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I am NOT Charlie

Are you kidding me? You are comparing criticizing a person who did use violence to force his religious views on others (Yes Muhamed during his conquests) with calling Afro American "niggers" and denying one of the worst human crimes?! :hitwall:


no Mr. Pathetic I am showing you "Just words" examples.
As far as that Mohammad did you are not an authority on him so keep it shut

I am NOT Charlie

neither are 1.6 billion muslims
no Mr. Pathetic I am showing you "Just words" examples.
As far as that Mohammad did you are not an authority on him so keep it shut

HA! Thats exactly the kind of ignorant answer I expected!

See, I dont believe in your beliefs... I respect your right that you can believe in whatever you want.. BUT DO NOT EXPECT others in a free nation to follow your faith and its rules!

I am free to criticize anyone I want.

Now live with that... ( and you will have to since you live in Canada.) If you dont like the principles of a free and secular nation you are free to move to the Islamic "state" itself...
HA! Thats exactly the kind of ignorant answer I expected!

See, I dont believe in your beliefs... I respect your right that you can believe in whatever you want.. BUT DO NOT EXPECT others in a free nation to follow your faith and its rules!

I am free to criticize anyone I want.

Now live with that... ( and you will have to since you live in Canada.) If you dont like the principles of a free and secular nation you are free to move to the Islamic "state" itself...

I am not charlie
Brainwashed zombies and hypocrites

So up to 3 million people took to the streets of Paris, including 40 heads of state, to denounce the murders of 17 victims of a streak of Takfiri terror attacks this past week.

Where were they?
Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the people of Afghanistan? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the Shia of Saudi Arabia? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against Shia of Bahrain? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the people of Chechnia? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the Serbian people? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against Libyan people? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the Syrian people? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the people of Iraq? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the people of Kurdistan? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the people of Lebanon? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the people of Nigeria? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the people of Pakistan? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the people of India? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the people of Russia? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the people of Somalia? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the people of Kenya? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the people of Yemen? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the people of Algeria? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the people of Indonesia? Nowhere.

Where were these 3 millions and 40 heads of state when abject Takfiri terror was unleashed against the people of Iran? Nowhere.

Why not?

More questions
Did they not crucify babies in Algeria? Did they not torture hostages on video in Chechnia? Did they not spray weddings with bullets in Bosnia? Did they not blow up bombs in Indonesia? Did they not skin people alive in Afghanistan? Did they not keep hostages with live wolves in holes in Chechnia? Did they not torture to death and crucify people in Syria?
Or is it that some innocent victims are more equal then others?
Why is it that when all of Europe supported the Syrian Takfiris AND the Ukrainian Nazis 3 million of people did not take to the streets?
How many of those 3 million people and 40 heads of state really do not know that Takfirism has been lovingly and carefully nurtured, organized, financed, trained, federated, directed, supported, armed and protected by the AngloZionist Empire?
How many of those 3 million people and 40 heads of state really do not know that Takfirism is a golem which has two functions - to be unleashed against those who dare disobey the Empire and to terrify the people of the West into accepting a police state?

Will we ever learn?

We have already seen all that. On 9/11 the American people were literally conditioned to react with fear and hysteria. It worked perfectly and we all know how that ended: with many major wars and millions (Iraq!) of dead people. Most Americans simply stopped thinking and substituted a panic reaction to careful analysis. Today Europe is doing exactly the same thing. The same causes will yield the same results. Will we ever learn?

And who is the enemy anyway?

Oh sure, they are being oblique about it. "We are not against Islam!!", "Islam is a religion of peace!!" , "we have nothing against Muslims!!!".
Yeah, right!
The truth is while "they" have nothing against "Islam" and "good Muslims" they ALSO "just happen" to think that "multiculturalism has failed" and that "Islam is incompatible with western societies". Not only that, but since "bad Muslims" tend to hide amongst "good Muslims", let's just stay on the "safe side" and keep a very VERY "close eye" on all "them Muslims" just in case one of them happened to suddenly turn into a crazed Jihadi suicide bomber. Right?
Did you notice how ALL these Takfiri freaks "just happen" to have had PLENTY of contacts of all sorts with western security services? It's like a Ku Klux Klan meeting in the USA: for 10 hooded participants you have 2 morons and 8 Federal Agents working undercover. Same exact deal for these Takfiris. And then the two morons do something really really bad, and the 8 Federal Agents "just happen" to vanish in thin air (or commit suicide). Does that have anything to do with Islam? Of course not. It has everything to do with the deep state and the covert manipulation of probably every single terrorist group on the planet.
So what would make more sense: to fear Muslims or the western security services which carefully manipulate the Takfiri freaks?

The truth is what the very same western security agencies which control the Takfiri freaks want us all to hate Muslims. Why? Simply to create an atmosphere of social chaos, civil strive and even civil war. So while we are busing hunting down those "evil Muslims" they can continue to exploit us all.

So what can we do?

