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I left the US because of their hatred towards Muslims… this is my story

We seem to be attracting a lot of Indian retards on this forum these days!

Ahmadi's do not face any prosecution, they are simply forbidden to call themselves Muslims. Shai's, Bori's, Agha Khanis, Hindus, Christians and even Jews do not face prosecution. The difference b/w Ahmadi's and the others is that Ahmadi's continue to defy our constitution and the collective decision of the Muslim world while the others do not.

Actually, if what Roybot says is indeed correct, then this guy is just a bigot and a liar as he could just as easily have claimed that he was not a 'Muslim' and lived happily ever after!

Ahmadis do not face any "prosecution"? Jee I wish my relative in Pakistan knew that before they killed him. I bet a random ignorant posters rant on PDF would have saved him...and you seem to have a rather strange definition of a bigot..Where did you get ur education from? Lal masjid?

@ the people who are confused about the identity of the writer, let me tell you he's definitely an Ahmadi, if you don't believe just go check out his youtube channel.
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Wtf are you on about? Not my problem if you want to live in denial and not my problem if the article was too clever for you. And I can pay you back in the same coin, so avoid ad hominem attacks.

jaanay do bhai.

$hit shoveling in this thread will destroy the point.

I am sure a good poster like you knows it. Right?

Thank you

Ahmadis do not face any "prosecution"? Jee I wish my relative in Pakistan knew that before they killed him. I bet a random ignorant posters rant on PDF would have saved him...and you seem to have a rather strange definition of a bigot..Where did you get ur education from? Lal masjid?

@ the people who are confused about the identity of the writer, let me tell you he's definitely an Ahmadi, if you don't believe just go check out his youtube channel.

Who wrote the article?

99% of people fell in the trap. Now the Kafir haters and West bashers are going to run away with their dhottis on their head.
Who wrote the article?

99% of people fell in the trap. Now the Kafir haters and West bashers are going to run away with their dhottis on their head.

I believe the gentleman's name is Kashif Chaudhry (utube channel KashMD), famous on Youtube for posting embarrassing stuff for Molvis. Well at least that's how I view the extraordinary gentleman.
He came back to Pakistan only to find out that hatred of other communities should not be practiced with subtle bathroom stickers, instead it should be a slow genocide of an entire race as is what is experienced by Hindus, Christians, Shias, Ahmadis etc. Imagine his surprise.

edit: Oh!! Fantastic peice, but Ahmadis arent the only ones persecuted.

Ah yes, you should know about racial genocide judging from what your armed forces do to your own people.....

Ahmadis do not face any "prosecution"? Jee I wish my relative in Pakistan knew that before they killed him. I bet a random ignorant posters rant on PDF would have saved him...and you seem to have a rather strange definition of a bigot..Where did you get ur education from? Lal masjid?

@ the people who are confused about the identity of the writer, let me tell you he's definitely an Ahmadi, if you don't believe just go check out his youtube channel.

it is terrible to see the land of Chaudhry Sir Muhammad Zafarullah Khan, has come to this.

We the majority religionists have done terrible job in protecting ideas that are different from us.

So sorry to see
it is terrible to see the land of Chaudhry Sir Muhammad Zafarullah Khan, has come to this.

We the majority religionists have done terrible job in protecting ideas that are different from us.

So sorry to see

The actions of some of the Pakistanis today will not only shame Hazrat Zafrullah (rh) sahib but also Even Jinnah Sahib (rh) would be forced to hang his head in shame. ( that's if lashkar e jhangvi didn't see his ID and kill him for being a kafir...)

Kashif N Chaudhry | KashifMD

That's his site, if anyone's interested.
@Darth Vader

Thats just lame bro. You do realise that i didn't change the article, thats how it was meant to be, the article was about Ahmedis and Pakistan all along. So if you have to have a go at someone, it should be the writer.

Am just the messenger, helped a lot of people understand the message the article was tryna send. :o::welcome:. But seems like people like you still didn't get it!
oh ok So you are psychic you just knew what he wanted to say India , US , Aus , Israel are one of the most racist countries on this planet i been their i met with people so dont tell me he have you ever seen how Normal people treat ahmadis in Pakistan Fyi i have ahmadi friends in pakistan people treat them like every other human no matter which religion they follow Their are nut jobs in every country So dont judge all communty or religion or country by some few nut jobs it have
(I posted in another thread but it is duplicate of this, hence I am duplicating my post here. Please bear with me)

Anyone who has seen my posts should know that I am the first one to defend the rights of Ahmadis, Shias, and other minorities.

This thread talks about horrible ways we the majority Muslims treat our minorities.

Here is my take on this issue.

And I hope /Ahmadis and Shias stand with me on this.

The reason we behave in stone age barbaric ways is simple.

We mix personal relgion with public and institutional life. Not only that!

Our Mullahs and Ayatullahs and Khalifas do not hesitate to put their dongles into the global affairs.

So my question is:

1. will it be possible that Ahmadis will stand with me for a secular Pakistan? Complete separation of state from the mosque?
----- where religion belongs to personal thing only?
-----where Ahamdis will not issue any religious fatawas on issues related to Pakistan's foreign and geostrategic policies?

2. will it be possible that Shias will stand with me for a secular Pakistan? Complete separation of state from the mosque?
----- where religion belongs to personal thing only?
-----where Shias will not issue any religious fatawas on issues related to Pakistan's foreign and geostrategic policies?

Let's here it.

Thank you,
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