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I don’t like India


Sep 20, 2013
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The long and the short of it is that I do not like India, I do not trust the Indians in India and I have a strong suspicion that they entirely reciprocate these feelings. I have nothing against the Indians as people

All this talk of friendship with India is getting to me. I would like to ask all the Pakistani ‘friends’ of India to tell me one ‘good’ thing that India has ever done for Pakistan, just one. And no, export of Bollywood ‘item numbers’ to Pakistan does not count. As a child, I was brought up on the stories of murder, mayhem and massacre perpetrated on migrating Muslims travelling to Pakistan from India at the time of partition. I know, I know, bad things happened in the other direction also but then there was India refusing to pay Pakistan’s share of money, leading Gandhi to a ‘fast unto death’ and eventually to his assassination. The Indian annexation of Kashmir, Hyderabad, Deccan, and Junagadh did not help either.
During the later 1950s, India and Pakistan seemed to be crawling towards some form of accommodation, eventually leading to the Indus Water Treaty in 1960 but all this came to a screeching halt after the 1965 war between India and Pakistan. Since then, things just kept getting worse. Indian help in breaking up Pakistan in 1971 and the subsequent attempt at conquering ‘Azad Kashmir’, which was only stopped because US President Nixon supposedly called up Brezhnev, the USSR president, and told him to tell Indira Gandhi that would not be acceptable, did not help.
Since then there have been some half-hearted attempts to make things better between the two countries but nothing has ever come out of it. Perhaps the best initiative was the ‘Gujral Doctrine’, offered by I K Gujral as the prime minister of India during the late 1990s. This doctrine suggested that India, as the larger power, had the responsibility of trying to make peace with its neighbours. This came to naught after Gujral left the scene. The low point arrived when India and Pakistan went through the ‘tit for tat’ atomic tests and then fought an entirely stupid war over Kargil.
During the last decade, things took a turn for the worse every time an attempt was made by the two sides to arrive at some sort of rapprochement. I remember a time about a decade ago when things got so peculiar that almost every week, there was some terrorist attack somewhere in Pakistan that the Pakistani government blamed on the Indians, and the same happened in India. As a matter of fact, somebody at that time suggested that the ‘agencies’ on either side had probably made a deal with each other. They would just set off a few crackers every now and then in their own countries and blame it on the other side. This would of course save both sides the trouble of having to infiltrate agents across the border to do the needful.
The long and the short of it is that I do not like India, I do not trust the Indians in India and I have a strong suspicion that they entirely reciprocate these feelings. I have nothing against the Indians as people. During my years in the US many of my good friends, colleagues and neighbours were from India. And I got along just fine with them. Some actually became lifelong friends, especially the ones from the Indian Punjab.
For instance, one of my co-residents during my surgical training was a Sikh who attended the same medical college in Amritsar that my parents attended in the 1940s, and his father had graduated from my alma mater, King Edward Medical College, around the same time. My wife also became quite friendly with one of our ‘Punjabi’ neighbours from India whose mother had attended Kinnaird College in Lahore where my wife was a student in the 1960s. As a matter of fact, at the parties given by this couple, I had the pleasure of consuming some of the best ‘North Indian’ food. During my next visit to the US, I look forward to a dinner at their place.
It was also great fun to watch new medical residents ‘just off the boat’ from India assimilate into the US melting pot. The most interesting ‘cultural confrontation’ was always with the food available in the hospital cafeterias and in local restaurants. This is about a time, almost 40 years ago, when Indian or Pakistani restaurants and grocery stores were hard to come by. From personal experience, I would divide my friends from India into two categories: those that within five years learned to enjoy a medium rare steak with all the trimmings and those that stuck to carrying ‘peanuts and green chillies’ in their pockets during working hours, and essentially lived off them.
Perhaps there existed an ephemeral connection between those of us that had our roots in the same part of India. One of the most interesting conversations I have ever had was about a decade ago with a young Sikh surgical resident. He kept talking of ‘Lyallpur’ (modern day Faisalabad), a city he obviously had never seen but where his family was originally from. The sense of loss was utterly palpable in what the young man had to say.
The relationship between India and Pakistan as it has evolved over the last six decades is that of a ‘schoolyard bully’ and the pesky ‘runt’ that refuses to accept the bully as his superior even after being beaten up with considerable regularity. And now that the runt has achieved ‘nuclear parity’, the runt expects some respect, which the bully finds hard to dish out. Considering the ‘bomb’ situation, the bully cannot just beat up the runt at will and is now reduced to temper tantrums.
I do not believe that ‘friendship’ between our two countries is around the corner. The best we can hope for is to get over the bully and the runt relationship. Grow up as countries and pursue relations based on mutual interests. Peace is what is needed. And a ‘sane’ visa regime between the two countries would be an important beginning.

I don’t like India
Frankly, what I've disliked most about our policy makers is their reliance on fear, hate and emotions. It should not matter who we hate or love, our foreign policies should be based solidly on rational decisions designed to benefit us.