Simple! Our imperial overlords want us to do exactly three things:
  • Be terrified
  • Hate
  • Stop thinking
So all we need to do is to
  • Reject fear, endorse courage
  • Love
  • Think
It is really that simple. If we fear, hate and stop thinking - they win. If we refuse to fear, if we love and if we think - we win. Their entire Empire has been built on fear, hate and stupidity. Let's bring it down by courage, love and intelligence!
What we saw today in Paris was 3 millions and 40 heads of state demonstrating for two basic reasons: some were brainwashed by the media frenzy, others did so for political reasons. 3 million brainwashed zombies and hypocrites. Let them. But let us also proclaim loud and clear that we are NOT falling into their trap, that they will NOT pollute our souls with hatred and our brains with stupidity, that if there are millions of brainwashed and zombified people, there are billions who see through the lies and who reject this entire "mental landscape" of hate, fear and stupidity.
The Saker

Any more questions ?
The same applies the other way around , eg a Westerner drawing a cartoon of a historical Islamic figure but condemning anyone drawing pictures of Jews as "Nazis" or "anti-semites" etc...
Monsters of Our Own Creation
I am Not Charlie
The huge march and rally in Paris that took place in the wake of the horrific events that took place in the French capital was a festival of nauseating hypocrisy.

Watching the leaders of governments which, between them, have been responsible for carnage and mayhem on a grand scale – the likes of Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, for example – leading a march against terrorism and extremism qualified not so much as the theatre of the absurd but as the theatre of the grotesque; impostors at an event that millions of people allowed themselves to hope would mark a step-change in a world scarred by war, barbarism, and injustice.

Sadly, they will be disappointed, as the circular relationship that exists between Western extremism and Islamic extremism will not be broken anytime soon. Indeed, if at all, it will be strengthened after the massacre in Paris, as the congenital condition of Western exceptionalism reasserts itself.

When Frantz Fanon wrote, “Violence is man re-creating himself,” he could have been describing the Kouachi brothers striding up and down the street outside the offices of Charlie Hebdo, assault weapons in hand, prior to and after murdering the French-Algerian police officer lying on the pavement with the ease of men for whom all restraint had been abandoned.

The irony of men acting in the name of Islam callously taking the life of a fellow Muslim should not have come as a surprise, however. The vast majority of victims of Islamic extremism, after all, are Muslims, just as they comprise the vast majority of victims of Western extremism. The point is that at this point the Kouachis at that point appeared euphoric, filled with a sense of their own power and strength, having broken through the final barrier that exists between the agony of powerlessness and liberation from it. They had been transformed by the ‘deed’.

“What is good?” Nietzsche asks, before answering, “All that heightens the feeling of power, the will to power, power itself in man.”

Behind them the brothers had left a scene of carnage. For us it was an act of sheer evil, for them justice and power. Within them had taken root a more powerful idea than the one they had been inculcated with growing up with in the heart of Europe. It willed them to seek meaning not in life but in death – that of others and their own.

When confronted by such total rejection of the moral foundations upon which our cultural, social, and human consciousness rests, we dismiss it automatically and unthinkingly, ascribing it to evil, madness, and insanity. Our coping mechanism dare not deviate for a second in this regard. But what if such deeds are acts of rebellion against the evil, madness, and insanity of the status quo, matching evil with evil, madness with madness, and insanity with insanity? What if that?

It is far too simplistic, if understandable, to dismiss such individuals as evil. It allows us to negate their humanity and anything we may recognise in ourselves. They aren’t human beings, such people, they are monsters, beyond the pale and therefore beyond any serious consideration. Ritual condemnation and calumniation is all that society accepts when it comes to those who perpetrate such horrific acts.

Yes, the act of mass murder carried by the Kouachis and Amedy Coulibaly in Paris was monstrous. But was it any more monstrous than the carnage that has been unleashed over many years by men who claim to act in our name? Wasn’t the brutality and barbarism we witnessed on our TV screens, crashing into our collective consciousness, merely a microcosm of the brutality and barbarism that goes by the name Western civilisation? For just as the Enlightenment provided the basis for modern liberal democracy, producing huge advances in science, medicine, and philosophy, it also provided justification for centuries of slavery, colonialism, genocide, ethnic cleansing, and super exploitation.

Je suis Charlie (‘I am Charlie’) describes the delimitation of our solidarity with all victims of extremism and barbarism. It allows us to avoid confronting the ugly truth of our culpability in the fate of those victims. When Aime Cesaire warned that “a civilization which justifies colonization—and therefore force—is already a sick civilization, a civilization which is morally diseased, which irresistibly, progressing from one consequence to another, one denial to another, calls for its Hitler, I mean its punishment,” he was talking to us.

The Kouachis and Coulibaly were not products of radical Islam. They, like it, were the products of Western civilization. They were and are monsters of our own creation.

John Wightis the author of a politically incorrect and irreverent Hollywood memoir –Dreams That Die – published by Zero Books. He’s also written five novels, which are available as Kindle eBooks. You can follow him on Twitter at @JohnWight1

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