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I fully support the stopping of killing of muslims

@JayAtl phone intercepts are not even proof in Local Indian courts and that is supposed to proof for an international intervention ?

You know what...you are clutching at straws here .....US intervention means DEATH...it has always meant Death and always will mean DEATH .. I have provided you with enough proof to prove that Syrian Rebels are the real enemy here....Rest is your choice to believe it...

If RT.com is Putin controlled website then the MSM is US controlled Media..... Stop being indoctrinated so much....

you have not provided me with any proof specific to this incident. wire taps and taped conversations maybe not allowed in your courts, it is allowed in ours and all over.

RT is a Russian controlled state funded media. MSM is not state funded but privately held. again understand the difference.

also understand that although we acknowledge that there are elements of AQ among the Syrian rebels, they are not the leaders of the resistance . and them being there gives no right to civilians being gassed by Syrian army.

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you have not provided me with any proof specific to this incident. wire taps and taped conversations maybe not allowed in your courts, it is allowed in ours and all over.

RT is a Russian controlled state funded media. MSM is not state funded but privately held. again understand the difference.

also understand that although we acknowledge that there are elements of AQ among the Syrian rebels, they are not the leaders of the resistance . and them being there gives no right to civilians being gassed by Syrian army.


Specific to this incident ? please use common sense ...i doubt you even want to believe in something like that ..
Do you know the FSA is Al quida and Taliban been openly funded by US ?

EVERY god damn intervention US has carried out has been on some stupid excuse or the other and millions have died and am supposed to believe the same BS again ?


now before you go "not credible"

The person who reported this article is Dale Gavlak.

Dale Gavlak’s credibility is very impressive. He has been a Middle East correspondent for the Associated Press for two decades and has also worked for National Public Radio (NPR) and written articles for BBC News.
Never understood west's obsession with chemical weapons. Its like, hey you are allowed to kill your people using bullets, but use a chemical instead, and all hell will break loose.
Specific to this incident ? please use common sense ...i doubt you even want to believe in something like that ..
Do you know the FSA is Al quida and Taliban been openly funded by US ?

EVERY god damn intervention US has carried out has been on some stupid excuse or the other and millions have died and am supposed to believe the same BS again ?

EXCLUSIVE: Syrians In Ghouta Claim Saudi-Supplied Rebels Behind Chemical Attack

now before you go "not credible"

The person who reported this article is Dale Gavlak.

are you kidding me, we are discussing this incident and you have showed me no " PROOF" towards your claims, just assertions and now you are pointing me to " hand full of Syrians said".... ? as some proof.

do you know how many indians will say 26/11 was false flag operation? does that per your logic make it true?

In a shocking disclosure a former officer of the Indian home ministry has alleged that Indian government had orchestrated the two high-profile terrorist attacks which New Delhi has blamed on Pakistan-based militant groups.
According to India’s Times of India (TOI) newspaper, RVS Mani, who as home ministry under-secretary signed the affidavits submitted in court in the Ishrat Jahan ‘fake encounter case’, has said that Satish Verma, until recently a part of the Central Bureau of Investigation-SIT probe team, told him that both the 2001 attack on Indian parliament and the 2008

Never understood west's obsession with chemical weapons. Its like, hey you are allowed to kill your people using bullets, but use a chemical instead, and all hell will break loose.

Nazi gas chambers and the "west" disdain for it - must be confusing for you too I guess
are you kidding me, we are discussing this incident and you have showed me no " PROOF" towards your claims, just assertions and now you are pointing me to " hand full of Syrians said".... ? as some proof.

do you know how many indians will say 26/11 was false flag operation? does that per your logic make it true?

Nazi gas chambers and the "west" disdain for it - must be confusing for you too I guess

Your version of proof and common sense changes as per your own connivance and hence i can never prove it ... I have given you evidence, proof that Syrian rebels have used chemical attacks . Keep supporting this BS ... You sound like those Pakistanis who keep asking "Proof" ... " proof" when ever 26/11 or LOC incident keeps propping up ...

