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I am going for Hajj

It is said that if you dont have a mehram then hajj is not fardh on you. Look around you there maybe plenty of good work you could do or even are doing that will give you an equivalent sawab .
For instance there is a hadeeth from my beloved Prophet SAW which says that if someone says Ayatul Kursi after each prayer then the only thing between him and Jannah is death. Similarly reading tashahhud after Wudhu every time will ensure that your name is called from all the 8 gates of jannah. Reading subhanAllah,Alhamdo Allah and Allah oAkbar will result in a tree being planted in paradise for you over each time you say the words of the tasbeeh and there is no sense in having trees planted for you if you are not going there is there?
Also saying La illaha illa Allaho wahdahu wa la shareeka lahu lahul mulk wa lahul hamd wa hua al kule shae in adheem 5 times every day will cause you to go into jannah. So in short you dont have to just wait to do hajj just do the things you can to attain Jannah. All the things mentioned are easily doable and you dont have to wish for anything to happen for you to do them. So just do them.
You may also have noticed that most of these things are related to salah. All the things mentioned are read as duas before or after salah. Establishing salah is the most important step in your journey to jannah.
I could go on and on but the point is for a muslim the most important thing and the greatest victory is to avoid hell fire and get to jannah. There are many routes to it but all of them lead to it through salah. If your salah is sound the rest of the journey is easy. If it is missing then the journey will be very tough and may result in failure. I use may as I dont know How Allah izza wa Jal will treat you and indeed me on that day only He izza wa Jal knows best. We can only try our best but salah is an important step in the right direction.
Sorry for the long diatribe but thought this might help you and others. And if it does then Subhan Allah I have a reason to hope.( ameen)

My dua specifically is for khair and protection for all the muslims of the world,and for me protection and mercy of Allah izza wa Jal on the day of judgement when there will be no shade and no help.Also just pray that Allah accepts the one prayer that I make always that is known to no one except Him.(Ameen)

:) Sir thank you for such a beautiful long narrative. Now you and many others may be mad at ,me for saying this but am not looking to go there for any sawab since i believe in Islamic principles like honesty truth and sincerity and pretty much honest in my all kinds of affairs of life neither am looking for any fard/farz element here. All I want to feel that atmosphere of great souls there the land the place where Prophets had touched Kabaa. I dont know how to explain but for me it is like feeling something invisible

I think ladies older than 45 yrs of age may travel for Hajj without a mehram. Perhaps a little patient waiting might work for you.

Thank you for the taunt but that would not be a little patience but a long one and honestly I dont have much time to wait that long years.
Oh man, she is in her 40s. :(And here I thought she was in her 20's.
@Spring Onion you broke my already broken heart. :partay::partay:

Am not here to have an affair with you or anyone else so my age should not be of any concern to anyone here.
Thank you for the taunt but that would not be a little patience but a long one and honestly I dont have much time to wait that long years.

That was not a taunt, madam, but a serious comment. Ladies older than 45 may travel without a mehram.
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"Personal attacks are only an admission of the inability to respond to the contents of posts."



What personal attack? It is a fact that ladies older than 45 are allowed to go for hajj without a mehram. My apologies if you feel that stating a fact was a taunt or attack or anything else. I did not mean anything else by it except to provide information.
:) Sir thank you for such a beautiful long narrative. Now you and many others may be mad at ,me for saying this but am not looking to go there for any sawab since i believe in Islamic principles like honesty truth and sincerity and pretty much honest in my all kinds of affairs of life neither am looking for any fard/farz element here. All I want to feel that atmosphere of great souls there the land the place where Prophets had touched Kabaa. I dont know how to explain but for me it is like feeling something invisible
I think till you have a religious reason for going there, it will be a waste of time. Paradoxically what you are describing is very much part of the religious experience. The whole experience is stooped in tradition as you tread the same routes where a lot of great men lived, preached, fought and died. I would not degrade sawab that easily though. Sawab is the ultimate currency of a muslim. If you exclude that what else are you going to take with you to AllahSWT. Remember that" indeed the deen in the eyes of Allah is Islam. So whosoever obeys something other than this deen , it will never be accepted from him." So if you want success it is sticking to the faraid and following the sunnah of our ProphetSAW. The truthfullness and honesty will only be marked afterwards.
:) Sir thank you for such a beautiful long narrative. Now you and many others may be mad at ,me for saying this but am not looking to go there for any sawab since i believe in Islamic principles like honesty truth and sincerity and pretty much honest in my all kinds of affairs of life neither am looking for any fard/farz element here. All I want to feel that atmosphere of great souls there the land the place where Prophets had touched Kabaa. I dont know how to explain but for me it is like feeling something invisible

Thank you for the taunt but that would not be a little patience but a long one and honestly I dont have much time to wait that long years.

