"Twenty-three Muslim-majority countries, as of 2013, additionally covered apostasy from Islam through their
criminal laws"
33/50 = 66%
66% ≠ "one fourth"
Where did you get those figures of "33/50" from ???
23 ≠ 33 ≠ 66%
And the report that has been mentioned states: "...several countries that have adopted broadly-defined laws on
blasphemy and insult to religion, which could potentially be used to prosecute persons for apostasy, have also been included.. "
So, those "23" Muslim countries also include countries that have blasphemy law but no apostasy law (Pakistan for example)
And Blasphemy laws can be found in all regions, including Europe (in 16% of countries) and the Americas (in 29% of countries). Around 26% of the countries in the world have anti-blasphemy laws and policies.
The Muslim countries that actually have specific laws for apostasy include : Afghanistan, Brunei, Sudan, Qatar, Mauritania, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia & UAE.
But no one has ever been executed in any of these countries on charges of apostasy.
Iran's penal code does not include provisions criminalizing apostasy however as per the Americans, the last death penalty (and the only one on record) for apostasy that was actually carried out occurred in 1990 in Iran.
Try Again