I have done my job of convincing most of the pdfers of the reality .. Am done with you ....
Your version of proof and common sense changes as per your own connivance and hence i can never prove it ... I have given you evidence, proof that Syrian rebels have used chemical attacks . Keep supporting this BS ... You sound like those Pakistanis who keep asking "Proof" ... " proof" when ever 26/11 or LOC incident keeps propping up ...

I have done my job of convincing most of the pdfers of the reality .. Am done with you ....

you have given me " twitter boast" and " few Syrians say" as evidence. You seem incapable of understanding basic military weapons and delivery of weapons grade sarin . again, the delivery method ( rockets, shells shot over) plus the technology to take weapons grade sarin , mold into a war head - is not the level of expertise the rebels have. that is what was used here.

My proof is , just like you provided for 26/11- several wire tapped conversations...

U.S. To Release Syria Chemical Attack Intelligence
you have given me " twitter boast" and " few Syrians say" as evidence. You seem incapable of understanding basic military weapons and delivery of weapons grade sarin . again, the delivery method ( rockets, shells shot over) plus the technology to take weapons grade sarin , mold into a war head - is not the level of expertise the rebels have. that is what was used here.

My proof is , just like you provided for 26/11- several wire tapped conversations...

U.S. To Release Syria Chemical Attack Intelligence

oh look people...another brain washed msm zombie.... Evil Iraq, Evil Syria , Evil Libya , Evil Iran... So you expect anyone will be be so gullible to really believe that after all these wars which has been started on fake pretexts .......oh wait

IS it the same Iraq had WMD evidence ? so suddenly America who brags about this "war on terror" is the very country FUNDING alquida and Taliban against Syria......and you expect me to believe the BS coming form their mouth ?

You seem incapable of gulping the truth ..... fact is....you are delusional . I,d rather believe actual investigators, Middle east reporters than some person on the Internet who seems to be in Denial ....

You are a troll....am not interested in convincing you of anything anymore....

your on my ignore list now ...
oh look people...another brain washed msm zombie.... Evil Iraq, Evil Syria , Evil Libya , Evil Iran... So you expect anyone will be be so gullible to really believe that after all these wars which has been started on fake pretexts .......oh wait

IS it the same Iraq had WMD evidence ? so suddenly America who brags about this "war on terror" is the very country FUNDING alquida and Taliban against Syria......and you expect me to believe the BS coming form their mouth ?

You seem incapable of gulping the truth ..... fact is....you are delusional . I,d rather believe actual investigators, Middle east reporters than some person on the Internet who seems to be in Denial ....

You are a troll....am not interested in convincing you of anything anymore....

your on my ignore list now ...

We fund AQ and Taliban? show us proof. what does Iraq have to do with this? where did I say 'evil X' about any of those countries? I have discussed specific issues within them , but never branded them all evil .

We fund AQ and Taliban? show us proof. what does Iraq have to do with this? where did I say 'evil X' about any of those countries? I have discussed specific issues within them , but never branded them all evil .


sarin gas is not high tech.... there is no evidence that it was delivered using any high tech weapon... syria is in state of civil war and its not impossible for FSA to get their hands on stockpile of chemical weapons that syria has.

The probability of it being used by govt forces is less, and being sanctioned by govt is even less.
sarin gas is not high tech.... there is no evidence that it was delivered using any high tech weapon... syria is in state of civil war and its not impossible for FSA to get their hands on stockpile of chemical weapons that syria has.

The probability of it being used by govt forces is less, and being sanctioned by govt is even less.

There is proof that they delivered using rockets and shells. http://www.defence.pk/forums/world-affairs/274788-u-s-uk-intelligence-documents-syria.html

sarin is not high tech but weapons grade to cause such mass deaths shows it to be weapons grade + delivered by rockets and shells, which means they need to be packed into a warhead , which is highly technical for a band of ak-47 gun users.

anything is possible if you want to make swings of assumptions.

26/11 could have possibly been Indian false flag attack done by the Indian govt.

Indian army beheaded its own soldiers- could be possible.

Look. i can too play the game of " possible charade".
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