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I am Son of India :- Dalai LamaLama ,must watch interview

even to a person like me who is not Buddhist, Dalai Lama is an inspiring personality and his appeal cuts across nationalities, race and faith.
Unfortunately his life long struggle against Chinese government has led to most if not all the focus away from teachings and fundamental bedrock of Buddhism ie Peace of a man with his fellow humans, environment and himself.
In todays world when actions of some morons bring bad name to faith and religion, these fanatics claim to be fighter and custodians off, people like Dalai Lama are few remaining beacons of hope.
Since ancient times India welcomed and assimilated persecuted people be it Parsis (Persian) ,Jews or Tibetan Buddhist and would continue to do so.

Tibetans have a govt in exile at Dharamshala not at much distance from Chinese border.
Good a big relive to Chinese, now he can stay in India and Chinese can do the development work with piece of mind.
Good a big relive to Chinese, now he can stay in India and Chinese can do the development work with piece of mind.
Dont worry sir, it would just take 1 mistake from China.....because US is waiting for that one crucial mistake as a consequence US may send its army in Pakistan this time, if Pakistan fails.....

Since ancient times India welcomed and assimilated persecuted people be it Parsis (Persian) ,Jews or Tibetan Buddhist and would continue to do so.

Tibetans have a govt in exile at Dharamshala not at much distance from Chinese border.
Yes sir i have seen posters of protest......the chinese have massacred so many Tibetians.....many were just spiritual leaders and educated activists......
How can China disrespect a most peaceful person like him ??
We can also say why India doesn't respect Kashmiri leaders. Dont try to make a case that only India is right while the other states are wrong, because that is a debate you cannot win. One man's terrorist is an others freedom fighter. Period
Dalai Lama is allowed to go back if he admit Tibet is a integral part of China. And confess the crime he did in the past.
He is a great spiritual leader. I have always admired his simplicity and yet an extraordinary personality.
People like him are born once in a century and are remembered forever.
He is fugitive sheltered by India. BTW if he is son of India then make him president of Arunchal Pardesh :P
He reminds me of US televangelists, a charlatan, a tool used by US to antagonize against the Chinese government.
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He is fugitive sheltered by India. BTW if he is son of India then make him president of Arunchal Pardesh :P

I wonder how all the Buddhists will take to this derogatory statement. He is widely considered in Buddhist Faith to be the to be reincarnations of Avalokiteśvara the Bodhisattva of Compassion. Even China has not named the alternate Dalai Lama.

I wonder how well this forum will tolerate insults against Prophets and Gods of other contemporary religions.

I know that you guys are beholden to China but this kind of sycophancy is sickening

@Gibbs @WAJsal
I wonder how all the Buddhists will take to this derogatory statement. He is widely considered in Buddhist Faith to be the to be reincarnations of Avalokiteśvara the Bodhisattva of Compassion. Even China has not named the alternate Dalai Lama.

I wonder how well this forum will tolerate insults against Prophets and Gods of other contemporary religions.

I know that you guys are beholden to China but this kind of sycophancy is sickening

@Gibbs @WAJsal

What is insulting here? isn't he wanted to China ? and he is sheltered by India
What is insulting here? isn't he wanted to China ? and he is sheltered by India

If you cannot find your own post to be insulting then perhaps nothing is to be said here. The AP comment along with the a snarky smilie should be a big give-away but sure ignorance is bliss.
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