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i recommend guys to stop thinking about change

I wtf-ed even though I support PTI.
^^ School bully :P

That 'abidi' guy,cant remember his full name..
Is from PPP .
Gollum gollum arrest me :lol:

That 'abidi' guy,cant remember his full name..
Is from PPP .
Gollum gollum arrest me :lol:

Faisal Raza Abidi..
Yeah... he might be a gollum..and PPP his precious.
not for hundred or more years, no, and frankly i dont see pakistan even survive for 10 years if things go along like this

End of Mullahism and "allah tawakol" attitude is necessary for Pakistan survival.
Everyone says Inshallah Pakistan will live, nobody has a clue how with dozen new crisis springing every month?
Now i can go back to my den in peace and hibernate and will comeback in summer for hunt knowing there is no hope.
AFAIC - Losing hope (Mayoosi) is 'Kufr'.

"Do your duty & have faith in Allah, there is no power on earth that can undo Pakistan." Jinnah.

Read it backwards and, you will ge my answer.
I rest my case!
End of Mullahism and "allah tawakol" attitude is necessary for Pakistan survival.
Everyone says Inshallah Pakistan will live, nobody has a clue how with dozen new crisis springing every month?

i agree to an extent

every body is saying that change is coming, chinge has come, while some news anchors go to some poshe areas of pakistani cities and inquire about the opinions of high priviliged people, their opinions are counted as a symbol of big change and how aware the country is today, but lets just think about the rural areas of pakistan which is counted as the majority, and the people living there have little access to the media news and thus less awareness, people are not so eager there

they are still belieing what their ancestors believed 65 years ago, they still believe in wadera/jirga/sardari justice, they thoroughly embrace their agonies and they completely depend and rely on waderas and frauds and thieves to rescue them out of their situation

i mean if the nation is so dead that the people are depending on others to bring the change while doing nothing themselves to bring the change, and not letting their voices heard in every nook and corner of the country i dont think this change is possible

the sindhis are going to vote for guys who makes the sindh so called united, punjabis are gonna vote for those who they think is the new face(shareef bradrans that is), KPK people are gonna vote for those who they think represents their religious sentiments, and balochs are gonna vote those who think can further their baloch cause

nobody has a magic wand to solve the problems of pakistan, pakistanis think with a magic wand we can solve all our issues
I hope people arent planning to do "bayth" to IK.. at the level of sheer blind faith.. that seems to in the cards.
Next up, they will start using Ameer next to his name.

I agree to an extent with darkinsky.. just like the people of prophet Saleh.. Pakistanis have almost bled and carved their camel to death.. and are now reaping their sown.

His support mainly comes from Educated lot who at times even criticise IK and his policies... so there is not an iota of a chance that he'd be worshipped just like the rest.

The nation cannot sustain another love affair of PPP-PMLN mafia.
This is why niether democracy and niether election s are good for Pakistan shall

I agree up to some extent.

President Mirza once said "With 15% literacy we are trying to run a Constitution which requires 70% literacy - This is the basis of all our troubles."

This country will not change or be fixed when most of the people vote leaders based on ethnicity, feudalism, or religion and not on merit. Add in the fact that a lot of the population is uneducated. Leaders are a problem but the Pakistani people are the bigger problem.

After all your leaders are a reflection of you.
i have been disappointed from all parties, But i have no other choice other than PTI

Change depends on destiny
im too fed up with politics now, i see no hope for pakistan, i see darkness, so i recommend any sane pakistani to lose all hope for a bright future, here are few reaons and complains, its time to accept we cant bring any changes through elections or political system, the pakistanis still believe in the same old politics, support same old people who looted us for ever, there is no mass awareness, there is no mass movement, their is no mass willingness for the change, the people are willing to remain dumb deaf and blind, the bhutto supporters still support bhuttos no matter what.

i was seeing some TV news program a woman goes to larkana, people are upset by PPP performance, but they said that they will still keeping hoping from the same bhuttos and support them, some said they will vote sindhi nationalists because PPP so called divided sindh by local body system(not even knowing what local body system is and what are its benefits and how it divided sindh in any way)

this is an example which applies to every where in pakistan

i mean the general perception is not for the change but baseless support to the same people who play dirty politics and fool people by their useless agendas

pakistanis dont think about voting the people who speak about the problem such as corruption, law and order, hinger, no food, no electricity, no CNG but they are willing to give votes to those who thought PPP divided sindh through local body system

generally pakistani nation doesnt give a shitt when it comes to issues like walfare, poverty etc, but is willing to give votes to those who say to them they will stop the conspiracy by PPP to divide sindh and who have not promised to clear the corruption, bring merit, bring jobs and walfare etc

people like qadri are willing to compromise on their stance for their personal benefits

organisations as important as judiciary is being consumed by politics, which is supposed to be free and fair and provide justice to every common man of this country

there is no political setup which is guiding the pakistani people in the right direction and pakistanis are willing to support it

there is no guy who is ready to say 'NO' to this entire fraud and corrupt system

Pakistan is moving backwards, it will keep moving, 75% of pakistanis are illeterate which is a waste of a good human resource and burden on our economy

in conclusion: simply there is no hope for this nation

1..Yeap whenever you try to destroy others you only gets destroyed.I know you people still bash me after seeing my post,but sorry this is the truth and truth hurts.
2..whenever you try to enforce the mix religion with politics that is what you get.:wave:
i hoped our beaurocrats and politicians were god fearing people, but sadly they arnt

the fact is we (backward countries) still living in 1000 ,2000 ,1400 years ago.why cant the people understand that time is changing and our thought has to be changed.The biggest hindrance to the growth is religion.sorry to say but see those countries which have liberal attitude have developed.hurts ...............but true.all the problems arise due to wrong attitude.they think that god does everything so we dont need to do anything and that is why the backwardness.
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