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I and my family will vote for Imran Khan - Dr. Atta ur Rehman on PTI Radio

^^^ Besides, they too are part of the society, they have the right to vote..

Yeah Indeed... Dr. Atta is among the most sanest brains of Pakistan and his views about Imran Khan and PTI is quite overwhelming for us youngsters... and a great deal of this 'change' goes to IK himself who created awareness among people belonged to every kind in society - from road-sleep poor to ultr-rich businessmen, from illiterate to Educationalists to Scientists and whatnot...
I am more surprised that the usual troll suspects have not shown up.
usually the trolls are in full force bashing PTI by now.

@ topic,
Any educated person who is not taking money or advantage from the corrupt parties will only vote for PTI.
They know that this is the only party that can save the country.
I want to, but how? Can't PM you due to less post counts for details :(

Contact your city's PTI office in you want to join the party for a membership card, else if you simply wanna join PTI as a silent member becomes a member on insaf.pk

If you want to work as volunteer in election campaign, then If you r in Islamabad, each constituency's every UC now has an elected member. contact him(ladies contact relevant female office holder), you will be working with him in elections.

if you are from other provinces, wait a bit and once the elected body takes over than contact your UC representative... meanwhile you can simply join PTI by Member Registration filling this form.
Contact your city's PTI office in you want to join the party for a membership card, else if you simply wanna join PTI as a silent member becomes a member on insaf.pk

If you want to work as volunteer in election campaign, then If you r in Islamabad, each constituency's every UC now has an elected member. contact him(ladies contact relevant female office holder), you will be working with him in elections.

if you are from other provinces, wait a bit and once the elected body takes over than contact your UC representative... meanwhile you can simply join PTI by Member Registration filling this form.

I'm from Lahore, and I'm already a member of PTI on their website. Also invited 8 people so far to PTI via their SMS service (the one at 80022). Thanks for the info, will check my UC soon regarding this.
So what, I can assure you me n my bradari will vote for PML-N. So what if a guy with 3 votes go in favor of PTI?
I'm from Lahore, and I'm already a member of PTI on their website. Also invited 8 people so far to PTI via their SMS service (the one at 80022). Thanks for the info, will check my UC soon regarding this.

Sure.... I am from Lahore too. and if you need any help regarding it, let me know.

ensure that votes are registered with ECP as well.


you can register votes before the official announcement of election day.
So what, I can assure you me n my bradari will vote for PML-N. So what if a guy with 3 votes go in favor of PTI?

He is a leading scientist of the country while you are still stuck in your 50 year old 'biraadri' crap. Thats the difference.

The educated middle class is trying their best to drag the country out of this mess whereas our rich elite and rural sheep are hell bent on pulling it further into the $hit hole.
He is a leading scientist of the country while you are still stuck in your 50 year old 'biraadri' crap. Thats the difference.

The educated middle class is trying their best to drag the country out of this mess whereas our rich elite and rural sheep are hell bent on pulling it further into the $hit hole.

And the educated people like you are stupid enough who thinks that those who don't vote for PTI are actually enemies of Pakistan.. Democracy (If you believe on that, I don't), is a process where if you are satisfy with someone then you vote for him/her, otherwise you choose Alternative.. My baradari covers all classes, elite, Middle n poors, n also much more from much more educated family from where Dr. Sb belongs or yours.. (I my self m Double masters, and might presume my PHD soon).

We are satisfied with SS work in Punjab, and that's why we will continue voting PML-N.

future prospecting
This guy turned a National joke when he started writing those HAARP conspiracy articles that were eloquently shot down by Pervez Hoodbhoy ; To his credit though, the saving grace was him being the only other person apart from Hoodbhoy questioning the "Water Car Engineer" to prove his credentials.
This guy turned a National joke when he started writing those HAARP conspiracy articles that were eloquently shot down by Pervez Hoodbhoy ; To his credit though, the saving grace was him being the only other person apart from Hoodbhoy questioning the "Water Car Engineer" to prove his credentials.

Hoodbhoy is a moron,Riddle me that.
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