles the radar signature reaching the missile and confuses the seeker. The missile loses the lock and flies into the horizon. The chaff is not locked on to by the missile (like a flare is with an IR missile) because there is nothing to lock on to. This is the reason why there is no chance of the proximity fuse going off either. So, no. The missiles do not "explode when they hit chaff". And yes, you have no idea what you're posting on this thread, just like any desperate person would not.

Btw, chaff,


3. Abhinandans radio com was jammed, because old Mig do not have secure radio link. PAF does not have the ability to jam IAF radars.

Tell that to your own Indian sources, they are the ones who disclosed it. We are just enjoying it.

4. IAf never claimed 24 F-16.

Thankfully. They finally learned to keep their hilariously concocted stories to themselves. It only took like a hundred of their claims to be ridiculed and proven as lies for them to learn this.
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These Indian's are definitely amazing creatures. I was watching something by Nadeem Paracha on twitter and something caught my eye.

In the video if you forward to 48 second mark you will notice that there is a press conference where their spoke person for MEA and Air Force is present and there is ticker on the top right of the screen which reads


Seriously this was also another version..... what else do they want to claim.

These Indian's are definitely amazing creatures. I was watching something by Nadeem Paracha on twitter and something caught my eye.

In the video if you forward to 48 second mark you will notice that there is a press conference where their spoke person for MEA and Air Force is present and there is ticker on the top right of the screen which reads


Seriously this was also another version..... what else do they want to claim.

Just like Pak radio telling their public that they had captured Jaipur in 1965.
Plenty of lying on your side.
Just like Pak radio telling their public that they had captured Jaipur in 1965.
Plenty of lying on your side.

Like your General having tea in lahore?

Beside dimwit here is the source

Loot at the date and time: 27 February 2019 at 3:16pm


a quote from the article
As the PAF jets approached the LoC, the Indian Air Force (IAF) scrambled fighters. Retaliatory fire from the ground force forced the F-16s to return but not before one took a hit and went down.
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Lol that about says it all.
A very big LOL from me too.

Its not DGISPR's fault that indian jokers dont understand the difference between fact and fantasy.
Muslims don't hide the martyrs. We give them the due respect and bury them with with honour unlike India where "accidents" are invented to hide the real cause of death.

Really!!!! Please look up the Kargil fiasco. You will be surprised.
2. All Air to air missiles explode, when they hit chaff.
Not true.

Absent a legitimate target, an air-air missile will essentially self destruct when its fuel reached a critical point, this is assuming the missile was designed that way.

The radar 'image' produced by chaff is not the same as a radar 'image' produced by a legitimate target.

This is how a radar 'sees' an aircraft...


...As a cluster of voltage spikes.

What chaff does is equivalent to creating a wall of scintillating (pulsating) voltage spikes to sort of 'confuse' the seeking radar. A radar guided missile will literally fly through a chaff cloud without detonating and try to acquire a target -- ANY target.
Indian Pilots falling Down..

Another Angle, since Su-30 is twin seater .. total three pilots were ejected.. two fell on Pakistan side other on IoK.. One Pilot was Abhinandan other died and third one was on IoK.. don't know what happened to him.. probably the burnt pilot in one of the viral videos on 27th..

Probable wrkeckage of Su-30

India Today's news the Pakistan Airforce shot down an Indian Su-30 MKI

Good to show the people in Pakistan but cannot spend outside .
No fuselage ,no bodies

It is better Pak military to stop everything here ,otherwise more embarassment is guaranteed.

Erieye or perhaps even corale ;)

How can any reasonable person reject.iaf irrefutable evidence of blips and dots from it's own unbiased radars which r so unbiased that they even see own helicopter as enemy and shoot it down
U can't be more neutral and unbiased then this ;)

How can any reasonable person reject.iaf irrefutable evidence of blips and dots from it's own unbiased radars which r so unbiased that they even see own helicopter as enemy and shoot it down
U can't be more neutral and unbiased then this ;)

Oh yes .
Abhinandan shit down decoys so that two pilots jumps outside from decoys .

Quite entertaining.
Good to show the people in Pakistan but cannot spend outside .
No fuselage ,no bodies

It is better Pak military to stop everything here ,otherwise more embarassment is guaranteed.

Oh yes .
Abhinandan shit down decoys so that two pilots jumps outside from decoys .

Quite entertaining.

Dont know if you read news a lot but in the western media, IAF is a laughing stock. Coming from someone who ha a lot of mates working in BBC and RT. Maybe you arent aware of anything like this because your head is stuck up Modis arse.
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