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I am Indian, I dare anyone to prove otherwise : Adnan Sami

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there are millions of indians dying for western nationalities around the globe ... point is people do it for economic reasons if adnan has done whats the big deal than ?

bharatis always boast about their fake ego fake shining complex thats the big deal nothing else :)
His parents migrated from India to Pakistan during partition.

Most Mohajirs have a soft spot for India. The leader of Mohajir party made a speech in India saying he wishes to undo partition.

Thats why I strongly believe a Mohajir can not be trusted leading Pakistan. They still love India, even after so many migrants got killed by angry hindu/sikhs mobs, but most who died trying to cross into Pakistan were Punjabi Mohajirs not Urdu-speaking Mohajirs like traitor Adnan Sami and Altaf Hussain.

you cannot trust mohajir leadership yet you live in a country build by an Indian mohajir ..... what a sham
Nationality is a state of mind: Adnan sami

Some one in his "right" state of mind would understand that your nationality stands for your country of birth.

I highly doubt Adnan's "general mental health".
His parents migrated from India to Pakistan during partition.

Most Mohajirs have a soft spot for India. The leader of Mohajir party made a speech in India saying he wishes to undo partition.

Thats why I strongly believe a Mohajir can not be trusted leading Pakistan. They still love India, even after so many migrants got killed by angry hindu/sikhs mobs, but most who died trying to cross into Pakistan were Punjabi Mohajirs not Urdu-speaking Mohajirs like traitor Adnan Sami and Altaf Hussain.

Dont go on the road of ethnic nationalism as it will destroy your already troubled country. Take this advice from a man(me) with tones of experience in this issue.
If any high achiever wants to be Indian citizen, I think GoI should fast track it.
I would love to have Rahat and Atif as Indian.
you cannot trust mohajir leadership yet you live in a country build by an Indian mohajir ..... what a sham

i think both of you are having misconception and understanding.

1. Jinnah was not mohajir for he created a country called Pakistan with help and large sacrifices by Muslims from all ethnic groups and he remained in the same country unlike migrating to Pakistan after many years like those who's loyalties are with Altaf Hussian despite his anti-Pakistan statements.

2. Omar is very right We can not trust Altaf Hussain for leading Pakistan who considers creation of Pakistan as a mistake. he should be kicked back to his country India.

3. We are all ok with Urdu Speaking Pakistanis who's loyalties are more with Pakistan then their ancestors' land (if any). and if any of them still prefer their ancestors' land over Pakistan then they are NOT Pakistanis.

anyway this off topic debate should end here
He is having a disease known as multiple nationality disorder, he used to be a Pakistani, then he used to be Canadian, then he married an Indian and called himself an Indian, now he is married to a German

He is an unstable man, and should be given Indian Nationality
His parents migrated from India to Pakistan during partition.

Most Mohajirs have a soft spot for India. The leader of Mohajir party made a speech in India saying he wishes to undo partition.

Thats why I strongly believe a Mohajir can not be trusted leading Pakistan. They still love India, even after so many migrants got killed by angry hindu/sikhs mobs, but most who died trying to cross into Pakistan were Punjabi Mohajirs not Urdu-speaking Mohajirs like traitor Adnan Sami and Altaf Hussain.

Well said brother. Totally agree with you.
His parents migrated from India to Pakistan during partition.

Most Mohajirs have a soft spot for India. The leader of Mohajir party made a speech in India saying he wishes to undo partition.

Thats why I strongly believe a Mohajir can not be trusted leading Pakistan. They still love India, even after so many migrants got killed by angry hindu/sikhs mobs, but most who died trying to cross into Pakistan were Punjabi Mohajirs not Urdu-speaking Mohajirs like traitor Adnan Sami and Altaf Hussain.

Hope you know Jinaah was technically a Mohajir as well, so was Musharaff. Really its people like you that will lead Pakistan to its doom.
Didn't the word "Indian" originally mean someone who lives on the banks of the Indus River?
End of the day he's a fauji's son, never mind that it was a Pakistani fauji. His dad was Air Force, probably the finest of the Pakistani military; we should cut him some slack at least for the old man's sake.

This is the most preposterous argument i've ever heard from you,and you have made many.
His parents migrated from India to Pakistan during partition.

Most Mohajirs have a soft spot for India. The leader of Mohajir party made a speech in India saying he wishes to undo partition.

Thats why I strongly believe a Mohajir can not be trusted leading Pakistan. They still love India, even after so many migrants got killed by angry hindu/sikhs mobs, but most who died trying to cross into Pakistan were Punjabi Mohajirs not Urdu-speaking Mohajirs like traitor Adnan Sami and Altaf Hussain.

Sir you need to re think before talking about Mohajirs(Pakistani)
Wht made you to give sch statements :angry:
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