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I have faith that Lord Rama exists: Solicitor General Mohan Parasaran

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I personally am against it if it hurts the sentiments of the majority faith.

India is not some shytty communist hell hole where government's word = divine order.

The sole intent of Congress to continually eye for things of faith is pathetic. First it has been this Ram Sethu issue and recently they were eyeing the gold in temples.

WTF?! :blink:

If you are an atheist, please don't expect others to be so. By that logic, every piece of land of every faith must be destroyed and resources must be explored for economic gain.

A lot of things in our faith were also reduced to 'mythology' status by greedy colonial missionaries.

If you agree with the colonial philosophy, then don't think that others will accept the desecration of their faith's monuments.

I would certain arm myself to fight if tomorrow they said that there is so-and-so resources under the Mahabodhi temple and that it must be removed to be extracted.

Don't compare Mahabodhi temple with RamaSethu. They are simply not the same. There is no evidence of this structure being artificial. Most Tamils do not care about this structure and most Indians don't know about its existence. Now a small group of right wing rivisionists are trying to manufacture offence.
Tell me a common Hindu festival that's celebrated in Maharastra, Bengal, Bihar and TamilNadu! :P

It's the loose federal structure our shared culture which keeps us together, religion is part of the culture but not all of it!

Tomorrow elect a Hindu monarch and see how the country falls apart.

Typical Bengali Communist secularist you are....you are going to hell/going to become a cockroach in your next life(thank my post if you are going to become a part of bio-fuel reserve like me)...Viva Revolution!

@Topic How much does the bridge earn now(as a tourist/pilgrim site)??
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Why Wasn't these Factor applicable before 1947............... Present India was more than 800 Princely States............What Keeps US United...................Is it Christianity.................I think Its Great work of Fathers of Indian Constitution which Proved the western Pundits wrong and kept India Unites from 1947 till date.................

Who are u Mlecchas to educate us about Hinduism and India ... Hinduism and Hindu culture is the soul of this country u remove it and u'll get a Sick western alien India... which would be fighting for its identity ..

... and for your Kind information ... there was never being any united Country in the world as it is in present, before 1800... the modern concept of Nation never existed before that...

Such a Project will only be supported by Conservative Secularist Extremist , Anti-Hindus and Anti-Nationals ...
....can you imagine anybody advocating destroying anything related to prophet Mohammed or Jesus in Muslim or Christian lands.

Poor analogy, KSA has destroyed pretty much destroyed anything & everything connected to the prophet Mohammed.

On topic, I'm not convinced that this project is worth the trouble. If the Supreme Court & the environment minstry is stopping far more important mining projects on the basis that the tribals residing there have some sort of religious/spiritual attachment to the hills/forests, I see zero logic to go ahead with a project without a clear cost benefit and which might trouble the sentiments of a not inconsiderable number of people.
I personally am against it if it hurts the sentiments of the majority faith.

India is not some shytty communist hell hole where government's word = divine order.

The sole intent of Congress to continually eye for things of faith is pathetic. First it has been this Ram Sethu issue and recently they were eyeing the gold in temples.

WTF?! :blink:

If you are an atheist, please don't expect others to be so. By that logic, every piece of land of every faith must be destroyed and resources must be explored for economic gain.

A lot of things in our faith were also reduced to 'mythology' status by greedy colonial missionaries.

If you agree with the colonial philosophy, then don't think that others will accept the desecration of their faith's monuments.

I would certain arm myself to fight if tomorrow they said that there is so-and-so resources under the Mahabodhi temple and that it must be removed to be extracted.

They have already Planned to Turn India into a Hindu Majority country with Anti-Hindu Laws ...

another incident...

Cover Ganesh idol for 'namaz', else we will arrest you : Police to Hindus
Don't compare Mahabodhi temple with RamaSethu. They are simply not the same. There is no evidence of this structure being artificial. Most Tamils do not care about this structure and most Indians don't know about its existence. Now a small group of right wing rivisionists are trying to manufacture offence.

On the contrary, more people know about it and a lot of Tamils Hindus have protested against it. Please research a bit. I myself came to know about it only when a Tamil friend of mine forwarded it to me.

BTW if you didn't know even environmentally it would be dangerous to destroy Ram Sethu as well.

So please understand that just because the Hindus don't violently protest and attack other communities, it doesn't mean that their sentiments keep getting hurt no matter what crap the paid media blurts.

There are some things that are of ancient value to our country. We are not some start up corporate-country where there was no history.

What's the proof that the history you speak of is revisionist? What is the proof that those with colonial mentality did not revise history and term pan-Indian things as 'myth'? I am saying this because this tactic was used by colonial era people even against my community as well where many Buddhist facts and practises were called 'myths' so that they could welcome Christian missionaries here in NE.

Remember at one time even 'Aryan invasion' was a history, which now Europeans themselves have debunked.

Most history we learn in our schools is utter political trash. A lot of it is something which is propagated by culture-hating, leftists who see British as as beacon of glory and hope. I am not saying this out of patriotic fervour because these losers never mention anything that show how invaders were routed and thrashed back and how they were actually barbarians and not noble 'leaders' as how CBSE puts them.
Who are u Mlecchas to educate us about Hinduism and India ... Hinduism and Hindu culture is the soul of this country u remove it and u'll get a Sick western alien India... which would be fighting for its identity ..

