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IAF Drama l Radar images proves that Abhinandan downed Pakistan F-16

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Yes, as our FM is trying his best to involve international community to stop India from this madness ...

We want to stop war till all options are exhausted ...

If your aircrafts are so much capable and your bison could hit our F16s then why did you opt for missil strike of 28th? Your airforce bison quantity is more than our F16s you could have easily counter us then why the hell your airforce was on back foot?
Again, you are asking me questions and taunting about somehow me believing Bison is superior.. I have never said any of that. Do you realize - you guys have a serious upper hand on your PR story, after ages (or may be first time ever).. and the only chink in the armour is who was the second pilot.

Am actually waiting to for your govt to show the proof of the second pilot before the elections, so that my country can be saved, if our PM and entire defense establishment has lied. That is my only interest here.

SMQ is a buffoon - but you won't accept that point just yet. So let us debate that as and when you will see him continue in his ways non-stop.
WC Abhinandan was in your custody for 3 days, why couldn't you get a statement from him, confirming that he didn't shoot down any aircraft or even fire of any of his missiles ?
Well Abhinadan simply refused to provide any info other than his name and if number - in the video you can see he even refused to answer a basic question like which sq he belongs to. And as per Geneva conventions you cant force or torture a surrendered soldier.

As for the missiles, Abhinandan statements mean nothing if we can locate all his missiles with his crashed a/c - and most imp when PAF knows they havent lost anything.
Modi Productions presenting in association of the IAF, MOD, and Indian Media.

this is the whole point.. Show the two down crafts or best show the second pilot.. You would have won the world PR war against india.. You will see the sh1t storm it throws in India... But it;s amazing how the whole pakistani establishment is silent on the second pilot story
Exactly this will bring shit storm in India and Moodi will have to retaliate in order to save his face for the very same reason we released Abhinandan even before Indians demanded him ,,, We dont want Indian government to be in pressure
Amid Calls For Proof, Air Force Shows Radar Images Of Pak F-16 Encounter
தமிழில் படிக்க हिंदी में पढ़ेंAll India Reported by Vishnu Som, Edited by Deepshikha Ghosh
he Air Force said two parachutes were visually sighted, which were corroborated by radio communication intercepts.
Updated : April 08, 2019 19:29 IST


New Delhi:
Radar images of an air battle between Indian Air Force (IAF) pilot Abhinandan Varthaman and a Pakistani jet during a February dogfight were shown by the air force today as "irrefutable proof" that a Pakistani F-16 fighter jet had been shot down by India. Last week, American news publication Foreign Policy had contradicted India quoting unnamed US defence officials as saying that Islamabad's F-16s were counted and "none were missing."

"The IAF has irrefutable evidence of not only use fact that F-16 was used by PAF on 27 February but also that an IAF MiG21 Bison shot down a PAF F-16," said Air Vice Marshal RGK Kapoor, the Assistant Chief of Air Staff (Operations and Space).

The government had said that in an aerial duel on February 27 - a day after India sent fighter jets to Pakistan's Balakot to strike a terror training camp - pilot Abhinandan Varthaman had engaged with one of the Pakistani fighter jets that tried to target Indian military facilities, and shot it down before he was hit and forced to eject. Abhinandan Varthaman landed across the Line of Control and was in Pakistani custody for three days before he was returned to India amid attempts to de-escalate the crisis between the two sides.


The radar image of the shooting of the F-16

The Air Force today said Pakistani aircraft fired multiple AMRAAM missiles which were defeated. "In the aerial combat that followed one MiG 21 Bison of the IAF piloted by Wing Commander Abhinandan shot down one F-16 of PAF. As shown in radar image on the slide. The F-16 crashed and fell across the LOC. The IAF lost one MiG21 in the aerial engagement and Abhinandan ejected safely but his parachute drifted across the Line of Control, and he was taken into custody by Pakistan Army," said the Air Vice Marshal.

The Air Force said two parachutes were visually sighted, which were corroborated by radio communication intercepts. Even Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan had on camera indicated "more than one pilot". These conclusively proved that two aircraft had gone down that day in the same area, separated by around 1 to 1.30 minutes.

"The IAF has more credible information and evidence that is clearly indicative of the fact that PAF has lost one F-16 in the air action on the 27 February. However, due to security and confidentiality concerns, we are restricting information being shared in the public domain," said the officer.


Radar track of air battle between Abhinandan Varthaman and a Pak F-16. Red circle shows track of F-16. Blue circle is MiG 21 Bison


8 seconds later, track of F-16 being targeted disappears. 2 other F-16 hostiles continue being tracked (inverted U symbol) on the left

According to the Foreign Policy magazine, Pakistan had invited the United States to physically count its F-16 planes after the incident as part of an end-user agreement signed when the foreign military sale was finalized. "A US count of Pakistan's F-16 fleet has found that all the jets are present and accounted for, a direct contradiction to India's claim that it shot down one of the fighter jets during a February clash," Lara Seligman of the magazine reported.


The report came days before voting starts for the national election from Thursday. Prime Minister Narendra Modi and other top BJP leaders have been accused by the opposition of using the Balakot air strike, which was in response to the February 14 Pulwama terror attack, in their campaign speeches.
I think abhinandan was chasing electronic decoy.there was a target.it is clear that abhinandan was chasing electronic decoy.time for Pakistan to release the name of second pilot.we must give them proof.
Hahahah thats a joke on the name of proof.

Another Jumla by Jumla government and defeated IAF.

Continue making your own public fool. I was expecting that they ll show dead bodies of 300 people they killed in Balakot?
If pakistan can show the world evidence and stop all doubts so can India.
Its all BS that they can release proof because of security concerns.

indian cant fight from mughals to current day, 2019 has proved this theory once again
Yes, as our FM is trying his best to involve international community to stop India from this madness ...

We want to stop war till all options are exhausted ...

If your aircrafts are so much capable and your bison could hit our F16s then why did you opt for missil strike of 28th? Your airforce bison quantity is more than our F16s you could have easily counter us then why the hell your airforce was on back foot?

indians are all like the ones who post here on PDF. All talk, no action. Truth is, india is FAR TOO weak, powerless and incapable of figting the Pakistan military and they know it. india ain't gonna do s**t to us because they CAN'T. That too despite being more than 7× bigger than Pakistan and having the full backing of the West and Russia......:azn:
Who took the shot?

Abhinandan or some other pilot?
Exactly this will bring shit storm in India and Moodi will have to retaliate in order to save his face for the very same reason we released Abhinandan even before Indians demanded him ,,, We dont want Indian government to be in pressure
He won't be able to do that.. It is elections starting in a few days mate - he will be exposed... Otherwise, he would come roaring back to power. You are seriously under estimating the irritation Indian public has to liars.. see Indira lost even after winning 71 war, because she went nuts about how she governed.. if Modi has lied.. NOW is the time.. another 5 weeks and the fate is sealed for next 5 years ... Imagine the repercurssions if an air force chief, defence minister and PM is caught lying.
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