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I can answer questions about China and help you understand our country

Vietnamese here.
Is it true you cannot have traditional funeral in mainland China?

That's fucked up if true.
@MH.Yang one more topic - medical care. one of the unique aspects of medical care in america is how expensive it is. Also how well paid the doctors are - it is not unusual to have some surgeons get paid a million USD per year.

How is it in china ? is everyone covered by insurance ? are doctors well paid ? is there both private and govt care ?
Thats a very cavalier response. The value loss has been in excess of trillion dollars. It could be loss of international investors money and few chinese investors money . But to dismiss such huge loss connected to china as " it doesnt effect me or people i know personally so i dont care " means you no longer speak for china if china leads to losses of foreigners who trusted chinese markets.

Also how much money can chase housing market? are you going to keep on increasing prices of those small 100 sq meter apartment in to millions of Yuan ? And if you regulate housing prices then where will chinese savings go?. People wont trust chinese stock or investment markets at all if the value can evaporate so quickly - and not due to some unfortunate events or company bad behaviour - but due to deliberate govt policy.

Again i am not blaming chinese govt policy alone because it doesn't seem to be that wrong. but the way chinese govt is giving these signals despite knowing the market is falling down shows height of irresponsibility towards people who trusted Chinese market and companies and invested their savings.
Stocks are just numbers. For example, if you are 200CM tall and I erase a zero, would you become 20CM?

The change in Numbers does not really affect the real economy. The economy of entities is more important to China. So if China's reform of the real economy affects the stock market, we don't care much.

As for some people losing money, it won't even lead to the disappearance of a burger in reality. In some ways, a burger is worth more than the entire stock market.
@MH.Yang one more topic - medical care. one of the unique aspects of medical care in america is how expensive it is. Also how well paid the doctors are - it is not unusual to have some surgeons get paid a million USD per year.

How is it in china ? is everyone covered by insurance ? are doctors well paid ? is there both private and govt care ?
99% of people in China have medical insurance, but the proportion of insurance reimbursement is different. Maximum reimbursement 85%, minimum reimbursement 50%.

And I don't know what private and government care means.

The income of Chinese doctors is far inferior to that of American doctors.
First of all, Chinese hospitals do not adopt the appointment system. Doctors have to treat as many patients as they come. Doctors are the busiest profession in China.
Secondly, Chinese doctors only belong to the higher income part of the middle class, not belonging to the high-income class. I am a sales manager. My annual income is about 47k dollars (300k CNY). A friend of mine is a pediatrician with 17 years of experience. His annual income is about 60k US dollars (400k CNY). I have another friend, and he owns a small trading company. His annual income exceeds $320+k (2+M CNY), and he is the high-income class.
My city belongs to central China. If it is in the eastern cities of China, the income will be higher, while if it is in the western cities of China, the income will be lower.
Vietnamese here.
Is it true you cannot have traditional funeral in mainland China?

That's fucked up if true.
Of course, there are traditional funerals in China.
I doubt you are not a Vietnamese, because the Vietnamese system is very similar to Chinese, and Vietnamese know Chinese people very well. I don't believe a Vietnamese will ask such questions.
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99% of people in China have medical insurance, but the proportion of insurance reimbursement is different. Maximum reimbursement 85%, minimum reimbursement 50%.

Medical insurance does not reimburse private care, and I don't know what government care means.

The income of Chinese doctors is far inferior to that of American doctors.
First of all, Chinese hospitals do not adopt the appointment system. Doctors have to treat as many patients as they come. Doctors are the busiest profession in China.
Secondly, Chinese doctors only belong to the higher income part of the middle class, not belonging to the high-income class. I am a sales manager. My annual income is about 47k dollars (300k CNY). A friend of mine is a pediatrician with 17 years of experience. His annual income is about 60k US dollars (400k CNY). I have another friend, and he owns a small trading company. His annual income exceeds $320+k (2+M CNY), and he is the high-income class.
My city belongs to central China. If it is in the eastern cities of China, the income will be higher, while if it is in the western cities of China, the income will be lower.

