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IAF all Geared up to work on LCA MK-2 aircraft, with HAL and DRDO : Chief

My POV was more towards the design than the fighter program as such. Yes I agree, apart from the fact that it will take some time for LCA to become multi role(but I would like for it not to be multirole coz it will be waste of time) and Pakistan already trying to do it with JF 17.

The design is aimed on the requirements of the customer needs, but doesn't change the facts that both are similar in size, weight, class, generation, or that both are multi role fighters.
LCA already has demonstrated A2G capabilities and with air policing / interception as primery roles, will have A2A capabilities of course too. So it will be multi role from the start, but compared to JF 17 and the different requirements of PAF or IAF, LCAs multi role potential might remain limited. IAF simply has no reason to use it in SEAD, or heavy strike roles like PAF and unless such capabilities will be integrated for export customers, it would be just a waste of money.
I have see some of our neighbours bashing India for using foreign turbofans/turboshafts on our LCA/Dhruv.

One of them is our friend @DESERT FIGHTER who claims that,'Pakistan indigenously developed Super Mushak'

So lets see,what Super Mushak is - MFI-17 Mushshak/ Super Mushshak

Differences from SAAB Supporter-air conditioning,new instruments & most importantly,an imported 260 hp Lycoming engine & a new fuel supply system-again, imported

So what Super Mushak?A SAAB Supporter with few,imported modifications-does that make it a,'Pakistani indigenous aircraft'?

And that guy wants me to 'burn over' that ' spectacular achievement' (yes,retrofitting a 1960 s vintage aircraft,with an imported engine & fuel pump. :lol: )

I guess he did not know about these aircraft developed & inducted by India back in 50s & 60s.

HAL HT 2 first flight 1951


HAL HJT 16 Kiran-first flight 1965


And these guys have the courage to mock Indian aerospace efforts,when their country has not yet done what India did,in the 60s

And about Shakti engine,used on Dhruv.

An agreement was signed with M/s Turbomeca,France in 2002 for the Co-development of Shakti engine.ETBRDC was entrusted with design & supply of the oil pump,oil cooling system,the filter unit and the external dressing.Engineers of ETBRDC also took part in casing modelling,rotor dynamics and stress analysis at Turbomeca,France

^^^A report presented on Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha by standing committee on Defence
I have see some of our neighbours bashing India for using foreign turbofans/turboshafts on our LCA/Dhruv.


Dhruv = 90% foriegn,(BSF calls it useless : BSF calls 'Dhruv' choppers useless - Indian Express

"The Advanced Light Helicopters- Dhruv-- are not helpful in our operations like casualty evacuation and troop reinforcements. They are useless for us. Most of the times these helicopters are under servicing and there are issues about its capabilities to fly beyond a certain height," BSF sources said.

"We have informed the Home Ministry in this regard.

The helicopter keeps developing regular snags," they said.

arjun = over 50% (A failure)


And all foriegn designed.. :lol:

Indigenous? Dhruv advanced light helicopters are '90% foreign' - Times Of India

Rediff On The NeT:CAG drops a bombshell on DRDO

One of them is our friend @DESERT FIGHTER who claims that,'Pakistan indigenously developed Super Mushak'

So lets see,what Super Mushak is - MFI-17 Mushshak/ Super Mushshak

Differences from SAAB Supporter-air conditioning,new instruments & most importantly,an imported 260 hp Lycoming engine & a new fuel supply system-again, imported

So what Super Mushak?A SAAB Supporter with few,imported modifications-does that make it a,'Pakistani indigenous aircraft'?

And that guy wants me to 'burn over' that ' spectacular achievement' (yes,retrofitting a 1960 s vintage aircraft,with an imported engine & fuel pump. :lol: )

Cool story fool...

I guess he did not know about these aircraft developed & inducted by India back in 50s & 60s.

HAL HT 2 first flight 1951


HAL HJT 16 Kiran-first flight 1965


More Mushaks are in service with Pak n foriegn countries than all of these failed producted combined ... :lol:

PACs outdated site:


And these guys have the courage to mock Indian aerospace efforts,when their country has not yet done what India did,in the 60s

Yeah still cant make a working tank .. :lol:
And about Shakti engine,used on Dhruv.

