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I used to be an Islamist

Actually, I find this article speaks my story as well ,although the setting is in India. I used to be a Muslim, in-fact i still retain my Muslim name, Shahabas ( as reflected in my user id ). Right now, I no longer believe in any religion.

A year ago, i gave up on Islam completely. Severely disillusioned and learned to think for myself.
Dont brag n boast.
Show us the beef.

Why these people ran away from Islam?

there are many more.
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List of converts to Islam - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually, I find this article speaks my story as well ,although the setting is in India. I used to be a Muslim, in-fact i still retain my Muslim name, Shahabas ( as reflected in my user id ). Right now, I no longer believe in any religion.

A year ago, i gave up on Islam completely. Severely disillusioned and learned to think for myself.
why? What happened?
Dont brag n boast.
Show us the beef.

Why these people ran away from Islam?

there are many more.
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Of all the anti Islam bloggers or forumers I've come across, with their cute little misunderstood arguments, not once have I ever come across one that holds all valid arguments. Not one have I ever seen that hasn't stretched the truth or even lied somewhere.

So lets begin with you...
Why have they ran away?

Care to enlighten us all.
And please, before you do, no empty statements, I want sound argument backed by fact and not just your wild imagination.
Dont brag n boast.
Show us the beef.

Why these people ran away from Islam?

there are many more.
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It is an undeniable fact that , When compared with other religions, Very few people leave Islam. If hundreds are leaving Islam , thousands and thousands are converting. Even the highly educated people like Americans, Europeans are converting to Islam in large numbers.
guys stop trolling...this is a troll thread...as discussion on religion is contrary to forum rules!
There is nothing wrong in being a Islamist .

Muslims believe islam is a true and peaceful religion and ideology so they have every right to protect it using political means .
Alcohol & Drugs

Alcohol consumption in Muslim regions of the world (Middle East and North Africa) increased by 25% in 5 years.

In 2007, Afghanistan produced an extraordinary 8,200 tonnes of opium (93% of the global opiates market).

Saudi Arabia is the world’s 6th largest consumer of anti-impotence drugs, demand is 10 times that of Russia.

In 2010 Malaysia was the world's tenth largest consumer of alcohol.

Africans are not really Christians either they just convert for cash incentives and then when the cash dries up they revert. To them it is just a meal ticket and the salafists or evangelicals have the most cash so they compete. In India the Muslims don't have the funds like that but Christians do so they offer money to the poor for conversions and again when it dries up the poor people revert.
why? What happened?

Many things. In the end i decided, i had enough. I guess i started hating my religion since joining university.......i only decided to cut off Islam from my life last year. A great deal of it is too personal and exposes a good number of people i still love and respect.

Anyway, my parents refuse to talk to me now and every muslim friend i had , are gone now. Its been hard to deal with, but i still firmly believe my decision was a good one. I no longer wished to be associated with Islam except in the name my parents gave me.

Another thing which helped me make my decision is the fact that i learned to read, write and understand Arabic. Not just read and recite like many of my friends.
Alcohol & Drugs

Alcohol consumption in Muslim regions of the world (Middle East and North Africa) increased by 25% in 5 years.

In 2007, Afghanistan produced an extraordinary 8,200 tonnes of opium (93% of the global opiates market).

Saudi Arabia is the world’s 6th largest consumer of anti-impotence drugs, demand is 10 times that of Russia.

In 2010 Malaysia was the world's tenth largest consumer of alcohol.
are u suggesting that ur religion is better coz it alows alcohol?

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