... and for your Kind information ... there was never being any united Country in the world as it is in present, before 1800... the modern concept of Nation never existed before that...

Such a Project will only be supported by Conservative Secularist Extremist , Anti-Hindus and Anti-Nationals ...

Is that Equivalent to Kafir..................Now Taking about India .................Should i Take permission from Nair Saab to talk about my Country & Countrymen............
The thing is that if the bridge of Lord Rama holds value to the religion of most Hindus then perhaps that should be taken into account. To the Atheists and non-Hindus here, passing insulting statements such as "Lord Rama was purely a mythological figure" or that the "Ramayana was written before the birth of Lord Rama" are just plainly dumb and ignorant statements. The purpose of this thread is not to insult the beliefs of Hindus but to discuss economic expansion at the sacrifice of a religiously sentimental structure. I would equate this discussion to whether a historical mosque or church should be demolished in a Muslim or Christian land for the benefit of economic expansion. If you can't apply your mind to the discussion on that level as either a Christian or a Muslim then I suggest that you shut it. As for the atheists, man I wish you guys are reborn as the cockroaches you are for the next 20 lifetimes :D

Is that Equivalent to Kafir..................Now Taking about India .................Should i Take permission from Nair Saab to talk about my Country & Countrymen............

Nope but you should be more sensitive about the religious sentiments of the majority of your country and countrymen ?
Is that Equivalent to Kafir..................Now Taking about India .................Should i Take permission from Nair Saab to talk about my Country & Countrymen............
Not needed... instead of spreading Anti-Hindu venom and doing Anti-Hindu talks ...You should thank US Hindus that we allow u people in our country ...

Are these people who constantly Rant about eating BEEF and slaughtering COW gonna represent us Hindus views ...

Hindu should think about this... how can we allow these people to over shadow our sentiments by their loud and mean voices ...
Not needed... instead of spreading Anti-Hindu venom and doing Anti-Hindu talks ...You should thank US Hindus that we allow u people in our country ...

Are these people who constantly Rant about eating BEEF and slaughtering COW gonna represent us Hindus views ...

Hindu should think about this... how can we allow these people to over shadow our sentiments by their loud and mean voices ...

My Ancestors are residents of Kerala which is a Part of India and i needn't thank body for that....... Our Ancestors Fought against Dewan & Separate Country (Travacore) form Indian Union ....History of Kerala is there to prove who supported Dewan Sir CP.........I Never in any of my Post have ever from 2010 spread Venom against any Religion.................Now you yourself is Bringing Topic which is irrelevant here............You Know about Keralitie Eating habits............. irrespective of religion 80% Consume Beef......

Nope but you should be more sensitive about the religious sentiments of the majority of your country and countrymen ?

Tell me in any of my Post where i Hurt any Religious sentiments
My Ancestors are residents of Kerala which is a Part of India and i needn't thank body for that....... Our Ancestors Fought against Dewan & Separate Country (Travacore) form Indian Union ....History of Kerala is there to prove who supported Dewan Sir CP.........I Never in any of my Post have ever from 2010 spread Venom against any Religion.................Now you yourself is Bringing Topic which is irrelevant here............You Know about Keralitie Eating habits............. irrespective of religion 80% Consume Beef......

Now Thats ur Claim and a subject of debate ... if at all ur ancestors where of India ... they where not Christians but Hindus ... who sold their faith for few bucks ...

hence they have no claim over our Culture and Country who sold their identity centuries before ... u are link of the same chain ... so dont expect different treatment ...
Our Ancestors Fought against Dewan & Separate Country (Travacore) form Indian Union ....History of Kerala is there to prove who supported Dewan Sir CP........

Pooooof's again some claim... with no proof to back up... lol fight ... fight for what???

You Know about Keralitie Eating habits............. irrespective of religion 80% Consume Beef......

Again some false claims which u cant back up with proof's ...
Nair is Indian equivalent of zarvan , someone bestowed him thakedari of Hinduism in his wet dream. No point in engaging him.
Let's not make this into a Beef topic :D
Please stay on topic gentlemen.

If I had my way - goats, lambs, cow - all red meat would have been verboten. Seen too many folks die due to heart disease - especially in the tropical and humid areas of our country. :(

Nair is Indian equivalent of zarvan , someone bestowed him thakedari of Hinduism . No point in engaging him.
Try as much as he might - his unwillingness to kill others in the name of religion makes him much smaller than Zarvan. Zarvan is way ahead :rofl:
Let's not make this into a Beef topic :D
Please stay on topic gentlemen.

If I had my way - goats, lambs, cow - all red meat would have been verboten. Seen too many folks die due to heart disease - especially in the tropical and humid areas of our country. :(

Try as much as he might - his unwillingness to kill others in the name of religion makes him much smaller than Zarvan. Zarvan is way ahead :rofl:

He just vowed to kill anyone who enjoys beef stake! :cheesy:
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