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IAF and IN in 2030



New Recruit

Mar 18, 2014
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Hi, long-time lurker. I have a question, what will the IAF and Indian Navy look like in 2030?

From my little knowledge, the IAF looks like it could boast a beastly airforce in 2030. Tejas MK II, Su-30MKI, PAK FA, Rafale and the AMCA (is that likely and will it be a potential force?). That looks like a really powerful force, surely, after the US, on par with China as the 2nd strongest airforce in the world?

And with India's navy, what are the major plans there? Is there as much focus on the navy as on the airforce? Is India settling for an optimum of 3 aircraft carriers or are there plans to expand their capacity?

I ask because in 10-15 years India will inevitably, with its economy and military strength, become more influential on the world stage.
Hi, long-time lurker. I have a question, what will the IAF and Indian Navy look like in 2030?

From my little knowledge, the IAF looks like it could boast a beastly airforce in 2030. Tejas MK II, Su-30MKI, PAK FA, Rafale and the AMCA (is that likely and will it be a potential force?). That looks like a really powerful force, surely, after the US, on par with China as the 2nd strongest airforce in the world?

And with India's navy, what are the major plans there? Is there as much focus on the navy as on the airforce? Is India settling for an optimum of 3 aircraft carriers or are there plans to expand their capacity?

I ask because in 10-15 years India will inevitably, with its economy and military strength, become more influential on the world stage.
dreams r just dreams.....We wont allow that in the first place.
dreams r just dreams.....We wont allow that in the first place.
Hi, long-time lurker. I have a question, what will the IAF and Indian Navy look like in 2030?

From my little knowledge, the IAF looks like it could boast a beastly airforce in 2030. Tejas MK II, Su-30MKI, PAK FA, Rafale and the AMCA (is that likely and will it be a potential force?). That looks like a really powerful force, surely, after the US, on par with China as the 2nd strongest airforce in the world?

And with India's navy, what are the major plans there? Is there as much focus on the navy as on the airforce? Is India settling for an optimum of 3 aircraft carriers or are there plans to expand their capacity?

I ask because in 10-15 years India will inevitably, with its economy and military strength, become more influential on the world stage.

lol..india will remain what it has remain all through out history..

A mere regional power.

I can't influence the world much beyond its borders.

Also, China, Russia, U.S, Europe etc will always have superior air power to that of india's...unless india also start producing its own fighter jets...

Also, China, Russia, U.S, Europe etc will always have superior air power to that of india's...unless india also start producing its own fighter jets...
Yeah we cant become a force to be reckoned with unless we start producing our own fighter jets and other critical things like engines.

Btw-Why dont you write first letter "i" in capital,I always write Pakistan's P in capital.Enmity shoul not overpower basic courtesy.
Yeah we cant become a force to be reckoned with unless we start producing our own fighter jets and other critical things like engines.

Btw-Why dont you write first letter "i" in capital,I always write Pakistan's P in capital.Enmity shoul not overpower basic courtesy.

Your fellow country-men do the same, thats why.
Son Wait for 5 Years...Let Modi come and see incremental jump in Defence PRODUCTION.

Monoply of Govt Ordiance Factories will be WASHED By Private Players - Tata, Mahindras Relaince are already jumping in the Pool.

The proclaimers from West who think they can Control us. Only Reliance can Buy out their Country and still have Billions Left...

Its better to Keep Quiet and Say WAIT AND WATCH rather than Jump on THE Chair!!
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dreams r just dreams.....We wont allow that in the first place.

This comes from a pakistani who's country lives on loans and free stuff.... Atleast we dream about the stuffs which is more than we can accomplish unlike some people like you.
Focus should be on a strong sub sea force, 15-20 SSKs, 5-8 SSBNs and around 10 SSNs.

Maybe, but only if you are confident of its abilities. These subs are suppose to serve some some 20-30 years without replacement, if you go for 10, or 8.

As to SSK, that's more possible.

I don't know too much about Indian capabilities, but I do know what catching up looks like. This is India's first after all.

Hi, long-time lurker. I have a question, what will the IAF and Indian Navy look like in 2030?

From my little knowledge, the IAF looks like it could boast a beastly airforce in 2030. Tejas MK II, Su-30MKI, PAK FA, Rafale and the AMCA (is that likely and will it be a potential force?). That looks like a really powerful force, surely, after the US, on par with China as the 2nd strongest airforce in the world?

And with India's navy, what are the major plans there? Is there as much focus on the navy as on the airforce? Is India settling for an optimum of 3 aircraft carriers or are there plans to expand their capacity?

I ask because in 10-15 years India will inevitably, with its economy and military strength, become more influential on the world stage.

I won't comment on whether India will be second, but what I will say is this. Tejas is a light fighter, unless it increases, it's capabilities will be limited.

China more or less started with a medium fighter, J-10, so AMCA is doable if looking at it from that prospective, but would the PAK FA have any influence on that and would Russia play a role, since, it maybe too much to Ask for India to develop a engine for fifth gen by 2030, if it isn't started today, but even if it did happen, it will still be by latter half of this schedule and you may not have that many, by 2030.

Rafale, and MKI, good fighters, but 2030 is ages away, by then the world powers would have shifted to fifth ten heavy forces, while still potent, it's effect will come up short then say right now.

That leaves PAK FA, how many can you get by 2030? 100? 200? Is the max 140+ something? I'm not following this development, so someone should clear it up.

To sum up, Tejas, Rafale, MKI are good fighters, but against certain enemies, we also don't know the SAM systems and other air defences of the age, and may further reduce effectiveness.

That leaves PAK FA, and AMCA, how many by 2030? Somebody can say, but it's probably not 200. How that compares, I'll leave it up to you.

There's of course a few other planes needed and other factors for the air force to truly be great, but let's leave that for another day.

Is there a naval fifth gen on the cards? PAK FA dubs as that?

Finally, not sure about Naval plans.
The only decisive hope i left is in NaMo only.....otherwise Rahul baba will...hahahahahahaha
lol..india will remain what it has remain all through out history..

A mere regional power.

I can't influence the world much beyond its borders.

Also, China, Russia, U.S, Europe etc will always have superior air power to that of india's...unless india also start producing its own fighter jets...
Man are u cursed or were u born with it.U sure know your way around how to manufacture ones own BS!!!
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