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I want to go non-veg from Veg?

It is funny that many pakistani's want to advice him to see his problem with his diet of non vegetarian.
If he lost 20 kg in a month, he have to see a doctor and eating non-vegetarian will not help at all.
@Parashu they are not concern your real problem, but instead want you to eat non vegetarian, that's it.

1. Go and see doctor
2. Take good vegetarian food and eat on time
3. Do yoga daily

If you don't have any problem after diagnosis, then be happy that you remain lean and lost weight as in this
world majority want to get rid from fat to lean to remain flexible and healthy.

Best of luck.
okay Thanks

okay Thanks
I would recommend sea food + beef and mutton
i live in middle of semi arid Land, so no sea Food here.

OK , if you have really seen your family doctor and got your sugar tested and everything normal....otherwise dude....
main problem is my Digestive System is weak compared to my other family members. :(+ i have to eat more food than average person.:cry:

Lost 20 kg in 3 months ? See a doctor baba, if that is true..Why posting in this super heroic forum asking for advice ?
lol i just need advice on non veg food. :p:

I don't have much idea about Mumbai. I visited Mumbai intermittently, and never lived there. Delhi has some great food. Get hold of a food guide for Delhi by times media or some other publisher and you will find great places to eat when visiting Delhi next time.
street food of Mumbai is Awesome ! you should try Dhosas and samosas from Khau galli :D
Street food of Mumbai - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Hey guys! I am a gujarati indian vegetarian brahmin ( i eat egg white), however for some health problems i would like to start non-veg(lost 20+ KGS in just 3 months). Are there any vegetarians who have tried and which is the best way to start. i do not want to jolt my system. I would like to transition slowly and keep my health in mind.

hans challa kawwe ki chaal apni bhi bhool gaya :pissed:
My favorite option in meat is beef. But it is now even less readily available in Lucknow as it was before. Our Karachi and Islamabad has good beef. Its not good though trying to control what you eat or drink, be it in Pakistan or any other place.
20 KG in 3 months and your not sick - bullshit

However i would say start with chicken as other guys here suggested. Also too much non-veg is also bad for health/heart etc.

I would recommend 1 tandoori chicken and fish once a week.
You are trying to convince others as if that because of vegetarian,you have health problem.

People are get rid from non-vegetarian to vegetarian as of health problem and not other way around.
A good vegetarian diet makes you healthy and mind.You can practise yoga daily and diet vegetarian
to remain fit.

Yes, I will recommend you to stop eggs also. Show to doctor and do yoga. Nair has given perfect advise.
My favorite option in meat is beef. But it is now even less readily available in Lucknow as it was before. Our Karachi and Islamabad has good beef. Its not good though trying to control what you eat or drink, be it in Pakistan or any other place.
when was you born ?

Before 1947 ? (68+ year old?)

If not then you don't know anything about Lucknow.


Yes, I will recommend you to stop eggs also. Show to doctor and do yoga. Nair has given perfect advise.
he is trolling.
welcome to meat clubs. Its good decision because meat is healthy for your body and bring more choices for food. I feel sorry for vegetarians as they dont know what they are missing. If i dont eat meat at least once a week i feel like i am missing something.

Thanks .i know meat is healthy for our Bodies and everybody should eat it at last once in week or Month.
it's "horrible sin" to eat Eggs in Gujarat. people used to tell me that u are not a Hindu because you eat Eggs lol, Stupid oldies. :p:

I think you should eat from fish/chicken/lamb etc and eat kebabs/mutton biryani first.
i m going to try some "meaty"(Gujarat:rolleyes:) Chicken Sandwitches from subway to night.

My personal fav meat is beef and fish. I dont like chicken unless its spicy but chicken is just for chaska..
:o: :astagh:
as others have said, 20 kg in 3 months sounds like a serious problem, see a doc.

main problem is my Digestive System is weak compared to my other family members. :(+ i have to eat more food than average person.:cry:

or are you trolling ?

anyway, eat some tandoori chicken or tikka etc, go to a kfc and try some of their stuff.

hans challa kawwe ki chaal apni bhi bhool gaya :pissed:

as others have said, 20 kg in 3 months sounds like a serious problem, see a doc.

or are you trolling ?

anyway, eat some tandoori chicken or tikka etc, go to a kfc and try some of their stuff.

Guess what nno KFC in my home town, we have Every Food Chain except KFC
reason : Meat and non veg :confused:
US food giants turn vegetarian in Gujarat - The Times of India

You are trying to convince others as if that because of vegetarian,you have health problem.

People are get rid from non-vegetarian to vegetarian as of health problem and not other way around.
A good vegetarian diet makes you healthy and mind.You can practise yoga daily and diet vegetarian

to remain fit.[/QUOTE]

1) no sir, yo are wrong.

2) i know but my body need more

3) i know that yoga is good but i am a very busy student sir, i don't have free time. :(
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