Of course, there are traditional funerals in China.
I doubt you are not a Vietnamese, because the Vietnamese system is very similar to Chinese, and Vietnamese know Chinese people very well. I don't believe a Vietnamese will ask such questions.

government care means medical services delivered in a government hospital - like city hospital, state owned hospitals. Private care means medical services delivered in for profit private owned medical facility.
Thats a very cavalier response. The value loss has been in excess of trillion dollars. It could be loss of international investors money and few chinese investors money . But to dismiss such huge loss connected to china as " it doesnt effect me or people i know personally so i dont care " means you no longer speak for china if china leads to losses of foreigners who trusted chinese markets.

Also how much money can chase housing market? are you going to keep on increasing prices of those small 100 sq meter apartment in to millions of Yuan ? And if you regulate housing prices then where will chinese savings go?. People wont trust chinese stock or investment markets at all if the value can evaporate so quickly - and not due to some unfortunate events or company bad behaviour - but due to deliberate govt policy.

Again i am not blaming chinese govt policy alone because it doesn't seem to be that wrong. but the way chinese govt is giving these signals despite knowing the market is falling down shows height of irresponsibility towards people who trusted Chinese market and companies and invested their savings.
I am sorry.
In China, the decline in the valuation of the stock market will not make the capital disappear, but only change its flow direction, so Chinese people generally don't care about the stock market.
It's not arrogance, but habit.

BTW: In addition, isn't China's stock market falling's time 2019? I heard that the original price of ShangHai A shares has been restored in 2021.
government care means medical services delivered in a government hospital - like city hospital, state owned hospitals. Private care means medical services delivered in for profit private owned medical facility.
There are two kinds of hospitals in China, state-owned hospitals and private hospitals. Contrary to the situation in India, China's state-owned hospitals charge higher fees, doctors have better skills, but there are more patients. China's private hospitals charge lower fees, have fewer patients and have enough beds. Moreover, many private hospitals are willing to provide some convenience for your medical insurance so that you can reimburse more money, but the medical skills of private hospitals are not guaranteed.
Of course, there are traditional funerals in China.
I doubt you are not a Vietnamese, because the Vietnamese system is very similar to Chinese, and Vietnamese know Chinese people very well. I don't believe a Vietnamese will ask such questions.
Nice to know.
Vietnam and China share a lot of similarities in system, but there are also some differences, so imma just asking.
Chinese people are generally atheists. But China has 180 million Buddhists, 30 million Christians and 30 million Muslims.

The Chinese Constitution stipulates that Chinese citizens have the freedom to believe in religion. However, China prohibits the dissemination of cults. Generally, China only recognizes Buddhism, Islam, Christianity and Taoism. Every university in China has halal restaurants, and China has 39000 mosques.
BTW: there are 2000 mosques in the United States and 1750 mosques in Britain.

Chinese people generally dont believe in life after death?

One thing is goes to church and another thing is believe in eternal life after dead.

I can't believe they are generally and really atheists.

When most of them they think this thing can bring success to their bussiness:

Chinese people generally dont believe in life after death?

One thing is goes to church and another thing is believe in eternal life after dead.

I can't believe they are generally and really atheists.

When most of them they think this thing can bring success to their bussiness:

Not all atheists do not believe in an afterlife, but think it is a physical phenomenon.
For example, I am an atheist. I think the difference between antimatter particles and positive particles only lies in the direction of time, that is, antimatter is an particles retrograde in time. Therefore, I think the birth and destruction of the universe is a cycle in the time dimension. The universe originated from the singularity big bang and will end at the singularity. Then repeat, like a dragon biting its own tail.
In a sense, this is the afterlife.
And atheists pay attention to paradoxical thinking.
For example, when my colleague was in USA, a priest preached to him. My colleague asked him two questions:
1. Was God elected by heaven referendum?
2. How to judge a creature as a God? Just because it's stronger than humans?

Chinese people like numbers and decorations that represent luck, just like fortune cats. But it doesn't mean they believe that.
In fact, most Chinese don't believe that, but they don't have to prove its wrong. Because it doesn't cost much, and what if it really works?
Although the Chinese do not believe in God, they respect God. Because what if we're wrong?

