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I have faith that Lord Rama exists: Solicitor General Mohan Parasaran

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Your extreme position taking clearly indicates a closed mind, and therefore not conducive to discussion.

Atheist can be as fanatic in their beliefs as some religious followers.

Its not a closed mind, its a fed-up-of-religious-BS mind. :pop:
can be put down to ignorance or "knowledge" gleaned from popular literature, and therefore unsuitable for a deeper discourse.

What the hell are you talking about?

I said that you were being hyperbolic when you said that using rationality to answer existential questions can lead to communism. I said that if I were to take that stand, that I can also arrive by using hyperbolic discourse that using religion to answer existential questions. It was intended as a riposte to expose your conflation with rationality of an extremist ideology.

Then I said, the real problem is dogmatic belief. That afflicts atheists as well.

Unless you are conflating rational thinking with science. Which is not true, as religious people are capable of rational thinking as well.

Its not a closed mind, its a fed-up-of-religious-BS mind

The irreligious in America is growing at a fast pace. The number one reason being not victory of science, but rather self-righteous religious bigots putting them of religion.

I became an atheist because of my self-righteous parents and relatives who were blindly religious.
can be put down to ignorance or "knowledge" gleaned from popular literature, and therefore unsuitable for a deeper discourse.

What the hell are you talking about?

I said that you were being hyperbolic when you said that using rationality to answer existential questions can lead to communism. I said that if I were to take that stand, that I can also arrive by using hyperbolic discourse that using religion to answer existential questions. It was intended as a riposte to expose your conflation with rationality of an extremist ideology.

Then I said, the real problem is dogmatic belief. That afflicts atheists as well.

Unless you are conflating rational thinking with science. Which is not true, as religious people are capable of rational thinking as well.

Its not a closed mind, its a fed-up-of-religious-BS mind

The irreligious in America is growing at a fast pace. The number one reason being not victory of science, but rather self-righteous religious bigots putting them of religion.

I became an atheist because of my self-righteous parents and relatives who were blindly religious.

You can at least use quotes so that a poster knows his post has been replied to....use quotes tag.

If you know the basics of philosophy of science and of metaphysics, we may discuss further....religion and science should not be given a superficial treatment.... a bit of knowledge, and an open mind is needed for a fruitful discourse.. maturity of years also helps.
I dont wanna Argue about my Belief to a Non-Hindu ... who doesnt understand Indian Culture ... so Please refrain ...

COW is a Mother ... those Hindu who consider killing it ... deserves the same treatment ...

I ate beef ! Mooooo
Lol, join the bandwagon.

You mean, so fragile is our unity that we have to resort to religious communalism to keep it intact?

Congrats! Beef eating was probably the high point of your life. Makes you feel so brave and rebellious, doesn't it?

And yes, religion is a major component of a nation's unity. A real nation is not a political, but a socio-cultural unit. What remains of culture if you take religion out of it?
Congrats! Beef eating was probably the high point of your life. Makes you feel so brave and rebellious, doesn't it?

And yes, religion is a major component of a nation's unity. A real nation is not a political, but a socio-cultural unit. What remains of culture if you take religion out of it?
Hey its a crime worthy of getting killed, I'm feeling gangsta and all! :lol:
Congrats! Beef eating was probably the high point of your life. Makes you feel so brave and rebellious, doesn't it?

And yes, religion is a major component of a nation's unity. A real nation is not a political, but a socio-cultural unit. What remains of culture if you take religion out of it?

The culture lies in your consciousness, not in what your elders teaches you in believing in a divine entity. I am very much inclined to my culture, but my consciousness is way to evolve to believe in illogical teaching.

And no, i don't believe in your God or any supreme deity for that matter.

And i have many other high points in my life, giving lectures on a forum on Hinduism and defunct moral nitty gritty is not one of them.
when did i said we have to resort to communalism

we can make some reservations if that faith is the most important factor keeping the nation united

Faith is the most important factor keeping the nation united? Not the respect for the constitution, or patriotism, but faith in a deity?
The culture lies in your consciousness, not in what your elders teaches you in believing in a divine entity. I am very much inclined to my culture, but my consciousness is way to evolve to believe in illogical teaching.

And no, i don't believe in your God or any supreme deity for that matter.

And i have many other high points in my life, giving lectures on a forum on Hinduism and defunct moral nitty gritty is not one of them.

So what does your culture consist of? Songs and dance?? And you want to claim that one is born with a complete cultural blueprint already embedded in his consciousness??

Your personal belief, or not, in God has no bearing on the aggregate culture, of which religion is the most important component. A few stragglers here and there don't matter.
Having faith is entirely personal, but the nation shouldn't suffer because of the faith of few.

It isn't a matter about faith, it is a matter of legacy. Regardless of whether you adhere to religion or not, the historical significance of the narrative of Lord Shri Ram and Lanka passed down from generation to generation can't simply be washed away to accommodate cheap business interests . Who told the Congress government to start developing the Sethusamudram project using crores of public funds without taking into account the religious considerations of the majority first? And now, people want to turn the argument around on pious Hindu Indians for raising an objection to such a blatant mutilation of our cultural past? It doesn't work that way, my friend.

I remember the time when I used to attend Sunday School. The priest in attendance used to distribute pamphlets on how the Ram Sethu was a geological formation and not an ancient relic as believed by Hindus. It makes me smile to recall that the Ram Sethu caused them such heartburn that they had to issue petty disclaimers.

I hope Hindus realize the hidden interests behind rechristening the Ram Sethu as "Adam's bridge" and the ongoing efforts to erase its existence. There are larger connotations to it beyond one would realize.
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