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I fully support the stopping of killing of muslims

Then they will have another revolution and that will take care of it like in Egypt. There in no doubt chemical weapons were used and one has to be willfully ignorant to say , FSA a band that uses guns , is capable of developing highly complex chemical weapons and then capable of developing highly complex deliverable rockets- to be used on themselves !

This is same insane crap the 911 truthers come up with.

earlier on in the conflict I was too of the mind that they should handle it themselves, but now this is absolutely ridiculous to allow gassing of your people.

What if FSA is being supplied by an outsider!They have powerful friends in the region....The United States has in the past used false flag operation to get into conflicts(Gulf of Tonkin)....is 9/11 a false flag op??.....possible but highly improbable because none of the other alleged false flag ops ever involved killing Americans(at least in a massive scale) before....Therefore it is highly improbable that 9/11 was a false flag op....But is it possible that the Chemical attacks in Syria is a false flag op??...of course it is.....is it probable that it is a false flag op??I think it is highly probable that it is a false flag op..There is no question that Assad is a genocidal dictator who is mass-murdering his people...But look at the pattern...Gaddafi had Chems but did not use it like Assad....Egypt has it but Mubarak did not use it.....Even Saddam did not use it on Iraqis who were supporting Americans.
I don't know the real situation in Syria, but it seems Assad is a very bad guy, deserve the death sentence thousands times.

But what did he get by gassing those people? Nothing. And he should know the consequence.

Unless he is mad, really mad. Actually I think he is the last person want to do this.

BTW, I support an US attack for the reason Syria needs chances - good or bad.
Assad is still an evil we know. The replacement might be much worse, especially considering the prolonged civil war and the FSA not having a prominent leadership.
Then they will have another revolution and that will take care of it like in Egypt. There in no doubt chemical weapons were used and one has to be willfully ignorant to say , FSA a band that uses guns , is capable of developing highly complex chemical weapons and then capable of developing highly complex deliverable rockets- to be used on themselves !

This is same insane crap the 911 truthers come up with.

earlier on in the conflict I was too of the mind that they should handle it themselves, but now this is absolutely ridiculous to allow gassing of your people.

Am sorry that you are being utterly ignorant...i made a thread regarding this completely proving the case that US was behind the Chemical bombing . Its very very unfortunate that a person like you is not educated on the matter ..

Do you know who is involved in the FSA and what they want ?
Do you know how many people they have killed ?
This is nothing but another BS just like Iraq....

Why does your moral compass not have any effection for Bahrain ? Do you know how many people are being killed in mass in Bahrain by mercenaries( Pakistan military) . Why do you not here any news on that ? , why does not Obama intervene there ? they wont..because Bahrain Ruler is an U.S puppet .... Please do not buy into the American/British govt. propaganda who does not give a damn on the cost of civilian population .... These are the same people who said killing of 500000 children in Iraq was worth it ..

Do you know what is Libya before and Situation in Libya now..... please check ...

check this out , if you want to know who is responsible for the attacks....
Dude, this isn't even a shade of grey...... full time topi drama, just like what people like to have...... fast food bombings..... :D

Key words:

1. Regime
2. Inhumane
3. Barbaric
4. Chose a side
5. Wrong side
6. Liberty
7. Tyranny
8. Justice will be done

Rest of the world: Applause.......

9. Kill all the idiots..... bomb bomb bomb
10. Obama to media chief: how are my ratings.
Media chief: Mr. President, 2 point increase per day.
11. Obama to French poodle: Keep it up.
12. UK Poodle looking for attention: No bone for me????
13. Of course, you send in THAAA "SPAAAAAAACIAL FORCESSSSSS"
UK PM: Yes sir, President Sir...

Idiots around the world: YAY YAY YAY YAY....

2 years down the road:

American National Security Advisor: Sir the terrorists attacked us, it must be a blowback from OP SYRIA POODLE

Obama : Oh ****...

People around the world: YAAAAY YAAAAY YAAAAAY :woot:

And I dont. This is not a black and white case, the FSA will kill more people if they come to power.
@ZYXW..... want to checkout the plot for latest hollywood blockbuster? :D ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :devil:
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I hope uk govt does not fall into same trap again.... I trust bbc more than uk govt or usa govt
Dude, UK is the key strategist of the whole damn thing...... do you think the Yanks have enough brains to chalk this one out??? :woot:

I hope uk govt does not fall into same trap again.... I trust bbc more than uk govt or usa govt
Dude, UK is the key strategist of the whole damn thing...... do you think the Yanks have enough brains to chalk this one out??? :woot:

Don't be a hater! Assad must go. Although an attack on Syria might have short to mid term effects on our economy but it must be weathered. KSA must become the hegemon of the region so that more fruitful initiatives may be undertaken.:)
Chemical weapons (CW) are scary, hideous. Their use is indiscriminate in that the gas drifts uncontrollably. In fact, CW's are more useful as terror weapons against civilians who are unlikely to be prepared with masks than against military targets who may have masks at the ready. But still, the number of civilians killed and maimed by CW's is tiny compared to the number who have died from explosions, collapsing buildings, failing emergency medical responses, etc. IF the USA attacks Syria over this tiny CW event, it will be because Barack Obama worries about his personal image, nothing more.

The United States should not get involved militarily in the Syrian civil war. We should give all possible aid to the refugees and provide whatever weapons that we can to groups who share our values, and only to them. Nothing more.
Chemical weapons (CW) are scary, hideous. Their use is indiscriminate in that the gas drifts uncontrollably. In fact, CW's are more useful as terror weapons against civilians who are unlikely to be prepared with masks than against military targets who may have masks at the ready. But still, the number of civilians killed and maimed by CW's is tiny compared to the number who have died from explosions, collapsing buildings, failing emergency medical responses, etc. IF the USA attacks Syria over this tiny CW event, it will be because Barack Obama worries about his personal image, nothing more.

The United States should not get involved militarily in the Syrian civil war. We should give all possible aid to the refugees and provide whatever weapons that we can to groups who share our values, and only to them. Nothing more.

Thank you. That is the view of most sane people here. Small difference is, this is sectarian war and FSA will happily use it against civilians, so mere fact that civilians died does not point to assad's forces.
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