^^^A report presented on Lok Sabha & Rajya Sabha by standing committee on Defence

:rofl: :rofl:

Yeah... :lol:

No one was talking about pure BMs of 1000 km range & apogee of 50 kms...:omghaha:

yeah i remember shaurya the russian 600-750km BM is a CM.. :lol:
A troll who makes,laughable claims like 'Pakistan,manufacturing nuclear reactors' without even ultra large forging...:lol:

Funny some retards cant digest the truth tht 80% of those components were Pakistanis and 6+ indigenous reactors are already under contruction... apart from tht the indigenous nuclear reactors (defence) were also designed n manufactured inhouse... if Pakistan didnt have the capability they would not have put the first one in service by 94...

LCA is a failure?Tell me how !
30 years n still under development... design,engine,radar,EW suite etc etc .. what is indian in tht? the money?
Dhruv is fully nMBB design?Did you work fir HAL?If not please stop making claims.
Oh & I forgot,Dhruv has more indigenous content than your 'super mushkak'-even engine & glasscockpit were imported-even for a basic trainer.

Wow yes its engine is foriegn (dnt know if they manufacture it inhouse) but glasscockpit etc? stop smokin whatver shit you are on...

Also 90% of the useless MB (yes it was designed by MBB) is also imported... lmao at u..

Do you know that HAL developed several components like fuel & oil pumps,filters & did structural design & analysis of Shakti engine used in Dhruv?


these suite u best..

Burn over?What is there to be jealous?

So called Karakoram is a Chinese JV,where much of work was done by China.( Case in point -Paksat 1 R ).Super Mushkak isa modified SAAB Safari..

Sure everything was developed by China... and we did nothing.. :lol: drugs?

P.S: Those aircraft sold like hot cakes flying with several countries in massive numbers.. so go cry me a river..

Kid,we developed and,inducted our first indigenous jet trainer HAL,Kiran,back in the 60s.Now burn over that.
And maybe you do not know that the first Indian basic trainer made its flight back in the '50s,and HAL has developed several trainers/general aviation/agricultural aircraft.

And who designed it? and how many sold?were they successful? :lol:

Ever heard of PSLV mission launching 10 sats into orbit?That was a demonstration of capability.Not onDrawing board?Who are you?DRDO chief?Go refer Avinash Chander / VK Saraswat / Tessy Thomas interviewsfor info.Itsalready ubderway.

That makes it junk?Burn baby burn...:lol:

Typical useless junk posted time n again by "gslv" .. :lol:

It is used onJF 17 doesnt,make it indigenous,INS was developed by China anyway.
And no,you cant make an indigenous RLG.

yeah everything was done by china.. unfortunately u cant even do shit with all the support n resources... heck u still manage to **** up all ur "dream (wet) projects" ... what a shame.. :lol:

Go make a SAM before mocking an ABM..:lol:

Make a simple MANPAD before talkin shit kid..

Joke of the century-Designed by france.....:lol:
Project definition was done by france,you know what project definition is??
Oops sorry,you were the guy who mistook 'indigenous development of specification for reactor' for 'indigenous development of reactor'...:lol:

Radar? Indian with Israeli processor.
Engine? Now how many countries have put their own engine on production aircraft.
And even Eurofighter& Rafale took decades,you know that?
Its designed to use existing weapon packages used by IAF

Lmao.. same nonsense ... nobody gives a shit about.. have fun with ur fantasies....

Now for JF 17,Engine-Russian,Radar-Chinese,All major Avionics-Chinese,EW-probabily chinese,And design? Initially by Mikoyan & later by China.
Whats Pakistani in this?

Oh yeah we did nothing..

U conphujing it bith lca kiddo.. :rolf:

Yes,may be in your wet dreams.Even the RD 33 engine is fully imported.

Wet dreams remind me of indians n their failure crap tht not even their forces want to induct... :rofl:

And ur posts only show how insecure n full of shit (lies n bs) u are... carry on..

Same old cr@p.Get] to our level in missile technology,then we will talk.

Make a CM before talkin shit...

No sense?Thats the truth
You have a long history,of trolling with NON SENSE,remember 'brahmos turbofan' or 'Indigenously developed 150 MW CANDU reactor', 'Or pure BM Shaurya with 50 km apogee'?...:lol:

FYI,Su 30 MKIs are manufactured at HALs Kanpur unit,where even their AL 31 FP engines are manufactured.But the So called 'joint fighter' is assembled in Pakistan & 40% of work is done by China

And Su 30 MKI has more indigenous avionics content than 'joint fighter'.The radar computer,mission computer,RWR and many more were developed in India.

And yes,LCA is a dream aircraft for countries like yours which havent yet acquired capabilities for developing its own basic tainers/ultralights

So go boast about your modified 'SAAB Safari Mushkak' in the Bangladeshi section.