I wholeheartedly agree that we seriously need to mature and grow up as a nation.
Well first India settle the Kashmir issue. Then see how we will stand by it against any of India's enemy. First they will have to fight us and then our Indian brothers. But Kashmir should be given to its people and both Pakistan and India should leave it alone for the Kashmiris. And both countries citizens can travel there visa free. But we all know its never gonna happen.
But aik bar azma kar deh ko.
The long and the short of it is that I do not like India, I do not trust the Indians in India and I have a strong suspicion that they entirely reciprocate these feelings. I have nothing against the Indians as people

All this talk of friendship with India is getting to me. I would like to ask all the Pakistani ‘friends’ of India to tell me one ‘good’ thing that India has ever done for Pakistan, just one. ......

Indus Waters Treaty
Since the author does not like one sixth of all humanity, his and your views are actually very similar.
Desh thodi in logon se chalti hai kya? Bhaad mein jaye yeh log jo insaniyat ko pasand nahin karte!
Well first India settle the Kashmir issue. Then see how we will stand by it against any of India's enemy. First they will have to fight us and then our Indian brothers. But Kashmir should be given to its people and both Pakistan and India should leave it alone for the Kashmiris. And both countries citizens can travel there visa free. But we all know its never gonna happen.
But aik bar azma kar deh ko.
Stop interfering in India's internal matters and Kashmir issue will get automatically settled.

BTW.. what do you mean
Well first India settle the Kashmir issue. Then see how we will stand by it against any of India's enemy.
If Kashmir issue is "settled" will Pakistan fight against even China in case of Indo-China conflict?
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Daggon it.

Kashmir Singh is back in this thread. :D

Seriously guys. This is $hit shoveling thread of the smelliest kind

Even though the author perhaps didn't intend it. But his essay is a mix of personal feelings good and bad.

Ignore it if you don't like it

Thank you
Since the author does not like one sixth of all humanity, his and your views are actually very similar.

I find his honesty refreshing actually. Instead of putting on this facade of 'Aman Ki Asha' he comes out and says it, we know where he comes from.

Unlike the two faced politicians we are used to.
Mr.Sayed Mansoor Hussain, has every right to express his "opinions" in allotted columns for opinions in Daily Times. Before reading this article, I was quite enthralled to know the reasons a doctor could have to hate my country. But sadly, as I went on reading I started having strong belief that this article perhaps had been written by a school boy, not by a reputed surgeon.

I should have stopped after reading that India does not contribute anything apart from "Bollywood item numbers" giving the faint hint that Pakistani movie industry had been way better in quality and technology compared to their Indian counter part. But he did not stop himself there. He conveniently omits the preludes of 1965 war and starts blaming India for halting the water treaty. Next, I don't know what to say about that "Azad Kashmir" scenario. Alas, Mr.Nixon is not alive today to confirm his claim.

The writer conveniently forgot 1999. Perhaps sneaking into a disputed territory, as per him is not a conduct of treachery and mistrust. The only thing he could remember is the "schoolyard" bully India exerts on his innocent country, completely deleting the cross border insurgency in Kashmir, the parliament attack in 2001 and the Mumbai Saga in 2008 from his volatile memory.

If Mr.Hussain, wants to see just one side of the coin, it's his wish. But it does not necessarily make his claims justified, rather it makes his argument more weaker and weaker.
Mr.Sayed Mansoor Hussain, has every right to express his "opinions" in allotted columns for opinions in Daily Times. Before reading this article, I was quite enthralled to know the reasons a doctor could have to hate my country. But sadly, as I went on reading I started having strong belief that this article perhaps had been written by a school boy, not by a reputed surgeon.

I should have stopped after reading that India does not contribute anything apart from "Bollywood item numbers" giving the faint hint that Pakistani movie industry had been way better in quality and technology compared to their Indian counter part. But he did not stop himself there. He conveniently omits the preludes of 1965 war and starts blaming India for halting the water treaty. Next, I don't know what to say about that "Azad Kashmir" scenario. Alas, Mr.Nixon is not alive today to confirm his claim.

The writer conveniently forgot 1999. Perhaps sneaking into a disputed territory, as per him is not a conduct of treachery and mistrust. The only thing he could remember is the "schoolyard" bully India exerts on his innocent country, completely deleting the cross border insurgency in Kashmir, the parliament attack in 2001 and the Mumbai Saga in 2008 from his volatile memory.

If Mr.Hussain, wants to see just one side of the coin, it's his wish. But it does not necessarily make his claims justified, rather it makes his argument more weaker and weaker.

The thing which stands out in the blog article is that the author feels that India owes Pakistan something. There is a sense of entitlement without any quid pro quo, inspite of all the shit that Pakistan has been shoveling at India since decades. Just because India doesn't share the Pakistani view, the author hates India.
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