Am not here to have an affair with you or anyone else so my age should not be of any concern to anyone here.
Wow... why so grumpy... :o:
Guys with the name of Allah the most merciful, i got my Hajj visa and this year my whole family and relatives will go to Hajj 2015.

@waz @Horus @Zarvan @WebMaster @Abu Nasar @Akheilos @Hazzy997 @al-Hasani @Yzd Khalifa @Mosamania @MastanKhan @Jungibaaz @Kaan @GreenFalcon @Zarvan @PWFI @chauvunist @Areesh @BDforever @Fahad Khan 2 @JanjaWeed @Devil Soul @Fulcrum15 @ranjeet @Koovie @Jazzbot @Raja.Pakistani @NKVD @nair @levina @Jungibaaz @W.11 @American Pakistani @HRK @Leader @iranigirl2 @Jaanbaz @Ceylal @MOHSENAM @Zizou @500 @Luftwaffe @Armstrong @Sidak @scorpionx @Indischer @Roybot @krash @American Pakistani @Soumitra @Nihonjin1051 @cnleio @Jf Thunder@Imran Khan@Horus@Norwegian@OrionHunter @cb4 @Arsalan@Donatello@Oscar@Hyperion@Bratva@DESERT FIGHTER@Dazzler@ChineseTiger1986 @Tempest II @A.Rafay@Ahmad1996@airmarshal@Akheilos@Armstrong@arushbhai@AstanoshKhan@AZADPAKISTAN2009@balixd@batmannow@Bilal.@chauvunist@Crypto@Dr. Stranglove@Evil Flare@EyanKhan@GIANTsasquatch@graphican@Green Arrow@Guleen Ahmed@HRK@Jazzbot@Junaid B@Jzaib@Khalidr@khawaja07@Leader@Luftwaffe@Marshmallow@mr42O@Muhammad Omar@nomi007@Pak123@Pakistani shaheens@Pakistanisage@Peaceful Civilian@pkuser2k12@Pukhtoon@PWFI@raazh@Rafael@Rashid Mahmood@RescueRanger@Saifkhan12@Sedqal@SHAMK9@Spy Master@Stealth@Strike X@SUPARCO@sur@syedali73@Tameem@TankMan@Tayyab1796@Zarvan@waleed3601@AdeelFaheem@Rajput_Pakistani@Men in Green@orakzai4u@IceCold@LoveIcon@razahassan1997@Cheetah786@Dil Pakistan@Donatello@asq@junaid hamza@SBD-3@cb4@AsianUnion@Aether@xyxmt@Proudpakistaniguy@WishLivePak@Waffen SS@FaujHistorian@Fracker@Ranches@ghoul@Jf Thunder@GreenFalcon@genmirajborgza786@orangzaib@Pakistani Exile@KURUMAYA@Irfan Baloch@ali_raza@Syed.Ali.Haider@dexter@Patriots@muslim_pakistani@W.11@Meengla@zaid butt@ajpirzada@Shoaib Rathore@OrionHunter@CHARGER@Major Sam@yesboss@TheFlyingPretzel@TheNoob@Bratva@ghazaliy2k@Viny@StormShadow@suresh1773@SOHEIL@venu309@danish_vij@Force-India@faisal6309@SpArK@S.U.R.B.@vsdave2302@jarves@WAJsal@pursuit of happiness@Winchester@janon@pak-marine@AgNoStiC MuSliM@420canada@sathya@HughSlaman@ChineseTiger1986 @Chinese-Dragon @Chinese Bamboo @cirr @rott@rockstar08 @atanz
Didnt see you, you alright?
. . . . .
Alhumdullah i am fine and i finished my Hajj and family is safe too and pray a lot for for all of you guys. Tomorrow i will be Karachi for 15 days

Masha Allah brother @ghazaliy2k Allah aap key Hajj or tamaam duaon ko qubuool farmayey (Ameen). All your comrades at PDF were concerned about you and your family's well being and now relieved to know that you are safe and sound.I hope you enjoy your trip to Karachi as well.
Masha Allah brother @ghazaliy2k Allah aap key Hajj or tamaam duaon ko qubuool farmayey (Ameen). All your comrades at PDF were concerned about you and your family's well being and now relieved to know that you are safe and sound.I hope you enjoy your trip to Karachi as well.

Thanks brother and i know that PDF is my second family and i thanks all the prayers you guys did for my protections. Allah bless you all. Ameen
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