Last time someone told me JF-17 :

Engine -Russian
EW: Unknown either chinese
Radar: chinese
DL: german

all component is from Westeran /chinese 99% imported then also its manufactured in PAK. What a guru you are . make everyone laugh)

Cool story...

Yeah,what? 1000 km range BM with 50 km.apogee ?? :omghaha:

yeah i remember shaurya the russian 600-750km BM is a CM.. :lol:

Yeah...A missile that has the range of 1000 km and apogee of 50 km is a 'BM'....What a retarded statement.

But oh,what else to expect from this guy,who do not even know the difference between a turbofan & a ramjet...:lol:

And Russia...keep crying loud....

Funny some retards cant digest the truth tht 80% of those components were Pakistanis and 6+ indigenous reactors are already under contruction... apart from tht the indigenous nuclear reactors (defence) were also designed n manufactured inhouse... if Pakistan didnt have the capability they would not have put the first one in service by 94...

Keep that 'retard' totle to yourself.

May be you cant understand that Pakistan cannot produce Reactor pressure vessels,reactor shells & canned rotor pumps.

And may be you cant understand that,this is because you doesnt have any ultra large forging facilities (not any hea y forging )

30 years n still under development... design,engine,radar,EW suite etc etc .. what is indian in tht? the money?

Design is foreign?Tell,me how?Do you know what 'Project definition is ?'.

Its an indian design,shaped in Indian windtunnels.

Radar is Indian with Israeli backend processor.

And do tell me,how many countries in the world have put an indigenously designed jet engine on a production aircraft?

So,apart from engine,EW suite,LDP etc,its Indian.Now whays Pakistani in JF 17?

Wow yes its engine is foriegn (dnt know if they manufacture it inhouse) but glasscockpit etc? stop smokin whatver shit you are on...

Also 90% of the useless MB (yes it was designed by MBB) is also imported... lmao at u..

Your Super Mushak is nothing but a SAB Safari with an imported engine,imported fuel injection system and imported instruments.Nothing Indigenous.

Meanwhile Dhruv is an Indian optimised design with a co developed engine,Indian gearbox andmany more Indian components.


these suite u best..

Do you realisr that the Joke is,on you?I have posted a 'Lok Sabha report ' on last post.go read about Indian,contribution to Shakti.

Sure everything was developed by China... and we did nothing.. :lol: drugs?

P.S: Those aircraft sold like hot cakes flying with several countries in massive numbers.. so go cry me a river..

And who designed it? and how many sold?were they successful? :lol:

Thats what we see in Pakistani projects,like JF 17.And there is nothing to boast over sales of a license built SAB Supporter.Massive numbersfor any indigenously designed system?

And rhese aircraft are Designed by Indians,who have the capability.

Numbers built,for Indian indigenous designs.
HAL Kiran - 190
HAL Pushpak -.160
HAL Marut-147
HAL Krishak-70
HAL Basant-39
HAL Deepak-80

There are more....

If you consider modified design,like your Mushak

Ajeet - 89

Typical useless junk posted time n again by "gslv" .. :lol:

Typical fool desert fighter who do not know the basics of space technology to understand the example cited by me...:lol:

yeah everything was done by china.. unfortunately u cant even do shit with all the support n resources... heck u still manage to **** up all ur "dream (wet) projects" ... what a shame.. :lol:

Resources?Show,me what resources you had wrt Paksat 1 R?
RLG based INS on JF is Chinese design.Go chexk it out.

Make a simple MANPAD before talkin shit kid..

So,manpads are more technologically advanced than MR SAMs & ABM systems....:omghaha:

Make a SAM first kid...

Lmao.. same nonsense ... nobody gives a shit about.. have fun with ur fantasies....

Dear fool,STHU if you have nothing to say.I have destroyed your delusions about LCA,I know.

Oh yeah we did nothing..

U conphujing it bith lca kiddo.. :rolf:

Ran out of BS??
For the JF 17..

Design-developed my mikoyan & chengdu for 2 decades,before you even joined it.
Radar,engine,EW suite,All,major avionics-imported,Chinese,Russian & western.

Whats Pakistani in this?Its not even fully manufactured there...

Wet dreams remind me of indians n their failure crap tht not even their forces want to induct... :rofl:

And ur posts only show how insecure n full of shit (lies n bs) u are... carry on..

You have got nothing to say when your claim,of 80% indigenous was shot down so easily.

