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I have been diagnosed with cancer.

“More things are wrought by prayer than this world dreams of.” (Alfred, Lord Tennyson). May God bless you buddy.
I have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer,about a week ago.
I hope you guys don't think that i am being pretentious.
I have been diagnosed with cancer at stage 0 and my radiotherapy will start on Monday.
Just wanted your best wishes guys :)

Instead of feeling sorry on the diagnosis, you should feel happy ( & relieved) that it has been detected early.

This in itself is a very big positive, most ppl lose out here.

Where are you being treated ?

BTW, what were the symptoms that led you to the Doc?

Keep your chin up. Often a positive attitude does more to cure than medicines.
Wish you luck my friend and hope that you will get well very soon.

Also, Thanks to all the pdf members who have conveyed their best wishes to Gulli Danda
Especially all my pakistani friends and brothers, AAKHIR, BHAI BHAI HOTE HAI

and where are all the Chinese members?? none have conveyed their wishes so far. R u people only for hatred and trolling. Never mind.
Get well soon dear!..Its very curable and you shall be fine!
..This is the reason I love PDF..Its like family..so many well wishers! :D
I hope God gives you the strength to overcome this difficult period, & that you come out stronger from this experience. We might have our "little disagreements" here, but humanity (& respecting your fellow human being regardless of religion, race, nationality) has no boundaries. I will pray for you, & pray for your family, to give you & your family the strength to overcome this. Take care of yourself brother.
I have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer,about a week ago.
I hope you guys don't think that i am being pretentious.
I have been diagnosed with cancer at stage 0 and my radiotherapy will start on Monday.
Just wanted your best wishes guys :)

Man,you'll be alright! Prayers for u.

Sounds like they caught it early. You will make it through this!
fnac or any form of biopsy (core etc) must have been done otherwise their is no possibility of diagnosis or staging i am talking about primary detection of a mass and its characteristics which can be fairly detected via usg (also the fnac may require usg guidance )

this case is dubious i agree with you fully i even had the first thought like this then i thought it may be only me

fnac or any form of biopsy (core etc) must have been done otherwise their is no possibility of diagnosis or staging
This is exactly what I am saying, without FNA we can't comment on type or stage of neoplasm.. U/S can only map out characteristics of the mass - It cant distinguish between malignant and benign masses. Primary detection, yes; confirmation, no.

Interestingly this guy is an exception... No biopsy (FNA/core /large needle /incisional) but he knows its medullary Ca and stage is 0.

Stage 0 (carcinoma in situ) is being dealt with RT, which has no impact on neoplasm... I can't believe this ...

God bless you my man---remember one thing---it is not the end of the world, but just the begining----there will be some good days and then some bad days---.

Don't let anyone feel sorry for you---play the hand that is dealt to you----play it with pride and honor----. This is the only life that you are going to get in this world---so get the best out of it---.

In a way---cancer is a big mind game---some people lose it in the mind---not saying anything about the medication---be strong---feel strong---.

It is good to talk about it----.
The fact that you put it up on PDF, indicates that you are upbeat about the treatment and in a positive mood, which is very good.

Good luck my friend.
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