So Chinese people respect all religions, but don't believe in any religion. Just like the picture below, all religions (Buddhism, Taoism, Islam and Christianity) can hold religious activities together.
Perhaps only in China will these religions not fight each other. Because their followers may believe in all religions at the same time.


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What is chinese's opinion on Bo Xilai?

Was he a crook or a victim of dirty politics?
What is chinese's opinion on Bo Xilai?

Was he a crook or a victim of dirty politics?
I don't know. This is a political issue at the highest level of the CCP. I can't distinguish between rumors and truth.

But I know Bo Xilai is a far left CCP and a fanatical Maoist, and the Chinese have always been vigilant against extremism. Whether it is the far left or the far right, so he will certainly have many enemies.
Moreover, Bo Xilai's wife has contact with the US ambassador, which can not help but make the Chinese doubt.

Finally, Bo Xilai is definitely not a liar. In any case, his political achievements in Dalian are true. He is a very capable official. However, China has never lacked competent officials.
I don't know. This is a political issue at the highest level of the CCP. I can't distinguish between rumors and truth.

But I know Bo Xilai is a far left CCP and a fanatical Maoist, and the Chinese have always been vigilant against extremism. Whether it is the far left or the far right, so he will certainly have many enemies.
Moreover, Bo Xilai's wife has contact with the US ambassador, which can not help but make the Chinese doubt.

Finally, Bo Xilai is definitely not a liar. In any case, his political achievements in Dalian are true. He is a very capable official. However, China has never lacked competent officials.
A shame, it seems the truth will never be known.

Do you believe that the CCP has many factions such as Xi Jinping's faction in Beijing vs. the Zhang faction in Shanghai? Is that a rumor, or is that reality?
I know the Zhang Jiemin have many connections in the big tech/capitalist firms, but what about Xi?
A shame, it seems the truth will never be known.

Do you believe that the CCP has many factions such as Xi Jinping's faction in Beijing vs. the Zhang faction in Shanghai? Is that a rumor, or is that reality?
I know the Zhang Jiemin have many connections in the big tech/capitalist firms, but what about Xi?
I don't know. I can't judge whether it's a rumor or the truth.

But I think this legend is very similar to the story of the Soviet Union, the political struggle between the Communist Youth League clique leader Shelepin and the Dnepro clique leader Brezhnev.
So I think what you heard may be a rumor.

But I believe there are many factions within the CCP. It is impossible for such a large political party to have no internal competition

Chinese people generally don't think this is a bad thing. In fact, Mao Zedong once encouraged different factions in the party to compete with each other. Mao Zedong once said: 党内无党,帝王思想,党内无派,千奇百怪。
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I don't know. I can't judge whether it's a rumor or the truth.

But I think this legend is very similar to the story of the Soviet Union, the political struggle between the Communist Youth League clique leader Shelepin and the Dnepro clique leader Brezhnev.
So I think what you heard may be a rumor.

But I believe there are many factions within the CCP. It is impossible for such a large political party to have no internal competition
Not sure about Shelepin vs Brezhnev, but factionalism within the CCCP is not a rumor, it is the truth, when Stalin passes, there was a rivalry between Laventry Beria vs. Nikita Kruschev, which resulted in mass purge.
In Vietnam, it was Nguyen Tan Dung vs. Nguyen Phu Trong.
Oh well, I'd stick to cultural questions I guess, since not even chinese would can know about the inside of CCP, same as us and CPV, I think.
On a more cultural question, I greatly enjoy wuxia (historical swordfighting series) from China, including the Jin Yong novels (Condor Heroes, Duke of Mount Deer, Smiling Proud Swordsman, etc).

Is there a reason why after the 2000s, chinese seem to gravitate from wuxia to xianxia (fairy swordfighting)? I can't relate to xianxia much myself because the fighting gets ridiculous and most of the plot are about fighting demons or fairy and train yourself in Mount Tai for 1000 years.

Nowadays, I can barely find wuxia TV series, why is this?
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