Engine is imported from Russia.
And China still retains 40% of the work,Pakistan assembles it.

Make a CM before talkin shit...

Already made.Go make a SAM now...

No sense?Thats the truth

Cool story...

Yeah right,no one gives a fck about modified SAB Supporters...or assembled Chinese fighters.


Dhruv = 90% foriegn,(BSF calls it useless : BSF calls 'Dhruv' choppers useless - Indian Express

"The Advanced Light Helicopters- Dhruv-- are not helpful in our operations like casualty evacuation and troop reinforcements. They are useless for us. Most of the times these helicopters are under servicing and there are issues about its capabilities to fly beyond a certain height," BSF sources said.

"We have informed the Home Ministry in this regard.

The helicopter keeps developing regular snags," they said.

arjun = over 50% (A failure)


And all foriegn designed.. :lol:

Indigenous? Dhruv advanced light helicopters are '90% foreign' - Times Of India

Rediff On The NeT:CAG drops a bombshell on DRDO

You forgot to add one more thing-LCA,Dhruv -Pakistan doesnt even have the capability to develop one like that on its,own.:omghaha:

All foreign design?Fool please..

Dhruv-Indian MBB joint design with Indian gearbox,co developed engine.
Now what about retrofitted SAB Supporter oops Super Mushak?

Cool story fool...

Tell me whats wrong in it,fool?
More Mushaks are in service with Pak n foriegn countries than all of these failed producted combined ... :lol:

PACs outdated site:


Yeah still cant make a working tank .. :lol:

:rofl: :rofl:


Beforeboasting about Mushak,you know that its alicense built SAB S
Last edited:

Dhruv = 90% foriegn,(BSF calls it useless : BSF calls 'Dhruv' choppers useless - Indian Express

"The Advanced Light Helicopters- Dhruv-- are not helpful in our operations like casualty evacuation and troop reinforcements. They are useless for us. Most of the times these helicopters are under servicing and there are issues about its capabilities to fly beyond a certain height," BSF sources said.

"We have informed the Home Ministry in this regard.

The helicopter keeps developing regular snags," they said.

arjun = over 50% (A failure)


And all foriegn designed.. :lol:

Indigenous? Dhruv advanced light helicopters are '90% foreign' - Times Of India

Rediff On The NeT:CAG drops a bombshell on DRDO

Cool story fool...

More Mushaks are in service with Pak n foriegn countries than all of these failed producted combined ... :lol:

PACs outdated site:


Yeah still cant make a working tank .. :lol:

:rofl: :rofl:

Show your ignorance dumb fool...You are making a joke out of yourself by mocking a report prepared by top level MoD officers,MPs & HAL itself.
Do you even know what a turboshaft is?

And here is another joke 'more mushaks are in service'.You know that it is just a license built Supporter?
And how many Super Mushaks were produced? 40.

Now,Indian indigenous designs.

Number built.

Kiran 190
Marut 147
Krishak 70
Pushpak 160
Basant 39

Considering modified aircraft-Ajeet 89

I havent considered license production-MKIs,gnats,migs,Jaguars,their engines...many more.

Now go troll some where else.
its okay to have chinese critisism here,they are ahead of us.

but why are pakistanis getting excited here??
Simulation means the imitation of the operation or system.

There are all kinds of simulation, mathematical modeling, computer simulation, Physical simulation, Interactive simulation, live simulation etc.

Best not to let you limited understanding or vocabulary cloud your judgement.

So far as I know (May be not complete true) and testing of missile is concern, DATA are fed in computer which are supposed to receive from sensor (I.e from Radar or seeker) etc. Missile follows the path which it would have followed otherwise against live target. Firing against physical live moving target doesn't amount to simulated test.
The design is aimed on the requirements of the customer needs, but doesn't change the facts that both are similar in size, weight, class, generation, or that both are multi role fighters.
LCA already has demonstrated A2G capabilities and with air policing / interception as primery roles, will have A2A capabilities of course too. So it will be multi role from the start, but compared to JF 17 and the different requirements of PAF or IAF, LCAs multi role potential might remain limited. IAF simply has no reason to use it in SEAD, or heavy strike roles like PAF and unless such capabilities will be integrated for export customers, it would be just a waste of money.

very well put, thats what i tried to convey.
Please Don't compare J10B with Tejas, Your Tejas may be 10th generation but it is not comparable to J10B as simple as that.
With all due respects, J10b is comparable with Tejas..
I see that Sancho has already answered you..Hence refraining ..
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